Five upvote and free reesteem to my followers (05/23/2018)

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today free support [source]

These are the five posts supported today by @autovoters:

  1. RETO: LOS 5 POSTS QUE MÁS ME GUSTARON.- Día 3.- Recuerdos de infancia   -- by --   @aurodivys
  2. HUGE CRYPTO DROP Caused By Google & US Government!?   -- by --   @dorna
  3. RETO: Los 5 Posts que más me gustaron. (Día # 5) | "La comezón de la tragadera" (Pastorela)   -- by --   @leveuf
  4. Sección mantenimiento e instalaciones (4). Toma de agua, "ladrón".   -- by --   @josegilberto
  5. La Princesa Chancleta y dos "poetas"   -- by --   @jcalero


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This account is handled manually by @salvao, certain days I will vote randomly post (not spam), follow me and upvote (if you like) to help me grow!

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