Shadow goverment

in news •  8 years ago 


I remember when I was in the young republic club in high school.
I believed that our elected officers had courage of their convictions. I believed they wanted to be part of something awe striking.
That the governments role was for the people.

Was I mistaken? Even back in the late 70's?

Were the founding Fathers involved? Did they answer to self interest groups? I have heard some where members of secret fraternities.


When you vote, does it really matter?
I really want to know what you think.

founding fathers.jpg

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If you read the Federalist papers these men warned us about everything that is happening today. The very families they fought the Revolution against are running things today. IMF and the Global aristocracy. They warned us to never ever allow a central bank. Our votes matter, it is just the past 4 administrations that have sold us out to those who believe in corporate installed Oligarchies over nation state governments. It isn't a mistake that we walked away from publicly funded elections after Nixon terminated the Bretton Woods Agreement. Now lobbyists and special interest run our government instead of the people. Why the heck would they coin "populist" movements within democracies? If it is "popular" with the people then they should listen. The difference between a Democracy and a Republic are still HUGE. A Republic is designed to be bottom up rule. Democracies like Europe are top down rule. You know the governments we fought the revolution against.

I appreciate your reply. Thank you for taking them time.