UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 22nd September 2017
UK Column News Live by Skype guest today from north of the border we have Northern Exposure founder and correspondent for the UK Column, Engineer, bringing Scottish affairs to the UK Column table and discusses the hot topics aired today such as The Eyes On (pm) May, Psyops Brexit in? Out? in? Out? Shake it till it all falls Out, C3 Command Control and Communications - London, €5.5 bn into EU Defence fund - Brexit?, €20 bn for getting out - What Out?, Transition Scam Enough is enough!, Irish British relation tension rise, America's wars are down too?, Antifa are masked in Perth (Scotland), NO2NP (no to named person) your children but the state to be the parents?, NP legislation isn't trans(parent), No meeting minutes?, Longform Digital Journalism Analytics, Fact or Fiction dangers, Breaking Brexit deadlock, BBC's bizarre format, Massacre, In Madeleine's Shadow, The Mystery of the Milk Carton Kids, BBC misleading the public on missing children, Missing People the 'Official' Line, Alt Right National Socialism (Nazi's) Debate, Extreme view challenge - Real concerns, Scottish Parents attitudes, Curriculum of fear, Backfired on 'devalued' pupils, SNP (scottish national party) tackling poverty and Vice Chair - Poverty and Inequality Commission for Scotland.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 22nd September 2017: A New Relationship? Treason May (prime minister): "The eyes of the world are on us but if we can be imaginative and creative about the way we establish this new relationship [with the EU]." (brexit negotiation charade).'
'TWEET CG ROYAL MARINES @MajGenRMagowan 3:08 AM 10th February 2017: Delighted to welcome Director General EU Military Staff Lt Gen Pulkkinen to #OpAtalanta HQ to discuss counter-piracy ops/transition planning (link follows below)
https://twitter.com/MajGenRMagowan/status/830010627389267968 .'
'TWEET (above) Reply DEF CON 1 UK @STRATEGICDEFENC 24h Replying to @MajGenRMagowan
9:26 AM 21st September 2017: This Photo EU C3 Military HQ is in #RN #HQ #Northwood isn't it?
The others are in Paris, Potsdam & Greece @AdmPhilipJones @VeteransBritain (link follows below) https://twitter.com/STRATEGICDEFENC/status/910903184012521472 .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 22nd September 2017: EU Military C3 Command control and Communications is fully integrated intio the British National C3 structure...
EU Military unification has been implemented despite the continuing Conservative government lies that there is no such thing...'
'FINANCIAL TIMES 12th September 2017: Britain willing to pay into €5.5bn EU defence fund
‘Unconditional’ post-Brexit support for security in change from aggressive rhetoric
Britain has said it is open to contributing to the €5.5bn European defence fund after Brexit, even though it opposed its creation in 2013. ... (Brexit? what Brexit? - link follows below) https://www.ft.com/content/9cfbbcc0-97af-11e7-a652-cde3f882dd7b .'
'BBC NEWS (uk politics) 21st September 2017: Theresa May to make 'open and generous' offer to EU
(pm is briefing her cabinet ahead of her big speech on Brexit in Italy on Friday - Brexit? what Brexit? - link follows below)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41346057 .'
'IRISH TIMES 9th September 2017: Irish-British relations: tensions rise as friends diverge
It seems clear strains over Brexit are leaking into the involvement of both countries in the North (link follows below)
https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/editorial/irish-british-relations-tensions-rise-as-friends-diverge-1.3214567 .'
'JERUSALEM POST 21st September 2017: Former CIA Officer Blames Jews For America's Wars
Valerie Plame Wilson, a former covert CIA operative, caused a controversy on Thursday when she tweeted several antisemitic messages to her nearly 50,000 followers.
