UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 17th July 2017.
UK Column News in studio guest presenter today via America is geopolitical analyst Investigative Journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire and 21st Century Wire TV Patrick Henningsen bringing his expertise to the UK Column News table along with live by Skype The people's independent investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley bringing her exceptional and skillful on and offsite search and research prowess also to the Column's news table and discusses the hot topics aired today such as Where is Bana?, Al nusra documents and actions, War promotion Child exploitation propaganda - Bana - Dirty Boy, Terrorist slogans, Illegitimate council, Gun Runners, Islamic Assassination Squad, Civilian Execution judge - under Isis Sharia Law, Dubious filming Location, Blogger accused of falsification (fake news) - court test case - If found guilty a dangerous precedent, Information Whitewash attempt, Gun running Peot, Reinforcing Propaganda, No Account records Al nusra, Diversionary finger pointing at Russia, Amber Rudd (home secretary) overweight fob-off, NGOs Transparency?, British Public Culpability, Commonwealth and Foreign Office - White Helmet funding, Soros fingerprints & connectors, Global Governance Agenda, A Government funded Anarchist oxy-moron, Yemen war block - US house voters and Illegitimate War.
'THE GUARDIAN 5th December 2017: Where is Bana? Fears for Syrian girl who tweeted from Aleppo
Seven-year-old’s account restored but new message suggests family in danger as Assad forces advance and Russia calls for opposition to withdraw (link follows below) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/05/where-is-bana-syrian-girl-who-tweeted-from-aleppo-goes-silent .'
'MIRROR 26th updated 27th june 2017: TIME magazine's 25 most influential people on the internet - from politicians and popstars to reppers and gamers (embedded video link follows below) http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/time-magazine-reveals-list-25-10691016 .'
'21ST CENTURY WIRE 14th July 2017: BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood
“This is child exploitation to create the propaganda that promoted the terrorists in East Aleppo and was being used to destroy Syria” ~ Khaled Iskef (Khaled Iskef’s full report on embedded video link follows) http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/07/14/bana-the-heartbreaking-story-of-child-exploitation-propaganda-and-media-falsehood/ .'
'KHALED ISKEF YouTube Published 14th July 2017: حقيقة عائلة الطفلة بانة العبد وكيف يستغل الاعلام المعادي لسورية الأطفال كسلاح ضد سورية الجزء الأول (translation - The reality of the family of the girl Bana al - Abd and how the anti - Syrian media exploits the children as a weapon against Syria Part I - link follows)
'TWEET BANA ALABED @AlabedBana 10:53 PM 29 ruj 2016: Dear World, it's better to start 3rd world war instead of letting Russia & assad commit #HolocaustAleppo (link follows below)

'BBC NEWS YouTube Published 23rd December 2016: Tweeting Aleppo girl: 'We nearly died' BBC News
Seven-year-old Bana Alabed tells the BBC's Orla Guerin about the night a house she was playing in was bombed. (link follows)
'BLUE MESSENGER MAGAZINE 9th July 2017: Missbrauch von Holocaust und Anne Frank durch Bana-Alabed-Propaganda
Im Syrienkrieg werden Kinder zu Propagandazwecken missbraucht. Eines davon war (und ist) die siebenjährige Bana Alabed, in deren Namen immer wieder in Englisch in muttersprachlicher Qualität Propagandabotschaften gegen Syrien und Russland verbreitet wurden. (translation - Abuse of Holocaust and Anne Frank by Bana-Alabed propaganda -
In the Syrian war, children are being abused for propaganda raids. One of these was (and is) the seven-year-old Bana Alabed, whose names have been propagated in English by native speakers of propaganda against Syria and Russia. - link follows) http://blauerbote.com/2017/07/09/missbrauch-von-holocaust-und-anne-frank-durch-bana-alabed-propaganda/ .'
'BELLINGCAT 14th December 2016: Finding Bana – Proving the Existence of a 7-Year-Old Girl in Eastern Aleppo (link follows) https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/12/14/bana-alabed-verification-using-open-source-information/ .'
'TWEET BANA ALABED @AlabedBanna 5:37 AM 29th November 2016: This is our house, My beloved dolls died in the bombing of our house. I am very sad but happy to be alive.- Bana
https://twitter.com/AlabedBana/status/803593621366771713 .'
