101 uses for a Dead or live baby an article done by a Concerned Physician! If they're not being used for soap, products, vaccines and more they are treated like a useless pile of trash!

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

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A great Guardian of the Children poster on Voat shared this. ..

**101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D **

Scroll down to bottom when done reading to see a connecting video.

Vitally Important!

You will find things like this,

  • Babies' bodies are sold by the bag, $25 a batch or up to $5500 a
    pound. The sale of later-term elective abortions at D.C. General
    Hospital brought $68,000 between 1966 and 1976. The money was used to
    buy a TV set and cookies and soft drinks for visiting professors.

In the same manner it is heart wrenching and sickening to have to wade through the reality. . .this issue is no different than the call we have to Protect the innocent from the pedophile abusers.

We can NOT turn a blind eye on this and as Guardians of the Children, it is UP to US with God's help to expose this evil for what it is!

Light to Darkness.

You will find a link to a couple other articles that show how this is happening around the world and the connections to the vaccine and consumer industry.

It became the catalyst for me writing a connections article you will find a link to at the bottom.

Taken from Skeptic Files

101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D

When I saw the first ad on TV advertising collagen-enriched
cosmetics I was speechless. We'll be apologizing to Hitler, I
thought; at least he didn't kill for money!

. Collagen is the gelatinous substance found in connective tissue,
bone and cartilage. Nick Thimmesch's syndicated column, "Our Grisly
Human Fetal Industry" documents that amniotic fluid and collagen can
come from fetal material, since the Food and Drug Administration does
not require pretesting or the identification of cosmetic ingredients.

. A glance through a local drug store revealed that the leading 12
shampoos and five hand creams all contained collagen.

. Check your beauty products and you may be shocked! Unless your
beauty product specifies animal collagen or bovine collagen, the
product probably contains human collagen. The drug company should be
challenged at once. Even collagen taken from a human placenta raises
questions about respect of life and ownership of the placenta.

. A letter from Mary Kay Cosmetics emphasizes that their collagen
all comes from animals. A similar letter from Hask has also been

. Since there are 1.5 million abortions every year, there is an
abundant source of fetuses for commercial use.

. There's triple profit to be had. The first is from the abortion
(estimated at a half billion dollars a year by Fortune magazine). The
second profit comes from the sale of aborted babies' bodies. The
third profit is from unsuspecting customers buying cosmetics.

. Babies' bodies are sold by the bag, $25 a batch or up to $5500 a
pound. The sale of later-term elective abortions at D.C. General
Hospital brought $68,000 between 1966 and 1976. The money was used to
buy a TV set and cookies and soft drinks for visiting professors.
Personally, I hope that they choked on the Kool-Aid!

. Call your local abortuary and hospital and ask them some pointed
questions about the disposal and possible sale of fetuses. Would an
abortionist who kills a baby think twice about selling its body? One
prenatal killer said, "A baby is becoming property. We kill, keep or
sell the property."

. In the Pittsburgh Women's Health Service there's a sign in the
lab areas asking doctors not to carry dead fetuses without wrapping
them since it disturbs the patients.

                      Treated like trash

. What have abortuaries done with fetuses in the past before they
realized that they could make another profit out of them?

. Well, "Richmond's shame" marked a new low in disposal of wastes.
An abortion center there filled a long bin on the rear of its property
with the remains of its day's nefarious doings. Its trash compactor
neatly mashed 100 babies' bodies which were then tied up in plastic
bags and thrown on top of the bin.

. "The hungry dogs came along and dragged the bags away. There
were frequent fights and the contents of the bags would be strewn up
and down the streets until the dogs separated the gauze, sponges and
pads and devoured the placenta, bones and flesh of the babies." said a

. She went to the police, health department and city hall and felt
that she got nowhere: but the bags, of warm human babies' mutilated
parts disappeared from the streets even though the clinic increased
its abortions from 25 to 150 a week. They've since moved to larger

. The Jacksonville, Florida, Womens' Center for Reproductive
Health, which is run and owned by the Clergy Consultation Service,
advertises "celebrating a decade of service."

                     Nothing to Celebrate

. What they don't advertise is that they leave aborted babies out
for the trash pickup. Rev. Marvin Lutz, the director explained that
the practice of leaving the remains out was perfectly legal and
approved by the "good housekeeping" Judases, the National Abortion
Federation and the Florida Abortion Council.
Dr. Jeronimo Dominguez of New York wrote that "on any Monday you
can see about 30 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the
sidewalks of several abortion clinics in New York."

