UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 20th June 2017.
UK Column News Live by Skype guest today is geopolitical analyst, Investigative Journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire
and 21st Century Wire TV Patrick Henningsen bringing his specialised areas to the UK Column table and discussing the hot topics with concentration on Grenfell Tower Fire being aired today with narrative such as 3 years warning of fire risks, Action was needed but none taken, Estimated 4,000 Tower Blocks without automatic sprinkler protection, 1980's Documentary housing remedy - Fire Risks, Finger pointing Media,What is the BBC?, Systematic government & corporation corruption cover-up in social housing, Hammond says: "sprinkler may not be best way of ensuring fire safety, Government's Chief Fire Inspector's warnings rebuffed, Incompetence - NO!! (planned Chaos), Austerity Cul-de-sac, Rampant oppertuniterism of corruption, An Inquest - not an Inquiry, A Grand Jury, Cities not nation States - Nuts!!, Feudal Regions - Mayor of the Manor, When local don't mean local, Common Purpose Agenda Arrogance, A Draconian Infrastructure is now in place, Death presumptions, Tower overcrowding?, Police Investigation are now only just begun??, Despite Prime Ministers (Hollow) promises residence are already being moved out of their borough to afar places, A week on still no definitive death toll, Crisis mismanagement, Regime of fear and intimidation, Government aid offer?, Demolition application 22nd May 2014, Fomenting chaos, destruction and rampant corruption, Gaming the system, Transformational change disrupters, System's inbuilt with a risk of death, Managing perceptions of responsibilities, Initial Open letter of demands, Finsbury Park cover-up?, Geopolitical Fraud - Barclays, Blacklisted Qatar?, Kremlins serious concerns, War of words could escalate, No Fly Zone for the US, Poking the Bear and a politically bankrupt and corrupt Government.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: About Grenfell Fire Risks?
Of Course They Knew...'
'BBC NEWS (uk) June 2017: Four ministers were warned about tower block fire risks
In March 2014, the parliamentary group wrote: "Surely… when you already have credible evidence to justify updating… the guidance… which will lead to saving of lives, you don't need to wait another three years in addition to the two already spent since the research findings were updated, in order to take action?
"As there are estimated to be another 4,000 older tower blocks in the UK, without automatic sprinkler protection, can we really afford to wait for another tragedy to occur before we amend this weakness?" (embedded video link follows below) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40330789 .'
'INDEPENDENT 18th June 2017: Ministers 'ignored warnings on fire safety' before Grenfell Tower inferno
‘They always seem to need a significant loss of life before things are changed,’ a former chief fire officer says
Ronnie King (government's chief Fire Inspector) said politicians stonewalled action to tighten building regulations, adding: “They always seem to need a significant loss of life before things are changed.” (embedded video link follows below) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/grenfell-tower-fire-latest-chief-fire-office-ronnie-king-government-ignore-warnings-gavin-barwell-a7795731.html .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: Sajid Javid (communities secretary): "We have asked local authorities and all providers of social housing to identity whether any buildings in their area contain cladding made of aluminium composite material by the end of today." (far too little far too late).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: Theresa May (prime minister): 2I chaired third meeting of the Grenfell Tower Recovery Taskforce..." (far too little far too late).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: An Inquest, Not An Inquiry.'
'WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM 2nd June 2017: Cities, not nation states, will determine our future survival. Here's why
Nation states are looking increasingly outdated and even dangerous. Some of them are outright belligerent, and threatening catastrophic war. While some nation states are exhibiting neo-imperial tendencies, most are waning in power and influence. The 369 year experiment in nation-building is coming unstuck with most nation states failing to deal with the major global challenges of our era, including climate change, forced migration, terrorism, pandemics and more. (full article link follows below) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/06/as-nation-states-falter-cities-are-stepping-up/ .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: 79 People Dead or Presumed Dead?
How many people were in the building? (figures don't stack up).'
'HARLEY no publish date June 2017: Grenfell Tower, Notting Hill.
Scope of works (page now not found - link below) http://www.harleyfacades.co.uk/page/do/page_not_found .'
'HARLEY no publish date June 2017: Grenfell Tower, Notting Hill.
Architect: Studio E
Client: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Main contractor: Rydon Group
Scope of works: over-cladding with ACM cassette
rainscreen, window replacement, curtain walling, louvres,
feature metalwork
Harley contract value: £2.6m (1/1 pdf link follows) http://www.harleyfacades.co.uk/File/Grenfell%20Tower.pdf .'
'KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA no publish date found June 2017: Building Control Search
Description Of Works Demolition
Application Reference Number: DEM 14/02401
Valid Date Thursday 22nd May 2014 (link follows below) https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/bconline/buildingControlDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=_RBKC_BCAPR_123520 .'
'RYDON MAINTENANCE LTD 15th June 2017: Press Statement: Grenfell Tower
We welcome the announcement of the Public Inquiry into the tragic incident at Grenfell Tower. In the immediate term, we have offered our full help and support to the relevant authorities, who are investigating the causes. We would also like to praise the tireless efforts and bravery of the emergency services who continue to deal with this tragic incident.
Rydon Maintenance Limited completed a partial refurbishment of the building in the summer of 2016 for KCTMO (Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation) on behalf of the Council, which met all required building regulations - as well as fire regulation and health & safety standards - and handover took place when the completion notice was issued by Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea building control. (full article link below) http://www.rydon.co.uk/ .'
'SHILLERS LIST YouTube Published 19th June 2017: Grenfell
Tower's rbkc DEMOLITION Application filed May 2014
100% Proof now obtained. Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea GRENFELL TOWER DEMOLITION Application DEM14/02401 21 May 2014. Govt Black Op 100%. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/bconline/buil... (link follows below)
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: All Parliamentary Fire And Safety And Rescue Group warned the Government it could not afford to wait for another tragedy like LAKANAL Fire London.
"As a consequence the group wishes to point out to you that should a major fire tragedy, with loss of life, occur between now and 2017 in, for example, a residential care facility or a purpose built block of flats, where the matters which had been raised here, were found to be contributory to the outcome, then the group would be bound to bring this to others' attention."
The letters were written before the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower
One went to the-then Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles, who received a letter about fire regulations from the parliamentary group in February 2014.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: Eric Pickles ('pink geisha' conservative party representative): "We are going to shake up the balance of power in this country.
We are going to change the nature of the constitution.
Be in no doubt about our commitment to localism."
"I know I look like an unlikely revolutionary, but the revolution starts here..."
Eric Pickles was not interested in fire safety he was too busy fomenting revolution...'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: How Does Chaos And Creative Destruction Save Lives From Fire?
Dangerous? This Is Madness...
These men unwittingly warned us that the political agenda in UK was to foment Chaos and Destruction ...When that state is achieved people will die be it in fires NHS Violence or other...
Nicholas Boles: MP Is quoted in Guardian and elsewhere, that...
"the prime minister and his deputy Nick Clegg want their "people Power" revolution to unleash "chaotic" effects across local communities... 'chaotic' therefore in our vocabulary is a good thing." (see guardian article below with embedded video)
key Cameron ally and one-time adviser Danny Kruger. He was forced to resign as a Tory candidate for Sedgfield after he was quoted as saying that the Conservatives "plan to introduce a period of creative destruction in the public services". (see same article below).'
'THE GUARDIAN 18th December 2010: Tory MP calls for local government planning to be replaced by 'chaos'
Nicholas Boles: MP Is quoted in Guardian and elsewhere, that...
"the prime minister and his deputy Nick Clegg want their "people Power" revolution to unleash "chaotic" effects across local communities (embedded video link follows below) https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/dec/18/coalition-local-planning-boles-chaos .'
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'THE BEHAVIOURAL INSIGHTS TEAM No publish date found June 2017: The Behavioural Insights Team’s Update Report: 2015-16
This report summarises the range and impact of BIT’s work over the past 12 months. In addition to the projects we have undertaken with the UK government, the report provides summaries of work conducted by our offices in Sydney, New York, and Singapore. (link follows below) http://www.behaviouralinsights.co.uk/publications/the-behavioural-insights-teams-update-report-2015-16/ .'
'The Behavioural Insights Team - Update Report 2015-16
Rt. Hon. Ben Gummer (Minister for the Cabinet Office):
"To govern is to serve: we build the foundations – security, a
legal system, education, infrastructure, health services, social
protection – on which people build their lives. Traditionally, that
relationship is mediated through legislation, legislation devised
according to an educated guess at how people will respond. Too
often that guess is wrong: we have to return to problems we
thought had been solved or to correct perverse outcomes that
were not anticipated at the beginning. Perhaps most importantly,
opportunities were missed to achieve a policy end without the
need for writing new law
Documented Report 2015-16 1/100 pdf (link follows below) http://38r8om2xjhhl25mw24492dir.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/BIT_Update_Report_2015-16-.pdf .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: Dominic Campbell One of the thousands of Government supported 'Disrupters' ripping apart the public Sector to meet the LibLabCon transformational change agenda...'