'THE GUARDIAN 19th December 2016: Where is Bana? Girl who tweeted from Aleppo is safely evacuated
Turkish NGO tweets picture of seven-year-old with aid worker and says family have been rescued from besieged city (embedded video link follows below) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/19/where-is-bana-girl-who-tweeted-from-aleppo-is-safely-evacuated .'
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'UK COLUMN NEWS 17th July 2017: United Nations Security Council Letter dated 11th July 2017: from the Permanent Representative of Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States addressed to the president of the Security Council (letter of intervention - shown and explained on air - see full letter in article below link ).'
'MINBANE 15th July 2017: Helt ute av sporet (Okumala ekigwo okulyaku kya okuziga) Translation - Quite out of the track (
Get rid of the latest feature of the crash -zulu)
UNSC: Letter dated 11 July 2017 from the Permanent Representatives of Canada... (letter link follows below) https://minbane.wordpress.com/2017/07/15/httpwp-mep1xtjg-53w-2/ .'
'THE TELEGRAPH 4th October 2013: Charity cash 'going to Syrian terror groups'
People giving money to help millions of refugees from the civil war in Syria are inadvertently supporting terrorism, the charity watchdog has warned.
Some of their cash was “undoubtedly” going to extremist groups, said William Shawcross, the chairman of the Charity Commission.
Conditions on the ground in the midst of conflict made it difficult or impossible for charities to know where aid ended up, he said. (link follows below) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10357537/Charity-cash-going-to-Syrian-terror-groups.html .'
'RT (Russia Today) 12th edited 13th July 2017: Condemnation as govt bans report into who funds Britain's extremist
UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd has confirmed an already much-delayed report into the foreign funding and support of extremist groups in the UK will be banned from publication for “national security” reasons.
Rudd instead released a parliamentary written answer outlining the details of the report, which was commissioned by former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron.
“Having taken advice, I have decided against publishing the classified report produced during the review in full,” she said. (embedded video link follows) https://www.rt.com/uk/396137-extremist-foreign-funding-report/ .'
'I*D Independent Diplomat: 10 years, no publish date found July 2017: 10 Years Of The Independent Diplomat: The 3 Pillars of Effective Diplomacy (1/25 pdf link follows below)
https://independentdiplomat.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ID-Report-2014.pdf .'
'THE GUARDIAN 9th July 2017: Ex-diplomat Carne Ross: the case for anarchism
How a high-flying diplomat and Middle East adviser lost his faith in western democracy – but put his trust in people power
If you were to play a game of word association with the term “anarchism” what would be the likely responses? Perhaps the anarchy sign, with the capital A over a circle. Black flags. The turn-of-the-century bombers immortalised by Joseph Conrad in The Secret Agent. Or maybe Johnny Rotten singing Anarchy in the UK. (link follows below) https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jul/09/carne-ross-case-for-anarchy-accidental-anarchist-interview .'
'TEDx TALKS YouTube Published 19th April 2017: The Accidental Anarchist | Carne Ross | TEDxSkoll
A former British diplomat in the lead up to the Iraq war, Carne experienced first-hand the lies and self-serving discourse of political power. After a profound crisis, he began a quest for a more just way of living together. In this moving and deeply personal talk, Carne explains what he discovered when he studied philosophies and visited communities from varied corners of the planet, and why he thinks anarchism is the best way forward. (15min 22sec link follows)
'CARNE ROSS 15th August 2014: Ideas for "The Accidental Anarchist"
Liam Barrington-Bush, the researcher for the forthcoming documentary "The Accidental Anarchist", is collecting ideas for the film. He's looking for contemporary examples of non-hierarchical and autonomous organization, both politically and in the workplace, such as participatory democratic processes and cooperatives. (link follows below) http://www.carneross.com/blog/2014/09/15/ideas-accidental-anarchist .'
'T Truthout 14th July 2017: US House Votes to Block US Participation in Saudi War in Yemen
Today, the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved two amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prohibit US participation in the catastrophic Saudi-United Arab Emirates (UAE) war against the Houthi-Saleh alliance in Yemen. (link follows) http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/41278-us-house-votes-to-block-us-participation-in-saudi-war-in-yemen .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen along with live Skype guest Vanessa Beeley who altogether are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skullduggery and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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