What To Do You To Survive Frome The Bark?

in news •  7 years ago 

Barkapaaka survives the blood of the other blood vessels of hot blood. Bed, pillow, mosquito, sofa are the preferred habitats. Although not completely nostalgic, pheasant is usually more active on the night and it sucks blood in the absence of humans. They leave the place with a small bite like a mosquito. That is why it does not bite the day. Let's not forget to live from this annoying bastard -

In the temperature of 113 degrees, the pebbles die. If the house is excessive, then the clothes of the bed sheets, pillow cover, kantha and house-feeding areas should be washed and boiled in excess heat. Barkho die!

Spray lavender oil on the house where the barn is located. After two to three days spraying lavender oil, the beetle will leave your house.

Naphthalene is very effective in chasing melee. Sprinkle the insect at least twice a month by placing the napthalin in the prostate area. The house will not be stuck.

Slowly kerosene plates in the furniture, occasionally to chalk out. The barkpoka will easily escape.

Keep the furniture and coating clean with regular sunshine. This will kill them if there is an eruption of the killers.

Put your bed away from the stereo's hands to get rid of it. Stay clean with bed and shovel before and after bed.

You can use alcohol to chuckle. Sprinkle a little alcohol spray in the spleen spray.images (1).jpg

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