A certain Free Mason group in which Mirth was considered King is said to lead Directly to D.C. Possible high profile connections All Across the Land!

in news •  5 years ago 

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Some questions concerning Pence and what is known so far.

This covers my research and information poured over from Senate Anon's posts on 4chan. Some feel Senate Anon was the precursor to Q Anon.

Recently I put my research and notes I have been collecting for over a year and a half concerning the Royal Order of Jesters.

A lot here concerning that for a skim or read. Fully sourced! You will find verified arrests linked to this Free Mason group, which takes the most elite of the Shriners. Included is verified information of one of their members, a former New York Supreme Court Justice who was arrested.


This stemmed from some info where researchers on 4chan in which DC is connected to the Royal Order of Jesters. This caused me to do a much deeper dive on their history, cases, dealings and connections.

So What! why is all of this important?

I and other researchers have pointed at some concerning connections between Pence being a possible plant.

Info like this,


Information in regards to a child sex trafficking ring being ran in Mishawaka, IN the state where Pence was governor and a journalist named Timothy Holmseth feels he has plenty of evidence Pence was aware and he points out that Pence is good friends with Pam Bondi over in Miami where there have been many verified nefarious deeds and cases.

Here is Timothy Holmseth's letter to Sessions showing link of child sex trafficking hub in IN that leads straight to Epstein through Bondi.

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See link in sources below where you can see the entire letter.

Not to mention a link I found on the "military exercises in Long Beach" that Guatemalan House of Culture right there connected to Girardi, high profile celebrity attorney for Allison Mack so connected to NEXIVM and his wife is a real Housewife of Beverly Hills who showed off their private plane. . .Long Beach port family roots with Rachel the child handler's family, a target being carried out of the Guatemalan House of Culture in which Girardi and his business partner there were connected to a pediatrician of infectious diseases over in Florida. A behavioral group for kids with challenges connected to Mishawaka, IN and the beat goes on. You can't Make this stuff up. It just flies off the pages on their trail of breadcrumbs.

If you want to skim the breakdown, I covered it on my yt channel which may or may not still be there (they despise on there about as much as the shareblue trolls do here) and on steemit, which I prefer so you can skim and scroll to sources for your own hunt and eyes to disCERN.


Many of you are likely familiar with theories that Senate Anon was the precursor to Q. No matter your belief, there is som interesting info here which I covered from a Voat post on my yt channel, once again, no time to check what yt keeps or removes as they've made their goal clear to me in communications and they never know what else to do to me since I have never been monetized nor have I ever sold merch.

A great read here as this poster has it all together,


To make a long story short, what he is saying about Brexit and the EU are in line with my research of a dive on Christine Blasey Ford's father's roots and his hands in different industry that lead straight to a Daniel Baal that sits at the highest bank in the EU which is in charge of Everything! So that checks out. This link for skimming also includes a picture of what that EU is really about in all the industry it has it's fingers of the web in.

If you want skim just a part of this deep dive go here,


An interesting read on this archived post here,


here is part 2


BTW China and the wall thing, Tesla's info was rather interesting when I did research pertaining to his documents and connections here,


Just a bonus interesting read, you all are like me and Love hearing about true history and connections right? I mean what else are you going to do? Watch their contrived programming?


Part 3,



The take away so far for me is. . .

It appears Trump was forced to take Pence.

Free masons control a great deal and thus my deep dive on the Royal Order of Jesters who have their National Headquarters in Indiana where Pence was governor And I should remind you was the state with the Blue House. Now Pence would Not have been governor then, but he IS from Indiana so surely would be In the Know.

Here is where I spoke on this on Voat PedogateFullExposure,

See comments here

This story came out in 1991. It appears to connect to a problem Indiana has with child trafficking as Timothy Holmseth had information regarding the state of Indiana in a trafficking ring.

There were those who didn't believe these children. The same result has occurred when other children speak out around the United States and in the world.

They question becomes, why do their stories and accounts match up so well?

All nine children tell the same story, a grisly tale of being taken out of school and abused in a blue house.

They name the same culprit, a school administrator who, they say, performs satanic rituals as part of his twisted routine.

In the 14 months since the first child came forward, police said they have conducted 150 interviews and cannot substantiate the claims of the children, who range in age from 5 to 9. Prosecutor Stanley Levco is more blunt: He doesn`t believe them, and he plans to publicly clear the accused.

But the children`s enraged parents believe them. And a once-skeptical psychologist also thinks they are telling the truth.

All agree the children have been traumatized. The problem is, no one can prove how.

''In all these cases, I don`t know of a single shred of credible, corroborating evidence,'' Levco said.

''It`s a tragedy when a child has been abused, but it would also be a tragedy to have someone falsely accused. My opinion is not that none of these children has been abused, but that they have not been abused in the way that has been said.''

The stories of the Evansville children reflect a recent, bizarre trend in child abuse cases across the country. As more children are encouraged to step forward and expose adults who hurt them, police are encountering more cases of child abuse accompanied by allegations of occult rituals.

Child abuse specialists fear that unproven allegations might reverse the progress of the last decade in bringing the sexual abuse of children to public light.


He grew up Catholic and changed his value system later on.

I can't remember if it was college or a little later.

I start asking questions about political motiviation.

He did a good deed for IN, another reason why it's hard to believe he would be involved in this, at the same time. . .many do gooders are doing things behind the scenes.

Homseth, Bondi and Pence and IN are things I went down the rabbit hole on. Many times when I try to post certain things on Voat there are those even in the same mind set not interested or running interference, so there is much I never posted.

I will probably go through those notes after the election.

Hoping we don't have to put these people in their place from trying to steal our election.

We want everything to go down peaceful, sadly, there are those even armed and looking intimidating standing outside of polling places.

Still finding machines and people trying to change votes. I can't wait for all these corruptors to be brought down.

Based on this source,


It has been said the Royal Order of Jesters run much of what goes on in DC.

I don't have to tell you all about a certain restaurant msm distracted from and false flags surrounded to take the heat off of what Really lies beneath and drives all the global corruption we see seeping out of virtually every sector and industry.

Go here, skim down to see connections to the sick bands that played and it becomes Quite clear. Not to mention how All of these people connect, the fact that a certain police chief has Had the evidence, but just as in Comey's case, the FBI and DOJ they REFUSE to investigate. . .or rather Show the information gathered from the investigation.

Sadly those compromised at the very top levels impede justice and threaten those on the side of Good who try to shine a Light on their evil deeds.

Scroll down to about halfway (as my articles contain a Lot of connections, photos and details because the truth lies inside those details) to see some interesting info on bands and vetted info that a certain pizza place owner (never really Just about Pizzagate, but rather Pedogate, msm just trapped the pg crowd into focusing on the wrong thing so they could attempt to topple their research).


So IF Pence is a plant and somehow helps conceal the seedy underbelly of child sex trafficking, organ trafficking, etc. . .When will he be toppled and does Trump know?

Of course Trump knows. Keep your friends close and your Enemies Closer.

What about Cruz? Is he still connected to CIA as his family was? Is he Really a Family Man?

The proof will be in the pudding.

For now, Please let me know what you have been seeing and finding out there! I Want to see it! Godspeed everybody!




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