You may like it too brother so I gave you the link
If you're an artist, or are interested in getting into painting, it's important not to make the mistake of thinking that buying a lot of high-series paints will give you a better palette or help you paint better. The higher a paint colour's series number, the more expensive it is, but not because of its quality.
A paint's series number reflects the difficulty it takes companies to mix that colour.
It also doesn't reflect how usable the paint is; a lot of higher series colours are iridescent or else so vibrant that they don't mix very well, and can easily overpower a painting if applied too broadly.
The most frequently-used paint colour-- titanium white-- is ALWAYS series 1 because it simply isn't very difficult for companies to mix. Most varieties of black, grey, brown, and white are going to be series 1 for this reason. It isn't about quality or utility; these colours are great for mixing and crucial for controlling value and saturation. They just aren't that hard for paint companies to mix.
Baking soda and vinegar can replace most cleaning products.
Baking soda and vinegar are better for the environment than even eco friendly cleaning products, they're versatile, cheap, easy to find, and they work. I've cleaned stuck on soap scum in the bathroom sink and bathtub, my kitchen counters and stove, my floors and my dishes with just baking soda and vinegar. Vinegar is a degreaser and disinfectant and baking soda is a gently but effective abrasive. I haven't tried it personally but you could probably clean clothes with a cup each of baking soda and vinegar, and vinegar is also a mild fabric softener. Also keep in mind that just because they stop fizzing doesn't mean they stop cleaning; as long as they are in the water or on the surface they will keep working.
You may like it too brother so I gave you the link:
It's getting harder to find a safe place to park your truck across 90% of the country. The additional $15 a night that you have to pay to park a truck now comes directly out of the driver's pocket. On top of this you can't run late into the evening because there's absolutely no parking left after 6:00 anywhere. This is becoming a bigger and bigger issue which is leading to truckers parking on shoulders which is dangerous to the motoring public unfortunately, but necessary for the drivers to get some sleep. Freight is picking up which means that this could end up becoming a major factor in everybody's life as it will not be enough trucks to cover all the freight, since there will be nowhere for these trucks to park at night. There are some things that suck about being a truck driver, bad food, bad traffic, getting stuck on the highway for 5 hours because of accidents, and having to pay to park. I'm not sure what can be done aside from building more truck stops but that's why YSK.