Miss World is meant to make a torcher on girls, it is cut, the intestine, the tongue is given tongue

in news •  7 years ago 

Manushi Chillar of India conquered the Miss World 2017 title and again gave India the beauty of India's beauty. 17 years ago, what Priyanka Chopra did by repeatedly repeating it again, Manushi gave the name of the country bright. Manushi won the title of world beauty on his own beauty and wisdom. He worked hard for this. From your eating and drinking to workouts and studies, everyone made a balance. Before Manushi, 6 daughters of the country won the Miss World title.


Where the world's beauty title wins the girl with its beauty and wisdom, but there are also many countries who torture girls to get the title. Since childhood, he is prepared for Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Earth. During this, they have to undergo pain and boundless pain. Let us tell you about such a country, where girls are tortured for the title of world beauty.


The contest of getting the world beauty title in Venezuela

This country has so far won 6 Miss World, 7 Miss Universe, 7 Miss International and 2 Miss Earth titles. Despite winning so many titles, Venezuela's appetite has not eroded. The country passing through economic crisis is known throughout the world due to its fashion sense and beauty.


Open secret from report

In Venezuela, girls are prepared for the beauty of the world as a child. They are pressurized to make a beauty queen. For this, they have to suffer a lot of pain and suffering. They are oppressed, so that they can be ready for a beauty contest. The easiest way is to make it girls of poor families. People and companies of the fashion industry explain their parents to prepare the poor families for the good quote, to go ahead and make the girl's life.


Slim making

Venezuela's girls have to undergo oppression to win the title of beauty. 4-year-old girls are sent to Fashion School. Girls' surgery is done. Injected for their butt injection, slim body. Plastic cloth is given on their tongue to avoid hunger.


Bark intestines

To avoid hunger for girls, their stomach is cut till the intestine so that they do not feel hungry and they remain slim. The people associated with this industry do not go back after implanting a 12-year-old girl. Girls are forced to win these competitions.


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