New to Steemit

in newmember •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemit world!
I could spend days giving my life (soon to be 50) story here!

My life hasn't been the greatest but it has been blessed! I have children and 3 grandbabies that are my life. Been married twice, divorced once. Lived with my 2 youngest father for 13 years.
Spent YEARS alone, and then BANG met my soulmate!
David and I spent 3 years getting to know each other. Married and then 1 1/2 years after saying WE DO, he had an accident....
Yes I became a widow before the age of 50.

Life threw me a major knuckle curve ball, BUT
I have my life to live! David loved me and wanted me happy here on earth I believe in my heart that hasn't changed. I have my days! Bad days in time seem to fade, but the pain and empty spot in my heart and life will always be there!

I'm not here to be give a sad poor me story. But I would like to let others know that I am here if they would like to talk/chat or just to know they are not alone! Losing your spouse no matter how long you have been married or how they passed is hard! NO ONE can honestly say they know how you feel. We all grieve different we love different. WE ARE DIFFERENT. I will say I understand how the person feels. I can give "advice" of how I dealt day to day. Share things that pushed me to get back into a normal daily routine.

I'm new to all this on steemit and just testing the waters of telling my story!
I'm pretty excited and look forward to the future here!

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Welcome toniaallen67
Hard work pays
Neva giv up
Steem on

Thank YOU! Giving up is not part of my plan! Working hard and moving forward!