wealth, power and systems — what a weird abstracted decentralised life we lead.

in newerst33m •  5 years ago 

[abstraction sundaze]

it’s always intriguing to me to watch and read (i.e lurk) between the hallowed halls of the steemiverse. If you talk steem, newst33m or wealth then you’ll be in good company and be able to circle jerk your way to wealth generation or play the power game and buy more so you can have your hand in the game and you can feel all middle class and accepted. It’s kinda cute and comical to watch what part of a persons identity is always up for sale and how they come to terms with it.

But what if you just wanna post. You know, like blog. Like that’s the a thing you can do here right? What if your not really interested in stacking wealth, having a virtual locker room full of weird ass sounding token names and point scoring how well you are doing by talking about how much of a vapid asset you have, it’s kinda boring no? It’s like counting bits of lego, I’m grown now.

mapping out where you are now and where you want to be takes plans, unfortunately money/resources and time — planning is everything.

maybe I just don’t base my identity and personality of how well I’ve managed to understand how to ‘play the game’ — maybe to me, my notion of living a human life is not to play it like a game at all and in fact just ‘be’ — why do I have to be even conform to notions of what a ‘success’ is. Simply put, I don’t even entertain this box method of putting ourselves in, it’s far too basic and limiting at face value, I’m working on being more open to opportunities that feel right thou.. .

It’s not to make it easier on myself either, it’s because if the end goal and remit is to have more than the next person then what does that leave for the living part? I mean like, congrats you stacked ‘something’ you working out the algorithm and you bought the ticket and took the journey! Aside from that, is that not just a ego driven vanity play and actually ended up contributed to the already unbalanced have and have not’s of this world.

are we merely swapping a system we don’t like for one that fills us with notions of soft fluffy clouds and digital assets because it’s mentally easier to manage than the roadblocks and resistant of centralised out of date methodology that’s obviously archaic and not fit for purpose.

I’m not interested in playing tag based roulette, sniffing your ass hole and telling you that you smell of roses. It’s not that I’m ‘negative’ as you would class me (because anything less than positive is against the rule of steem) it’s just that I have more self respect than to play/adapt and grovel and your maths equation ‘happy ending’ spunk session behaviour curve.

It’s just kinda lame, like trying to pop ecstasy drugs at 8am on a Sunday morning to keep last nights rave going when everyone has already fucked off, when it’s done, it’s done. know your limits ;)

It’s almost like I see a whole generation trying to claw back a life from already spending it and getting caught out by the system before it that fucked you. Like if you can carved out a space here you’ll be ready for the next abstraction. I kinda understand that, code is law notion. ..

. ..that steem was emitted and released, it happened in a time frame, in the general relativity we know as ‘time’ at least and sure it stacks up WAY more than pulling down trees and printing paper notes from some ‘reserve’ that is actually not part of the government but some kind of node on the edge of the bigger network. ..

But it does feel all rather desperate and needy at times, like a craigslist of blog entries all looking for a better home for the next deflated ‘dear diary’ entry about some vapid in time exchange wrapped in desperation for some level of human connection — I guess I’m just describing the way we use technology to surround ourselves with things that make us feel safe with our minds and not always with our physical hearts.

Replacing beating slightly out of sync hearts and all it’s chaos with uniform in time, synchronising block creation in return for some kind of ketamine replacement for the real world. with all it’s generic pseudo faux entrails hanging out, just jizzing into the world because someone made of with the decade long repair bill money for infrastructure and in turn forgot to fix the leaky faucet of societal norms along the way.

System replacing systems, ai replacing humans, efficiency replacing compassion, order falling to chaos.

Look, I’m not against some of it. .. but..

.. . I just wanna know why I don’t have my fucking hoverboard yet.

__humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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