5 Reasons to Question the Official Narrative of the Florida School Shooting

in news •  7 years ago 

Anytime a shooting happens, it’s a tragic event whether it was a false flag or a legitimate mass shooting by a lunatic; but just because people died doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question the veracity of the events reported. Here are 5 reasons why you should question the recent shooting and remain vigilant.

1. There was a drill planned the day of the shooting.

Coincidentally, earlier on the day of the shooting, teachers at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were told there would soon be a ‘code red’ or ‘lockdown’ drill, to practice their response to an immediate threat, Miami Herald reported

2.  The shooter claims he heard “demonic voices.”

The shooter Nikolas Cruz is claiming to have heard “demonic voices,” like previous mass shooting suspects – Sirhan Sirhan, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, David Chapman,  Jared Loughner, Aaron Alexis or any of the other shooters who heard strange voices before carrying out their acts of horror, according to Daily Mail. (See this writer’s article: “I HEAR VOICES: MKUltra? A Worrying Trend Of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders.”)

3. The shooter arrived in an Uber and left the scene blending into the crowd then peacefully surrendered.

Cruz, who is alleged to suffer from autism, depression and other significant psychological problems according to his legal team, arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in an Uber ride. He then opened fire at the school, shooting into rooms 1215, 1216, 1214 … he then went back into 1216, 1215 and then to 1213 according to his arrest affidavit.

“The suspect then took the west stairwell to the second floor and shot one victim in room 1234 on the second floor. The suspect then took the east stairwell to the third floor … he then dropped his rifle and backpack containing extra ammunition and ran down the stairs … exiting building 12 and ran toward the tennis courts,” the affidavit continued.

“The suspect then arrived at a Walmart store and bought a drink at the Subway and left the Walmart on foot.”According to the police timeline, he arrived at Walmart at 2:50 p.m.“The suspect then arrived at a McDonald’s and sat down for a short period of time around 3:01 p.m. and he left on foot.”

“At 3:41 p.m., 40 minutes after leaving McDonald’s, the suspect was detained at 4700 Wyndham Lakes Drive in Coral Springs, by an officer with the Coconut Creek Police Department,” Sheriff Israel concluded.Cruz was expelled from the school last year after students said he got into a fight with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was caught with bullets in his backpack.

4. Witnesses claim multiple gunmen, while the media and police report a lone wolf narrative.

Three witnesses claim that there were multiple shooters, while one account is less detailed and based on meeting the shooter in the hallway and hearing gunshots ringing out. Another account of the shooting details multiple shooters where the woman states, “there were three shooters that’s what I heard … I saw some other kid and he was wearing some type of thing.” 

5. The shooting is being used to take away our freedoms.

The fifth – and possibly the most important reason – the shooter allegedly posted on some random YouTube channel that he was about to carry out the disgusting mass murder. Which the Youtube channel owner Ben Bennight then reported to the FBI and Youtube.“I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” A YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz commented on a video on Sept. 24, 2017.

As a result of this, the county sheriff Scott Israel in charge of investigating the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, pleaded with lawmakers on Thursday to give police and doctors more power to involuntarily hospitalize people for psychiatric evaluation over posts on social media that are deemed “violent and threatening.”

“if they see something on social media, if they see graphic pictures of rifles and blood and gore and guns and bombs, if they see something, horrific language, if they see a person talking about ‘I want to grow up to be a serial killer,” Israel said.

Then there are the consistent calls to ban guns and dismantle the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms … like banning firearms, a tool used to aggress or defend is going to do anything. One could argue that if someone in that school had a firearm the damage done could have been minimized. 

Meanwhile, besides the shooting being used to attempt to take away Internet freedoms and to dismantle the 2nd Amendment, everyone is ignoring and distracted from the fact that France and many other nations including the U.S. are preparing for war in Syria over another chemical weapons attack. Additionally, the U.S. has destroyed a Russian tank in “self-defense” as well as blaming Russia for the chemical weapons inching us closer to WW3 with Moscow.