. In Odessa, Texas, city ordinance 69-91 forbids placing a dead
animal in a dumpster. But that didn't stop one abortionist from
depositing large brown plastic bags full of sock like gauze bags into
the city dumpster prior to closing every night.

. A Baptist minister opened the bags and to his horror found a
little "perfectly formed hands and feet of a 13-week old baby and the
complete body, in pieces, of a 17-week old baby. Everything except
one foot was there: the rib cage, sexual organs, head, finger nails
and toe nails."

. He nearly died of shock. I nearly did too, reading about it.

                They Burn Babies, Don't They?

. Babies used to be burned on the altar to Baal; now they're burned
in furnaces at the sites of their deaths.

. In Cincinnati, a prenatal killer allowed dense smoke to emanate
from his chimney. When firemen were called they were told, "They're
burning babies," as if that was routine.

. One wonders how life saving firemen could continue their
dedication amid such a contradiction!

. One pro-lifer overheard her children (ages five and seven)
discussing the infamous picture of the babies in the trash can the
first time they saw it.

. "It's dolls, It has to be dolls," said the kindergartner. "No,"
said his pre-school sister, "it's babies." The older child couldn't
believe it. "It has to be dolls," he insisted. "Why would anyone
throw away babies?"

. When their mother explained to them that it was babies, both
children grew very quiet. Silently they studied the picture and then
recalled the times they had gone on trips to the city dump with the
family. "Will the rats eat the babies when they take them to the
dump?" the boy asked.

                     Animals Fare Better

. A wounded American eagle was found in Maryland recently and
rushed to emergency treatment but it was too late. He died. A $5000
reward was offered for the arrest of its killer.

. Similarly, the Izaak Walton League's ethics fund has spent nearly
$60,000 in the last one and one half years to enhance outdoor ethics.

. It is illegal to ship pregnant lobsters (regardless of which
trimester!) to market. There's a $1000 fine and a year's jail term as
a penalty.

. The Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled that goldfish cannot be
awarded as prizes in games of chance. This violates the state's anti-
cruelty law to protect the "tendency to dull humanitarian feelings and
corrupt the morals of those who observe them." This same court upheld
mandatory state funding of abortions!

. If the human fetus were an animal, its welfare might be entrusted
to the Department of Agriculture or the Fish and Wildlife service
where it would be safer than at the mercy of the Health Department.
The hackles of the SPCA would rise at the physical treatment it

                    The New Laboratory Rat

. Some researchers insist that the reason they must do research on
human fetuses is because they are human, not animal.

. In a it-shouldn't-happen to a dog story, 47 senators voted in
1974 to protect dogs from experimentation with poisonous gas but then
voted down Senator Jess Helm's amendment to prevent federal funds from
being used for abortion. One liberal, pro-abortion Senator gave an
emotion laden speech to protect dogs. Man's best friend came out
better than man himself!

. Who is pressing for the "right" to experiment? No one less than
the nation Institutes of Health. A stacked national commission gave
them the "right" and this experimentation is funded by you, the

. There is another sequel to the erosion of the value of human
life. Abortion, fetal experimentation, infanticide and euthanasia are
four walls of the same coffin.

. Even Planned Parenthood's anti-life lawyer Harriet Pilpel was
shocked. "What mother would consent to an experiment on her
fetus?" she asked.

                    A Few Choice Examples

. Some of the more shocking facts that will give you heart
palpitations include:

o The young couple who wanted to conceive a child to be aborted so
that the father to be could use the baby's kidneys for a transplant
that he needed himself.

o In California, babies aborted at six months were submerged in jars
of liquid with high oxygen content to see if they could breathe
through their skins. They couldn't.

o The hysterotomy aborted fetus in the seventh, eighth and ninth
months is removed intact (translation: the babe is alive). The trade
in fetal tissue is about $1 million annually. The high prices may
encourage unnecessary abortions on welfare patients as the surest way
of getting "salable tissue."

o Dr. Robert Schwartz, chief of pediatrics at the Cleveland
Metropolitan Hospital, said that, "After a baby is delivered, while it
is still linked to its mother by the umbilical cord, I take a blood
sample, sever the cord and then as quickly as possible remove the
organs and tissues."

o Magee Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh packed aborted babies in ice
for shipment to experimental labs.

o Newsday reported that an Ohio medical research company tested the
brains and hearts of 100 fetuses as part of a $300,000 pesticide

                  The Modern Scalp Display?

o Human embryos and other organs have been encased in plastic and sold
as paperweight novelty items.