''American Jews are driving America's Wars,'' the rampage began. The tweet linked to an article from UNZ.com, a site that claims "a collection of interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American Mainstream Media.'' (link follows) http://www.jpost.com/International/Former-CIA-officer-blames-Jews-for-Americas-wars-505676 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 2:47 PM 11th September 2017: Why the mask- (hashtag)Antifa. Perth Sunday (video embedded link follows below) https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/907360037357703168 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 2:45 PM 11th September 2017: Why the mask?- SDL version Perth (Scotland) Sunday (video embedded link follows below)
https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/907359465627938821 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 2:07 PM 11th September 2017: This is the Scottish Defence League in Perth (scotland) today (video embedded link follows below)
https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/906988144800780288 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 2:09 PM 10th September 2017: Black clad Antifa kettled by Police. @policescotland excellent today (video embedded link follows) https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/906988144800780288 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 10:14 PM 10th September 2017: Antifa shouting "If it wasn't for the cops you'd be dead" at bemused shoppers and locals in Perth. (link follows below) https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/906989222837542912 .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 2:15 PM 10th September 2017: Why does antifa have guys with Irish tricolour and black balaclavas? They are not needed in Perth for sure. (link follows below) https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/906989603273543680.'
'TFN Third Force News (the voice of scotland's third sector) 11th September 2017: Named person legislation isn’t transparent
A year ago this week, in an effort to address the concerns raised by the UK Supreme Court over the Named Person scheme, education secretary John Swinney announced a three month period of “intense engagement” with practitioners, public agencies, third sector organisations and members of the public, including parents and children and young people, ➢but not those opposed to the scheme. (link follows below) http://thirdforcenews.org.uk/blogs/named-person-legislation-isnt-transparent .'
AV8.1 Sunday 8th October 2017 11 AM to 6 PM
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"In War, There are no unwounded Soldiers."
"Copious amounts of civilian Murders."
'PA Press Association No publish date found September 2017: Longform Digital Journalism
Discover the techniques to develop, produce and pitch longform stories.
Tutor Giles Wilson set up the acclaimed BBC News Magazine and also launched Well Told, the UK’s first conference in longform and narrative journalism. He has years of experience of helping journalists develop their techniques and approach to telling stories at length. (link follows below) https://www.pressassociation.com/training/longform-digital-journalism/ .'
'BBC NEWS (politics) September 2017: May bids to break deadlock over Brexit (removed updated too) UK PM wants two-year 'implementation' period
Theresa May says an "implementation period" of two years "will create valuable certainty" for the UK and EU (link follows below)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-41365547/theresa-may-wants-two-year-implementation-uk-eu-deal?intlink_from_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fnews%2Ftopics%2F96e2c26f-e5ed-465b-bcc7-88811af261b9%2Ftheresa-may&link_location=live-reporting-map .'
'BBC NEWS 22nd September 2017: Corrie Mckeague
The mystery of the airman who disappeared
Corrie Mckeague's last known journey was recorded by CCTV.
The footage shows him alone, in the early hours of the morning, after a night out drinking last September.
Clutching a takeaway, he walks and sometimes staggers through the near-deserted streets of Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk (embedded video link follows below) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/corrie_mckeague .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 22nd September 2017: Statistics that the BBC are pushing statistics that mislead the public
According to the Centre for the Study of Missing Persons, most cases of missing children are resolved within 48 hours and only 1% of cases are open for more than one year
Block Data: Missing people Missing people England and Wales, 2015-16 249,349 reports made of missing people 129,943 aged under 18 55% of these were boys 80% of children found within 24 hrs 883 were missing for a week or more Source: UK Missing Persons Bureau.
1, Most cases are resolved within 48 hours
2, Only 1% take longer than a year [to solve]
3, The data is accurate
4, Only a tiny number of children disappear each year
'The BBC further misleads the public into believing the service of the statistics is the Centre for Missing Persons...
the real source of these statistics is the National Crime Agency who admit their statistics are inaccurate...'
'NCA National Crime Agency May 2017: UK Missing Persons Bureau
Missing Persons Data Report 2015/16 May 2017
Please note that this report has been withdrawn temporarily whilst it is checked for potential inaccuracies.
We will publish a definitive 2015/16 report at the earliest opportunity. (1/1 pdf link follows below) http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/publications/783-missing-persons-data-report-2015-16/file .'
'JUSTICE NOT JUST IS 21st September 2017: Leave the EU immediately (sick of Conservative lies?)
Please send this to every person you know.
Then ask them to do the same - Leave the EU immediately.
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200165/signatures/new .'
'UK COLUMN 22nd September 2017: £600,000 Funding: For Four Child Abuse Charities - the Four Major Child Charities are just the government agencies.
