The end of the road for charities?

in news •  7 years ago 


In light of the news that Oxfam and other charities have been embroiled in some less than savoury activities, it is now time to concede that all these charities have run their course. The goodwill of the public has now run dry concerning funding these charity behemoths, such as Oxfam and Save the Children. For too long now charities have produced cover up after cover up for staff indulging in the sexual abuse of underage kids, usually in the poorer parts of the world, where they think they can get away with their sordid activities. I say no more. It's time to show these charities that their behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated and that they must take action against the perpetrators in their midst. Oxfam in particular, gives off the air of being a do-gooder and whiter than white, but as we've seen of late, that is most certainly not the case!

It comes as no surprise to me today that around 7,000 people in the UK alone have cancelled their automatic donations to Oxfam with their banks'. According to reports, the chain of command, as well as politicians' knew about this sex abuse scandal, involving prostitution of underage girls on Oxfam premises and elsewhere - yet they did nothing about it!!! If that sounds all too familiar, it has all the hallmarks of the grooming scandals in Rotherham and Rochdale in Northern England where young girls were repeatedly gang raped by groups of largely Pakistani men, and effectively pimped out to cousins, friend's and family for cash. Time after time we hear that these terrible crimes were reported to officials and Police, yet nothing is ever done to bring the perpetrators to justice. Many of them are still free men, walking around still able to harass their victims. If there is one cause radical feminists could jump on, it should be this!

Now I have to say: one thing that I have noticed amongst all these money making charities, who by the way all have CEO's on huge bonuses, company cars and paid staff, is that they are all wet behind the ears, Left-Wing Liberals who stand on a pedestal judging others, whilst sneering at politically democratic decisions like Brexit for example. The husband of the murdered Labour Party MP, Jo Cox, has taken every available opportunity to brand those who take an opposing view to him, as 'racist', 'xenophobic', and 'bigoted', as well as 'hate-mongering'. It should be said of course that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, because it turns out Mr Brendan Cox, has no end of skeletons in his closet, alledgedly shouting at a Save the Children employee, hurling abuse, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall. There is also the small manner of improper sexual conduct in the workplace, rape allegations and sexual harrasment and bullying. Quite an assortment for Saint Brendan, who is adored and held in high esteem by a whole host of deluded Left-Wingers' in the UK. People like Jess Phillips of the Labour Party, who defends him and thinks that he has done nothing wrong! Seriously, where do we find these elected politicians', and even more perplexing: why do we vote them in time after time?

We must hold these charities to account; hold them to a higher standard because as time goes on, it is quite clear that they lack morality and the true ethics of religion, and are only really there to use the generous public as a cash cow -a never ending money tap. They will keep doing it too and we must stop giving them our hard earned money. Give instead to your smaller, local charities, who do sterling work. Give also to things like hospices and homeless/animal shelters, who are in desperate need of funds. These small charities do their best to use your funds wisely and morally. The big charities like Oxfam and Save the Children, have come to the end of the road I'm afraid to say.

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Had one charity come up to me once and asked for money, and when I asked them what it was for they said to sail their big yacht around the world promoting their charity

It's unbelievable isn't it? The way they are scamming the public. Totally immoral and corrupt to the core!