Fun fact: the last time the U.S. was ready to go to war in Syria over chemical weapons, the military stood up and said it wouldn’t fight alongside Al-Qaeda with a hashtag campaign #IdidntJoin … then a shooter shot up the Navy yard. In that shooting, the suspect carved into his gun “MY ELF WEAPON”and filed a police report (below) where he said: “the government was controlling my mind.” 

 So think of that what you will in light of this recent shooter also saying he heard voices that he described as “demons.” Then calming down and peacefully surrendering like nothing had happened…

With all this information, one should question whether Nikolas Cruz was a Manchurian candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to be the fall guy in this situation, or at the very least just a shooter being used to eradicate our rights and distract us from an erupting dangerous situation in Syria. Taking advantage of a tragedy? No matter what way you look at this, we lose; as Rahm Emanuelonce famously said “never let a good tragedy go to waste.”

An important note: if this was a false flag attack that doesn’t mean that people didn’t die, as history has proven from many suggestions of false flags such as Operation Northwoods against Cuba, or the false flag to go to war with Russia during the Cold War. In both, deep state groups within the government suggested murdering innocent Americans for political purposes. 

Written by @an0nkn0wledge for @ActivistPost. Stay Free!

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I'm equally skeptical of all explanations, but I am more inclined to suspect the government policy is just "never let a tragedy go to waste," rather than, "Let's create a tragedy." The government school system is broken, and it marginalizes people who don't fit its mold as it is. Add on the creation of a guaranteed victim disarmament zone, this kind of thing becomes less of a surprise, unfortunately.

What we do have is public schools that serve as progressive socialist indoctrination camps. Not only do public schools ignore childrens' feelings and interests and treat interpersonal relationships as a superfluous obstacle to obedience, but they even encourage the sort of divisive group mentality that leads people to go insane and decide that it's ok to shoot up their classmates (or alternatively to eat tide pods for internet attention points).

It's both and that's the point we can't really determine which it is. Throughout history tragedies have been exploited for political gain and were suggested to be created. Then you have the regime change operations of the CIA which were carried out in various countries. So honestly, anything is possible.

I agree. I don't see why it is so difficult to believe that there are a small number of genuinely insane people, or people who just decide that the only point in life is to become (in)famous. I also don't see why it is so hard to believe that a lot of people genuinely believe in gun control as a way to address that. Even if you disagree with the reasoning, can't you see why some people will think that it is a good solution? I definitely know a lot of normal, everyday people who support at least some gun control. I feel like the explanation that people just genuinely support a view rather than it has to be a conspiracy makes a lot more sense. Even if you think it is a conspiracy, it would be more like the government just takes advantage of things in order to push whatever agenda.

I know why they think it's a good idea. Their minds were stunted by public school education, and the only solution they can imagine anymore is, "more government!"

All of human history is filled with violence, invasions, kings, emperors, warlords, etc, long before America existed. It is a complete crock to suggest that America somehow has a monopoly on this history. America is violent because human beings are violent, and especially the sociopaths who tend to become leaders of society.

Why not mention the NSA event which is the real other event that might have had national headlines without this one?



I find the gun control angle uncompelling, it is more likely to me part of a strategy of tension designed to keep a civilian population in a state of war and/or otherwise ease the manipulation of a population:



What goes around comes around, the US has done this to other countries for at least a hundred years, now we try it on for size.

btw who funds/operates activist post? who started it? why do you use so much tracking on your website?

Voluntary ads fund activistpost. Founded by peace, liberty, and truth activists. Some tracking is used, for instance, to determine who's already on our email list so we don't hit them with newsletter popups etc. It's always a delicate balance to try to make enough money to fund the operation. Getting harder everyday since we've been blacklisted by all major ad networks and Facebook, and our YouTube channel terminated, etc, etc. We're grateful for Steemit.