Credits for Corrie Mckeague
The mystery of the airman who disappeared Article
Author ➢Jodie Halford
Additional reporting ➢Kate Scotter, Laurence Cawley, Bethan Bell
Picture credits ➢BBC, Chris Radburn, Family handout, Getty Images, Press Association, Suffolk Constabulary
Editors ➢ Mark Bulstrode, Dave Green, Mark McGregor
Publication date 22 September 2017 (article follows below)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/corrie_mckeague .'
'NAPAC National Society for People Abused In Childhood no publish date found September 2017: Supporting recovery from child abuse
The damage caused by child abuse doesn’t always end in childhood. We offer support to adult survivors and training for those who support them (link follows) https://napac.org.uk/ .'
'FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE YouTube Published 21st September 2017: Gender equality meeting at the UN General Assembly, 20 September 2017
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Chief Executive Officer of E.L Rothschild, hosted a meeting at the United Nations General Assembly on improving gender equality in the workplace. (56 sec link follows below)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5b2aORqLPw .'
'GOV.UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (Press release) 21st September 2017: Foreign Secretary and Lynn Forester de Rothschild co-chair discussion on gender equality in the economy
Boris Johnson and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild hosted a meeting at the UN General Assembly on improving gender equality in the workplace. (link follows below) https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-secretary-and-lynn-forester-de-rothschild-co-chair-discussion-on-gender-equality-in-the-economy .'
'TWEET DAVID SCOTT @Albion_Rover 5:49 PM 10th September 2017: This debate is fascinating
Daily Stormer versus Vox Day - Is National Socialism left wing?
No Debate Format 5 minute Intro 15 Minute Argument... (link follows) https://twitter.com/Albion_Rover/status/907043502873305088 .'
'THE REALITY CALLS SHOW YouTube Streamed live on 9th September 2017: Debate Question: Is National Socialism is of the Political Right? (1hr 2mins 35secs link follows below)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFyshlUgqjg .'
'THE SCOTSMAN 20th September 2017: Letter: Parents’ attitudes stopping Scottish education becoming world class (link follows) http://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/your-say/letter-parents-atitudes-stopping-scottish-education-becoming-world-class-1-4565108 .'
'SCOTTISH REVIEW 20th September 2017: Curriculum of fear.
On 22 August the 1,200 pupils of St Kentigern's Academy, a Roman Catholic secondary in Blackburn, West Lothian, returned after a seven-week break. A week later the school was the subject of a generally favourable inspection report from Education Scotland. Then, last Friday, barely a month into the new term, a 14-year-old boy was slashed in the face with a kitchen knife... (link follows below) http://www.scottishreview.net/KennethRoy309a.html .'
'THE SCOTSMAN 18th September 2017: Scottish teacher writes furious open letter to Nicola Sturgeon (link follows below)
http://www.scotsman.com/news/scottish-teacher-writes-furious-open-letter-to-nicola-sturgeon-1-4563124 .'
'THE TELEGRAPH NEWS 3 July 2017: Nicola Sturgeon’s drive to get more children from deprived backgrounds into university is backfiring on pupils who feel “devalued” because they are not academically inclined, her hand-picked poverty adviser has warned. (link follows below) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/03/snp-drive-get-poor-children-university-backfiring-devalued-pupils/ .'
'COMMONSPACE 23rd June 2015: Who is Nicola Sturgeon's new right-hand woman on tackling poverty?
Naomi Eisenstadt has been appointed the first minister's new independent policy adviser. Who is she and what can she bring to the role? (link follows below) https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/1691/who-is-nicola-sturgeon-s-new-right-hand-woman-on-tackling-poverty .'
'LINKEDIN No Publish date found September 2017: Naomi Eisenstadt CB
Vice Chair, Poverty and Inequality Commission for Scotland
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom Public Policy Current
Scottish Government,
University of Oxford, Education and Social Policy Depts
Previous Cabinet Office, Department for Education
University of California San Diego (link follows below)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-eisenstadt-cb-17a42432/?ppe=1 .'
'DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION University of Oxford No publish date found September 2017: Naomi Eisenstadt:
Naomi Eisenstadt CB has been active in policy and practice in the field of early years for over thirty years. She has a first degree in sociology, an MSc in Social Policy, and a California Credential in Early Childhood Education. She was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Open University in 2002, and the CB in 2005. (link follows) http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/about-us/directory/naomi-eisenstadt/ .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with guest David Scott who altogether are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Sex abuse, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skulduggery and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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