The *Beginning* is Near

in newearth •  6 years ago 

Originally posted Jan 11, 2016. My additional thoughts in brackets from today, August 3, 2018:

The End - or Beginning - is Near. Of life as we know it.

I’m not trying to be a fortune teller. I’m just stating a fact of predictive fiction. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with predictive fiction? It’s a genre that takes current technological advances and takes them to their logical conclusion. Except I’m going to call this “predictive intuition.”

To support the above declaration, I’m taking current trends in our existence and taking them to their natural conclusion:

  1. Government: Jesus is coming back [to take his place as Earth's Planetary Prince - while maintaining his sovereignty over our universe. My prediction is he won't return until all involved in the Lucifer rebellion are adjudicated and our planet's inhabitants are ready to be loyal to Him - could be a while]. The celestial officials assure us this is true, that we can trust what he declared. [i.e: For the first time since the Rebellion and the Adamic default, we will have full universal law and order restored]

  2. Exopolitics: [post adjudication] Critical mass of awareness of other inter-stellar and inter-dimensional beings will be reached among earth humans coinciding with the angelic lifting of the quarantine our planet has been under since the Lucifer Rebellion. [i.e. the angelic circuits will be open again and celestials - and we - will once again be able to fully access communication with the rest of the universe]

  3. Arts: along with our spiritual capacity, our artistic and musical expressions will become more and more “anointed” (to use Christian-speak) and more “centered in Light and Love” (to use Light community speak). [i.e. more and more artists will choose to/be called to pattern their work after celestial/cosmic realities. This is in stark contrast to the Luciferian cult dominance wielded over much of popular art, film, and other entertainment throughout the past millennia]

  4. Spirit: telepathy, teleportation, remote viewing and healing, channeling, “seeing” in the spirit, and other 4th density abilities emerging more and more

  5. Religion: Light and Dark intensify; organized religion gives way to a global awakening of being children of the First Source and Center [i.e. people finally love and serve God as Father and fellow beings as universal siblings; outward religious practices/expressions are diverse and individual]

  6. Science: Natural/supernatural and the material/immaterial become unified as Immaterial Cause can no longer be denied as the Source of all Material by honest researchers. Pure energy to matter conversion is credited to Creator Power. [i.e. science and religion become equally valid facets of the study of Creator and Creation]

[7. Media: Truth media will prevail; full disclosure, freedom of the press, and honest crowd-sourced intel will completely replace Mockingbird Media, paid opposition news, mis- and disinformation.]

Books and topics to check out:

I Want to be Left Behind [debunks the rapture using the Bible]

What the Real Prophets are Saying [Christian seers respond to current day transitions]

Laura Eisenhower [exopolitics, ascension, alchemy]

Pegasus project [teleportation]

ECETI Ranch [James Gilliand's center for CE-5 experiences and Light worker summits]

the Urantia Book [the comprehensive celestial revelation and compilation of cosmology for the coming age]

New Energy [torus, zero point energy]

New Earth/New Heaven

Spiritual Ascension

Plasma/orbs/crop circles [work of William Levengood and Penny Kelly]

2012/The Shift/Awakening

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