Homefront: Video Game or Part of A HUGE Script

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

We often times see future events portrayed in media such as movies and video games. Over the last several years a lot of movies and shows have been predicting future events (Most notably the Simpsons) but in my own experience, it is rare to see this in a video game. Well, I'd like to direct everyone's attention to Homefront. A video game that came out in March of 2011 which has seemed to foretell MANY events that have been occurring! (Albeit the dates have been off.) Take a look at this trailer and we'll break down exactly what has happened.

The first thing to stand out was the death of Kim Jong Ill who died December 17, 2011. Not long after the game was released, and just a few weeks short of that 2012 time that they predicted in this game. Secondly, was mentioned "Severe sanctions placed on North Korea". Not only has that happened TWICE recently, but it actually happened in 2012.

The committee's move on Wednesday also expanded the list of missile-related goods North Korea is not allowed to import, the U.N. statement said. The Security Council imposed two rounds of sanctions on Pyongyang after its 2006 and 2009 nuclear tests.


Now a recent development in the news, Kim Jong Un is wanting a peace with South Korea and wanting to send participants to the PyeongCheng Winter Olympics!!

He is wanting to melt away the problems between the North and the South to foster peace between the two countries! As much of an optimist I want to be when it comes to war talk, could this be the start of the Greater Korean Republic that seems to take the world by storm in Homefront? Kim Jong Un's statement did have it's sharp side, wanting to continue his nuclear developments, but this could be the start of something either amazing or horrible.


The next point to talk about is the "Saudi-Iran War" mentioned in the trailer. These two have been at odds for years, but a recent development could make this an event to occur VERY soon. A few months back an article came about claiming Saudi Arabia finances a lot of Israel's weapons!! And as we all should know Iran is not a friend of Israel in the slightest!

In the past, I’ve noted that George Bush allocated $400-million in 2007 for just such sabotage directed against Iran. I presumed that a good deal of that funding might end up supporting similar sorts of Israeli efforts. It’s possible that the new Obama administration cut off this funding after assuming office in 2008. Whatever the reason, Saudi Arabia is now a critical funder of Israel’s military effort against Iran.


Could this be the spark to ignite a war between Saudi and Iran?


Another big point was for 2017 being an increased spike in civil unrest. This was due to the fall of the US dollar, but we have seen a huge increase in riots in the US this year. But the final point to make aware is the scene of a satellite from the Greater Korean Republic striking the US with an EMP attack. That is something that has been debated for a while, with one of North Korea's satellites going over the US many times. Could the makers of this game have had a greater knowledge when developing it? All of these events cannot be a coincidence.

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This is pretty interesting...There might be some interesting parallels from the messages in the video game. Time will tell.

thanks for your information

Very interesting, We'll know soon enough

They certainly played several scenarios that are uncannily similar to recent and upcoming events. Socially, this predictiveness could be viewed as groundwork for a future reaction.

Always interesting to see these types of things in media and games and then turn around and see them come to pass in real life.