o The Diabetes Treatment Project at UCLA depends for its existence on
the availability of pancreases from later term aborted fetuses.

o A rabies vaccine is produced from viruses grown in the lungs of
aborted children, according to FDA. A polio vaccine was also grown
with cells from aborted kids.

o Brain cells would be "harvested" from aborted babies for transplant.

o Tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still living babies into
meat grinders and homogenizing them, according to the prestigious New
England Journal of Medicine.

o The Village Voice reported estimates seven years ago that 20,000 to
100,000 fetuses are sold to drug companies each year in the U.S.

o A $6000,000 grant from H.I.H. enabled one baby (among many others in
the experiment done in Finland to be sliced open without an anesthetic
so that a liver could be obtained. The researcher in charge said that
the baby was complete and "was even secreting urine." He disclaimed
the need for anesthetic, saying an aborted baby is just garbage."

                       Don't tell God!

o A study on the severed heads of 12 babies delivered by C-section who
were kept alive for months.

o Even the baby's placenta is sold for 50 cents to drug companies.
Ever heard of Placenta Plus shampoo?

. And the atrocities go on. Will the unborn be regarded as handy
little organ sources? Will our preborn brothers and sisters become a
source of spare body parts?

. Listen to the newscasters - they are already pleading nationwide
for organs. It's enough to make you tear up your organ donor card!
At least adults can consent to being inventorized like a body shop's
spare parts department but Little Bugger cannot!

. After reading that aborted babies' fat is being used to make soap
in England and the fact that the former head of the federal Centers
for Disease Control abortion surveillance branch proposed that
abortions should be charged for by the length of the baby's foot, are
we surprised that babies are treated this way in the Year of the Child
or the Year of the Disabled?

. After reading the above, if your heart is still beating, run,
don't walk, to your nearest prayer closet and start praying!

. SYSOP's note: Everything you have just read is quite true. Dr.
Fairfax has documentation and clippings to support every point made in
this article. You may obtain a copy from her - Please send a donation
with your request for the 10 pages to Dr. Olga Fairfax, 12105
Livingston St., Weaton, MD 20902. Olga Fairfax, Ph.D is director of
Methodist United for Life.

This article was transcribed from the Christian Contender Vol. 1,
No.3, April 1984 by Anton Johnson. They reprinted it by permission of
A.L.L. About Issues Magazine, P.O. Box 490 Stafford, Va. 22554.

All of this reminds me of how heart broken I was as I know many other Guardians were when I read about this.

This from one of my articles 9 months ago,

Sadly, some mother’s gave their treasures up. I do not condemn or judge them. I know I am not in their shoes, and if it wasn't for hearing God's call it very well could have been me. No one is better or above another, no matter what society or a horrible agenda deems.

For some, their society is oppressive and for others they buy into a lie that it’s not a precious gift to be cared for, loved, nurtured, but rather cast aside or discarded because they don’t understand. . .their Precious Treasure has been deemed not worthy.

Not worthy of whom? Society? Not worth the effort or inconvenience placed upon them at that moment in time?

I wrote this after I heard of this heinous evil being done to these tiny baby girls.

It dawns on me, I never would have had these amazing children and moments if they were not gifted to me by the Creator. I would not have had this had I listened to the lies told us by society and their Planned Parenthood propaganda with a feminist movement that actually seems to be Against females rather than For them. I had encountered this story.

Here is part of his story and I will give the link for the full article,

His name was Abdul Sattar Edhi and in light of what these modern day Pharisees and Sadducees said, Edhi who put out cradles in front of his charity for these unwanted babies and states, “I will not go to paradise where these type of people go,” he smiles. “I will go to heaven where the poor and miserable people live.” Indeed Edhi as Matthew 19:24 states, "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

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This man touched my heart. The fact that he would buck a group like the mullahs, who see themselves as esteemed religious leaders of their country/world. They consider their jihad or killings all in the name of a false god a greater call than this man attempting to help the little babies they all condemn to death. As they condone their murder in the name of religion they ridicule this man who reckons he is about 90 years old. He is called an infidel by them. Sleeps on a hospital bed in a back room of the charity headquarters accessible through an alleyway in a slum of Karachi, Pakistan.

From this story,

Hundreds of baby girls' bodies found in trash heaps throughout Pakistan! Sad sight!

