That car is a little more 'smart'!!

in news •  7 years ago 

The Age of Basht, Smartphone, Smart Watch, Smart TV, Smart Cars Smart car is already built. But the researchers have handled the car with a little more smart. These are called 'cars of the future'. The cars of Niramami brand of Taka will take place.

Curious how smart cars can wake up?
Researchers say that they can continue without a driver. And if the driver runs, keep an eye on him. If you try to make a mistake, then at the moment, after the danger of steering from his hand, then he will release it again. When driving on a long-distance trip, the driver will be advised to take a rest in the back seat when he sees the sleepy eyes in his eyes. This time he will continue on his own.

Never have to worry about the speed limit. If you see the signboard in the street, 'the maximum speed limit is kilometer' but at the same time it will slow down at that level. Going to the satellite search will also take a road search.

After reaching the destination, the owner of the car and the drivers have to face another problem. It is parking. Many times the parking place has already been occupied. Or even if there is a little space, maybe it's hard to keep the car there. But some smart car makers say they will build cars that are smart for parking too. That is, if the driver reaches the destination then it will be possible to get out of the car. The car itself will park itself and find parking spot. If there is no place in a parking spot, he can find out from the map of that city and where is nearby parking spotpexels-photo-166680.jpeg

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