Up to this point, you’ve had no idea which candidate I — a single, urban, feminist, anti-racist, female-identifying, liberal academic — supported in this election.
I won’t reveal my political stance today, either. The Biden/Harris victory is neither “good” nor “bad” and no political position is “better” than another. Choosing an accomplished woman of color to hold the second most powerful position in the free world isn’t better than grabbing women by their pussies; it’s just different. Reaching out to the disabled community during a victory speech isn’t better than physically mocking a person with a disability; it’s just an alternate rhetorical choice.
It doesn’t matter at all to me who won or lost this election. What matters is that as a college professor I respect ALL viewpoints as equally valid and valuable and that I continue pretending to be a soulless automaton hired to deliver course content in a vacuum and in accordance with the Institution’s stated learning outcomes. Because that’s how we connect.
I know that what you really need from me — more than passion, more than ideology, more than a solid command of my discipline — is a steadfast and stagnant absolute neutrality. Because the real danger to you as American college students is not economic inequity or criminally high tuition rates or racial injustice or food insecurity or lack of access to mental health services or sexual assault or even the coronavirus; it’s liberal college professors.
Liberal college professors hurt students when we reveal our liberalism because college students are children who cannot form their own opinions. You might not be able to hold your own against people who want you to be accepted and celebrated regardless of your race, gender, or sexual orientation. Telling you about my loopy commitment to advocate for a better future for you could be unsettling and confusing.
Actually, you all look pretty confused right now. It’s almost as though you’ve suspected my political leanings all along and know exactly how elated I am today, as though we’re playing some sort of wink-wink game of text and subtext. It’s almost as though the vast, vast, vast majority of you already share my dangerous liberal values and think it’s silly that we’re dancing around the topic like my Wiccan circle probably dances around a fire.
Last week when Haley-who-recently-came-out shared that her staunchly republican parents voted for Joe Biden because they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a candidate who didn’t recognize their daughter’s full humanity, I got the feeling that Haley secretly hoped I’d praise her parents rather than just nodding neutrally and saying, “Well, the important thing is that people exercise their right to vote.” I’m really sorry about that, Haley. I think your parents are fucking beautiful, and if they HAD voted for Donald Trump after you took the biggest emotional risk of your life in coming out to them, I’d have had something to say about that, too.
But those aren’t the kind of conversations we’re supposed to have in a college classroom. Let’s talk about this standardized rubric.