See, I just don't know if the actual founding of an organization is so shrouded.

The entire strategy of opposing the corporate state, the entire point of activism at this point from just about every angle, depends upon them not being able to predict our every move and thought.

Any org then who likes to use facebork and is not divorcing from it like the vampire spy octopus it is, simply cannot earn my trust.

How can the tradeoff between tracking on the website be anywhere near what is gained by protection from email list duplicates? The tradeoff just doesn't add up. Besides no one gets news from email, it is just spam at this point.

Further, one of your writer, Derrick Broze, is obviously a cop/infiltrator. I have investigated the conscious resistance and it is not what it claims to be. He is not an investigator as he only resposts and he is not an anarchist, as when asked about his work he was a jerk about it and said I should not be 'entitled' to answers, also he said 'no one cares what I think.'

This is in the block chain. I guess I should say at this point I am investigating you as well, and I am already 95% certain due to your associations with fb, broze and the shaggy dog origin story of your site, plus the meaninguless name.

Do you have anything else you would like to add to the blockchain to refute this accusation? (btw making it personal about me is going to fit the clear pattern of all other obvious disinfo accounts I have encountered. ignoring completely would be #2, evading the question(like you did about the NSA question at the beginning) is #3.

I'm trying to be as polite as I can but investigative reporting has to be oppositional, which is another thing disinfo agents seem to be unaware of.

Thank you for your consideration, I am resisting the post-truth world and this is what that means for me. Which I of course write about in my blog if you're interested.

What the actual fuck do you mean associations with Facebook? We are BLACKLISTED on Facebook. We still use FB given we have 500K+ people but I am working on helping create onG.Social a new social media platform where users can get paid for their content similar to Steemit except FB style.

" I am investigating you as well, and I am already 95% certain due to your associations with fb, broze and the shaggy dog origin story of your site, plus the meaninguless name."

Further, I mentioned the NSA shooting on Twitter so try again. Your accusation is baseless. Oh and if you call me a disinformation agent for attacking you for your lack of knowledge of Activist Post, let me know when you have as many accomplishments as I do and you are hacked and have all your articles deleted for knowing too much information.

Finally, Derrick Broze, although I don't know him well, has more accomplishments then you do. Learn respect or you get completely shunned from the alternative media community. But hey you are already bashing tons of people in the alt media you must be incredibly stupid to burn so many bridges with people you don't even know or care to get to know.

All these people you mention who i know in one way or another have more accomplishments then you do. Seeing as you are bashing all my friends I have flagged your last few posts enjoy your time at Steemit its going to be a harsh one until you realize people control your pay so don't cause unneeded trouble. I don't want to have to do this again, but the accusations you are throwing around just made me mad because you don't know the people you are talking about.

I understand that everyone has opinions and you are free to yours however, calling everyone I know disinformation agents many who are struggling just to get by is not okay.


Because I just saw you looked into my other articles I unflagged the comment above and upvoted it as well as unflagged the other articles I did out of spite of anger. But I flagged your article on all my friends.

Please take some time to actually get to know people rather than calling them "disinformation agents."
In general alternative media is suffering from an ad blockade and censorship by Twitter and Facebook don't make it harder on independent journalists.



I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one who thinks the media is painting the wrong picture reasons best known to them.... Nice post

Not enough attention has been paid to the role of anti-psychotics, SSRIs, and all manner of pschotropic meds that induce acute psychosis in a small percentage of users. Get the CDC to start investigating ... oops ... that won't work they are part of the problem.

Thank you for the information. Upvoted and resteemed. Also, did you happen to see that they are tearing down one of the buildings on campus?


Working in public education, anytime there is a demolition and plans to put up a new building, it has to be up for a vote with the county. It's just very strange to me that they made this decision less than 48 hours after the shooting.

Good 5 Reasons list.