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Baby girls found dead in rubbish heaps throughout Pakistan. Since 2017 totaling 345. It has to be one of the saddest sights. Karachi, Pakistan one of the most populated cities there piles of these baby girls are found

"Sometimes they kill, they hang them and sometimes they kill by the knife and sometimes we find dead bodies which have been burned." Stated by Anwar Kazmi who is a manager of the Karachi Edhni Center Charity. It is Pakistans largest privately run social service and relief agency. They have many call centers where workers have received reports that as more 1200 newborns and infants have been killed or left to die in Pakistan last year. Up 200 from 2009.

The Malaysian Digest also reported,
"The shocking statistic took a gruesome turn when a four-day-old infant was found with her throat slit, while a separate newborn baby was stoned to death after a cleric assumed the infant – which was left on the steps of a mosque – to be illegitimate."

Here is a photo showing 5 of these infant bodies which ended up in a morgue when found in Karachi.

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As you would suspect, sometimes these corpses are mutilated by animals before they are found

9 out of 10 of these found are baby girls considered too costly to keep.

Anwar points out, "they have not committed any crime, so why are you killing these innocent babies?" A good question on our earth where many people do not value the smallest and most innocent of human life.

See the connections article here which dives into the explanation on how certain vaccines were and still are produced.


See more here,



Update 1.23.2023

So few truly comprehend what Lift the Veil means.
They think it only has something to do with the return of Jesus.

Did they miss the part where humanity has to awaken to who they really are?

Who do you suppose put the veil there?
Where do you live?
Who does satan despise?

Would it behoove him to trick humanity into attacking the most vulnerable amongst their own kind. . .then figure out how to make a Profit off of the very evil he and his minions/controllers tricked them into?

Would it not suit him to use catchy phrases that feed right into the ego of the hoodwinked to carry out his purpose as justice warriors?

Just think of all the phrases they have used and false self righteousness to keep Ki(li$g the innocent. #ThesePeopleAreSick have multiple meanings as though they try to silence those of us tasked to shine a bright Light on it. . .many have found out in spite of the slitherers and controlling entities in our society who seek to hide their deeds. #DarkToLight

This was torn down along with my entire channel on yt, but I archived it.

God makes sure the truth is heard one way or another through various means.

Those who claim the following and what is in the comments can't really be happening in Their schools or in their he$lt h places. . .Remember. . .they do plenty out in the open now, but for decades they have done it surreptitiously.
I can vouch as I have logged info both in the educational and medical industry with boots on the ground to observe and take anecdotal records.
I was targeted and belittled for doing so by the nefarious even after following the commands of my superiors in documenting.

Godspeed to all Warriors who understand what they do with this entity they all raise up and defend.

Why would anyone defend murd^ring the innocent when they would never defend this happening to animals.

I agree. ..I don't want God's precious creatures harmed either. . .why would humanity have a cold heart towards their own kind then? You know why, it is a spirit they have allowed to reside in them.

John 8:44
King James Version
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Then they literally turn around whether taking away the choice of the young or old and feign they are doing good.

What did God say about this?
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Will put more connecting information with verified sources in the comments of this post on my page.

Thank you to all who Command and Decree this evil stops!
Thank you to all Republics making moves to stop this in Jesus Name! You are Sovereign. Remember who you are and protect the most vulnerable in your society.





#Abortion, #AbortionLies, #SaveOurChildren
Speak up for the most vulnerable in our society

Proverbs 31:8
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

For those who do not believe what is taught in schools. . .I used to teach in them, not just in private schools, but private. You would Not Believe what gets by in BOTH at times. Parents are surprised when their kids choose a path that wasn't taught. This is why. Parents had Zero Clue. Thank God more are joining forces and getting involved and See it Firsthand. The scamdemic helped expose as parents saw some of it right in their homes on the zoom teaching. #DarkToLight




See this post here archiving in case the "power's that be and corporate owned darpa gatekeepers remove it!

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Check out what FB did to me after I shared this info, just on my own page and like minded groups I have been invited to. . .so not on anyone else's page even though the trolls come to mine and post their hate.


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To see how Planned Parenthood easily gets what they really want here where a nurse does not turn a pedophile who is raping a 13 year old girl into authorities even though it IS the law.



Find videos archived after YT removed my channel here on Bitchute concerning this evil.



More on the above in the cannibalism article with footage. https://steemit.com/cannibalism/@artistiquejewels/cannibalism-being-heralded-as-a-solution-to-climate-change-by-the-same-elites-who-won-t-give-up-their-private-jets-but-hey

See a connecting report here,




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Updated video that deals with the wicked con of Roe vs Wade and after effects here from 7.14.2022

Ivana Trump RIP her father's history with the Czech Intelligence Agency Updates Gov water mandates? #Senomyx, #PlannedParenthood, #BabySacrifice