'TWITTER PAGE DOMINIC CAMPBELL @dominiccampbell registered 2007: A boy pretending to be a wolf pretending to be a king | Designing Public Services for the Digital Age | Founder and MD @FutureGov | @Boro | #Hackney |(link follows below)
https://twitter.com/dominiccampbell?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor .'
'TEDX TALKS YouTube Published 26th July 2011: TEDxLondonBusinessSchool - Dominic Campbell - Politics & Community Engagement
Dominic is a digital government and social innovation entrepreneur with a background in government policy, communications and engagement. (subversive talk - link follows)
'UK COLUMN ONLINE (health) 24th May 2013: The NHS Common Purpose: Towards A Million Change Agents
**Article add on These same revolutionary men happy to place the public at risk through created chaos in the NHS by means of their disrupters and Common Purpose Change Agents...
Dangerous? This Is Madness
For change to work, the discontent with the present must be greater than the tolerance of it – Robert Rowland Smith, philosopher Isn't this the perception we are being fed about the state of parts of our NHS? Might this not suggest that it is being deliberately sabotaged from within? (full article link follows below)
http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/nhs-common-purpose-towards-million-change-agents .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: £3.74 Billion BBC Knew Nothing Did Nothing About Fire Safety Concerns Around 4,000 London High rise Flats.'
'BBC IPLAYER RADIO Six O'clock News 19/06/2017 Attack On A Muslim Worshippers - Clive Coleman (legal affairs correspondent bbc): "Organisations can be prosecuted for manslaughter but it's not easy. The offence of corporate manslaughter was created in 2007 to provide accountability for very serious management failings ...big companies have layers of management policies and training on safety so it is very difficult to prove that top people had put in place systems that were so poor they could create a risk of death... (link follows) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08tvj7h .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: An Open Letter With Initial List Of Demands For The Community Affected By Grenfell Tower Dated 17th June 2017 (shown and read out on air).'
'21st CENTURY WIRE 19th June 2017: Finsbury Park Cover-Up? PM May says ‘Lone Wolf’ – But 4 separate witnesses say THREE men were in attack van
Early this morning, the mainstream media reported that another terrorist attack took place in London. We’re told that one man died and 10 people were injured after a man drove a white van onto the pavement, running over worshippers after late night Ramadan prayer at the Muslim Welfare House in Finsbury Park.
(Common Purpose Trained) Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick stated that the incident was “quite clearly an attack on Muslims.” (embedded video link follows below) http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/06/19/finsbury-park-cover-up-pm-may-says-lone-wolf-but-4-separate-witnesses-say-three-men-were-in-attack-van/ .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: Geopolitical Fraud - Barclays £11.8bn fundraising
Theresa May (prime minister): "I welcome the leading role Kuwait is playing in mediating between Gulf States to find a solution to the ongoing isolation of Qatar in the region." (Qatar blacklisted?).'
'SPUTNIK (politics) 20th June 2017: Kremlin 'Seriously Concerned' Over US-Led Coalition's Actions in Syria
Moscow (Sputnik) – The actions of the US-led coalition in Syria are seriously concerning for the Kremlin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.
"The situation linked to the coalition’s actions is seriously concerning, of course," Peskov told reporters.
He did not comment on whether the Kremlin was concerned that such actions could lead to direct Russia-US confrontation. (link follows) https://sputniknews.com/politics/201706201054792703-russia-us-syria-peskov/ .'
'NEWSWEEK (world) 20th June 2017: U.S. Claims 'Right to Self Defense' as Russia War of Words Over Syrian Jet Downing Escalates
A public war of words between Washington and Moscow continued late Monday as the U.S. said it had a “right to self defense” in Syria near the eastern city of Raqqa after Russia warned it would treat U.S. coalition aircraft as targets and condemned the downing of a Syrian jet. (embedded video link follows) http://www.newsweek.com/us-says-right-self-defense-russia-war-words-over-syrian-jet-downing-escalates-627444 .'
'RT (Russia Today) 20 edited 21st June 2017: Australia halts air strikes in Syria after Russia-US tensions over downed Damascus jet
“As a precautionary measure, Australian Defence Force (ADF) strike operations into Syria have temporarily ceased,” Australia’s Department of Defense said in a statement, adding its operations in Iraq would continue as part of the coalition. (link follows below)
https://www.rt.com/news/393166-australia-halts-flights-syria/ .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th June 2017: The LibLabCon lie about Syria they lie about the NHS they lie about Fire Safety they are not fit for purpose and need to be replaced their political parties are corrupt and need to be outlawed.'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson along with guest Patrick Henningsen who altogether they are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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