Racist Xenophobic Americans Want Strong Borders, Just Like Their Racist Xenophobic Mexican NeighborssteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

With Trump's recent signing of executive orders to strength America's borders, bringing the illegal immigration issue back to the forefront "tolerant" rational debate. And for all the vitriolic hate spewed towards Americans who support curbing illegal immigration and tightening border security, even Mexico's President has now stepped in, vowing to protect illegals living in the U.S. from Trump.

Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto sent out a message to so-called migrants from his country who are now living in America – code for illegals – that said this: We’ll shelter you from President Donald Trump’s deportation storm.

Full Article: Mexico President Vows to Protect Illegals Living in U.S. From Trump

Now, ordinarily that wouldn't seem to be such a big deal, except that Mexico itself has some of the strictest anti-Immigration laws anywhere. In Mexico, the consequences for violating immigration laws are quite severe, and include mandatory jail time. And Mexican prisons (as demonstrated here and here) make the worst U.S. prisons look like country clubs, which is saying a lot. After they survive Mexican jail, they are then summarily deported.

This article from back in 2006 describes it best:

At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve our illegal immigration problem. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

  • in the country legally;
  • have the means to sustain themselves economically;
  • not destined to be burdens on society;
  • of economic and social benefit to society;
  • of good character and have no criminal records; and
  • contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
    The law also ensures that:
  • immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
  • foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
  • foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
  • foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
  • foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
  • those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.

Full Story: Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Try It Here at Home

If the hypocrisy here is still not yet evident, this recent Tucker Carlson interview should help clarify any doubt, as he takes on Border Angels founder and pro-"illegal immigration" advocate Enrique Morones on why America's borders should not be protected. Enrique Morones is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Mexico, and describes himself as a proud American, and even prouder Mexican because he believes Trump's border security plans are immoral. Morones also says "What @POTUS has said, stated and lived by are very racist, very xenophobic... and it's a very, very sad state of affairs". When asked what he thinks of Mexico's tough immigration laws, he tries every way he can to skirt the question and redirect the issue back to "you're all racists"! He also objects to Tucker using the "racist" term "illegal aliens", used for years by the Obama administration. They are "undocumented people" he says...

And while we're at it, Canada has some pretty tough immigration laws as well:

Many liberal millennials made the same claim and a surge in traffic actually knocked Canada’s immigration website offline after Trump was declared the winner. There’s just one problem with their plan: Canada probably doesn’t want them.

As one might imagine, most Americans, let alone liberal millennials, are not skilled workers, doctors, lawyers, architects, or any other professional included in NAFTA. That alone will make it incredibly difficult for large numbers of young liberals to avoid Trump’s presidency.

Those wishing to immigrate to Canada can still do so – provided they have a family sponsor already living there. In order for immigrants to receive recognition in the sponsorship program, applicants must be at least 16 years old or fulfill a whole host of other qualifications.

All visa applicants must undergo a medical examination that includes a physical and mental exam, blood and urine tests, submission of past medical records, and more. Applicants can be denied a visa on medical grounds if they require excessive government-funded health services, prove a possible danger to public safety, or they exhibit unpredictable or unusual behavior. .. Considering some liberals are currently attacking Trump supporters, rioting, and marching onto freeways, Canadian medical examiners aren’t likely to turn a blind eye.

Conviction of a crime in or outside of Canada can disqualify applicants as well. Ties to organized crime as well as human or international rights violations make the list too.

Here’s the real kicker. Many liberal millennials currently have student debt. That can indicate a serious financial problem depending on the amount, which is another reason Canada can turn applicants away.

Full Story: Irony: Liberals can’t move to Canada because of their tough immigration laws

One must also wonder why most liberal celebrities threatening to leave the United States choose Canada over Mexico, or even better, over the socialist cesspoolutopia that is now Venezuela.

And Finally...

Americans protesting Trump's stance on illegal immigration may also be surprised to learn that even the Obama administration was responsible for deporting millions of "illegal aliens" during Obama's presidency:

Obama has Deported over 3 Million People in the U.S. illegally, MORE than any other President. Where's the outrage and name-calling? Guess deporting undocumented immigrants is just fine, so long as you keep it as quiet as possible, and of course, it's a "compassionate" democrat doing it...

Full Story: Hold on a second - Obama has Deported over 3 Million People!?

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This article has some interesting ideas on the wall / immigration issue as well:

A wall will not end the crisis. You can use boats as well. What are the issues? First, the purpose of the wall is to stop the drug trade. It will put a dent into it, but it will not eradicate it. Second, is the immigration. There are many people along the border who want to stop the illegal immigration because they bring in kids who then go to school and cause taxes to rise yet these people do not pay income taxes. The solution is very simple. Eliminate income taxes and compel states to survive on consumption taxes. Then it will not matter who is here, everyone will pay their fair share.


They can say this or that, but the fact remains that Obama failed to strengthen our immigration laws, and Trump is finally taking a stand on the issue. And yet people are outraged? LOL!!! People have no idea what they want for the well-being of this country; at all. They are simply clueless. Great article and post. Following.

thanks for the kind words, my 50th steemit follower! 👍 you may also appreciate this post as well:

Link: Elitist San Fransiscans welcome All Immigrants... to the OTHER SIDE of town!

Thanks for the post. I'll be following.

Enrique Moron-es, says it all, doesn't it? I wonder if he, himself even knows that he is using the terms "racist" and ""xenophobic" as a tactic to try to guilt and shame people so he can get what he wants. He almost certainly knows that almost everything he says is a lie. He continuously engages in jingoistic sloganeering. His insistence on using terms to justify his lies, such as, undocumented people, wet backs, three fifths of a human being, none of these are legal terms, and are blatant manipulations. "Bridges not walls", this is just the BS icing on the turd cake.

I refuse to use the term "illegal alien" anymore, instead opting for the more accurate term "immigration criminal" this is not technically a legal term either, but does more accurately describe the situation. If they are here illegally, they are felons and should be sent home, no other reason necessary. The one thing he said that is true, is that the US has laws against illegal immigration. That is why it is called "illegal" immigration. These laws have simply not been enforced in favor of growing a Democratic voting base.

I tried hard not to say President Peñata, since that's just what he may feel like by the time all's said and done. lol

If the lies were not so egregious, I would not even be defending him. I have plenty of doubt about Trump, but until honesty is in play I just don't see that a real debate is possible.

Nice job. Is there something bad about borders? Respecting borders of a nation equals to respect this nation itself. Sovereign states must have the right to decide whom they want in or out of their country.

Mexican currency also didn't react too well to President Pena Nieto's comments either...

Link: Peso smacked after Mexican president cancels meeting in latest international Twitter spat

The US has every right to handle their immigration policy however fits it's needs. However Trump's plan to make Mexico pay for the wall is ridiculous. If you build a wall on your property you do not demand that your neighbor pay for it.