RE: India Bans Autonomous Cars to Keep Jobs

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India Bans Autonomous Cars to Keep Jobs

in news •  8 years ago 

I disagree with banning them. I also do not like Elon Musk talking about raising insurance rates for non-autonomous vehicles, kind of forcing us to buy his crap. They just need to get out of the way of industry.

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If they can't afford to pay UBI (universal basic income) it is a good idea to keep low skilled jobs.

Well I think it becomes a discussion on why there's so much poverty. What has their society done to create such a problem? I guess they're having too many children. 1st world industrialized nations actually have a lower birthrate. Might be advantageous for them to privatize and modernize their country. They would need to drop most socialized services and focus on the long term. I feel they have basically created their own problem. Its going to take a generation to repair what socialism has done.

They are on track of becoming the most populated country in the world. That makes fixing their problems quite difficult.

Well thats true, but they do need to reduce the number of births. If they stop incentivising it with free healthcare it goes down immediately. But then you've still got 1.3 billion people and mass poverty. If the economy doesn't grow, you're looking at a huge lost generation.