In the video, the first female witness attesting to multiple shooters appears genuine and believable. But there's something off about the second girl (the blond) about her testimony. She eludes to meeting Cruz after the shooting even suggesting, perhaps jokingly, that he partook in it, yet speaks in a very nonchalant and unaffected (neither scared nor sad) way, even smiling about it; that is definitely not normal for one who would give such an account.

Or, is it just me?

What is your take on her eyewitness testimony?

I agree. The fact that she is smiling is just weird and it seems to go along with every other mass shooting incident. Either it's not real or we have a really sociopathic society.

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This was just some kid gone crazy. Unfortunately, it's a complete reflection on society today. As a parent, it is my biggest fear and my complete sympothies and prayers are with the victim's families.

Yet another story we will never know the full truth about thanks to the lame stream media and the FBI not following through.

Trying desperately to upvote this post and all I am getting is the "circle of death"

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I feel that these events occur because of mental problems that criminals have and not because of weapons, in Switzerland they have a very high rate of weapons, and yet this does not happen, and like Switzerland there are many more, as there are also examples of countries where there is no right to weapon possession, and the rates of violence and murders by firearms are also very high, that is, this problem is not necessarily linked to weapons, that there is a political agenda that wants to see the Americans disarmed , or that simply wants to take political advantage of these unpleasant events. These types of events are the clear example of the modern cultural disorder, where is the family of that young man? where are the values? the teachers did not notice that something was wrong with that boy? I had friends? they continue to destroy the values ​​and pillars of Western culture, destroy the values ​​of the traditional family, the media explicitly sell a life of drug addiction and irresponsibility and sponsor a materialistic society, and then they want to blame the weapons, God ...

Welcome to Steemit, Hope you learn new things and be a better part of this community, also let's be friends? follow me @seekdiscomfort

Very interesting I must say...when I first heard that the school had just had a fire drill earlier in the day and then another drill earlier in the week I wondered if there was more to this story than we've been told. Liked all the research you did.

I wonder what they will say they found at the so-called suspect's house.

I'm always skeptical about these shootings.I mean how long it takes to shoot that much people and WALK up and down in the school? Where were the first respondents?? If someone was shot a gun on the streets here,I guarantee you the police arrives within minutes!Somehow it took much longer in Florida.Isn't that weird?

I'm getting increasingly skeptical of the way these shootings are reported. They always seem to happen when gun control gets shut down in the legislative process. The fact is that the number of us that believe in the second ammendment still outnumber those who don't, and they use these events to try and change that at every opportunity. I live in Texas, and the school my boys go to has armed teachers. Hard targets don't get attacked by mentally deranged cowards. Your safety is your responsibility and not that of a governement.


I've been archiving some videos that seem odd in relation to the event. I hope people take the time to check them out as some things are not adding up, as usual, with this one.

Now Playing on Dtube: Deterring Bullets - Florida School Shooting Victim States She Used Book to Deter Bullets From Hitting Her


Multiple Shooters Participated in Florida School Shooting According to Eyewitness Alexa Miednik




Statement from Florida School Shooting Witness Contradicts Official Version of Listed Deceased Victims


CIA Terrorism Expert Cries on CNN During Wolf Blitzer Interview About Florida School Shooting


He is a white, male terrorist. Why use the word lunatic. Lunatic is appropriate for all terrorists, but we should stay consistent in this War of Terror we're all in the middle of.

What do you the role of the drill was during the shooting? To maximize casualties?

I published an article on MKULTRA here. Would love to hear what you think.

That’s a great report. I agree with all of it. None of the dead children have SSN, not one ever had a bite th certificate signed... same with sandy hook kids. I will go so far as to say they probably are using this autistic gun loving boy to ban guns, or hide the fact that Israel is murdering children and women in their homes at night in the Middle East.

Distract, Distort and Deceive! The only three words the elites require to achieve their endgame. Control the narrative and you have ultimate
C O N T R O L!

Trying desperately to upvote this post and all I am getting it the "circle of death"

Good post