
in news •  7 years ago 

UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 20th September 2017

UK Column News welcomes live by Skype from inside the "Belly of the Beast" from the Netherlands we have Intelligence Specialist Christian, interpreter/translator, historian, Biblical and Languages teacher, Briton, Scot, Englishman, constitutionalist, UK and the founder of Eastern Approaches Alex Thomson who brings his expertise to the UK Column News table and discusses the Hot Topics covered today such as Trump at the UNGA (united nations general assembly), Rocket Man (kim Jong-un), U.S. informal talks with Pyongyang, Red and Blue U.S. dialectic Empire, Globalists back-channel, Trump encouraging UN reform, Declaration of UN 10 point reforms, 128 signatories - but not Russia - China or France, Gennady Gatilov "should be comprehensive reform", Leonid Slutsky - a landmark move - Theresa May Prevent uploading in the first place - Internet Censorship, Parsons Green so called bucket bomb, Thought crime!!, Commonwealth heads of Government meeting planned - Cross border chief prosecutors, Theresa May's definition of "Fairness" as Home secretary she Imprisons Child sexual abuse victim/survivor Melanie Shaw, Doing the opposite by treaty?, Hegelian Dialectic World Control NPT (non-proliferation treaty), UK Yokes itself to (key?) militarily & Security partner (Saudi Arabia), No Gulf military partnership debated in Parliament?, Soros stooge (saakashvili) upcoming 3rd revolution, Björn Höcke calls Merkal's regime treasonous through insane immigration and the lack of Germany's savings,
Germany's M/Media sneer at Björn Höcke germans are refusing to listen though, Must trust in the NHS - Dame Fiona Coldicott, NHS Digital National Data Opt-out and where does the national data Opt-out apply?, Data mining sitting Ducks UK, No Brexit Proof - What Brexit?, Voting Ban - from non-parliamentary arm of Government , Soviet style - voting ban - offence under the general criminal law.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: Trump At The UN GA (united nations general assembly)
Donald Trump (united states president): "...strong sovereign nations ...with different values, different cultures, and different dreams not just coexist, but work side by side n the basis of mutual respect President of the United States, I put America first, "just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always, and should always, put your countries first."
...a small group of rogue/criminal/depraved/corrupt/destabilising regimes ...(N Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela? [United States,] if forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.'
'AL MANAR ENGLISH 19th September 2017: Former US Under Secretary Says Washington Involved in Informal Talks with Pyongyang
Former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs said that United States is involved in informal talks with representatives of North Korea, though no diplomatic breakthrough has been reached yet. (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: UN Reform
Trumps 10 Point Declaration On UN Reforms - 128 nation signatories (exceptions Russia, China and France.
Gennady Gatilov (russian deputy foreign minister): "We stand for the reform and believe it should be comprehensive reform.
Decisions linked with the reform are to be made by member states through dialogue."
Leonid Slutsky (chair duma international affairs): "Trump's reform is a landmark move towards a unipolar world, and the reduction of the role of the U.N."
Treason May (prime minister): "Industry needs to go further and faster in automating the detection and removal of terrorist content online, and developing technological solutions which prevent it being uploaded in the first place."
"But for a crime that has no respect for borders, we need a truly international response. We will therefore host an international summit of chief prosecutors next spring." (Internet Censorship).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: Commonwealth Head Of Government Meeting
Theresa May (prime minister): "I look foreward to this unique organisation coming together at next years Heads of Government Meeting to pursue an ambitious agenda for a more prosperous, secure, fair and sustainable future for everyone." (Theresa May's definition of "Fairness" as Home secretary she Imprisons Child sexual abuse victim/survivor Melanie Shaw).'
'UK COLUMN ONLINE: Series: One World Governance: One World Governance - A Common Purpose?: Abusing The System Through NGOs & CSOs: Lifting the Veil Of Secrecy: Lifting the Veil of Secrecy 2: Lifting The Veil Of Secrecy 3: British Media: Bending The Truth?: To Diagram The Network: Traitors in the House: Stealing Our Children With Brainwashing & Propaganda: + many more in series (all article links follows) .'
'UNODP United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs September 2017: Invitation to NGOs: Signing Ceremony for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Wednesday 20th September 2017 (link follows below)
'NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation September 2017: #WEARENATO: We Are Allies We Are Strong
Seeking to ban nuclear weapons through a treaty that will not engage any state actually possessing nuclear weapons will not be effective, will not reduce nuclear arsenals, and will neither enhance any country's security, nor international peace and stability.
Indeed it risks doing the opposite by creating divisions and divergence at a time when a united approach to proliferation and security threats is required more than ever.
The ban treaty is at odds with the existing non-proliferation and disarmament architecture.
This risks undermining the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty), which has been at the heart of global non-proliferation and disarmament efforts for almost 50 years, and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguards regime which supports it. The crisis caused by North Korea undermines the importance of preserving and enhancing the existing framework of the NPT (link follows) .'
'NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Press Release 20th September 2017: North Atlantic Council Statement on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
“Allies emphasise their strong commitment to full implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Alliance reaffirms its resolve to seek a safer world for all and to create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons in full accordance with all provisions of the NPT, including Article VI, in a step-by-step and verifiable way that promotes international stability, and is based on the principle of undiminished security for all. Allies reiterate their commitment to progress towards the goals and objectives of the NPT in its mutually reinforcing three pillars: nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.” (link follows) .'
'INDEPENDENT 18th September 2017: Labour bans Saudi Arabia and Sudan from its party conference
League of Arab States cancels conference reception in response (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "I am delighted to have signed today with HRH the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia new Military and Security Cooperation Agreement... [which] further cements the UK's long standing relationship with our key Gulf partner. [yoked to a terrorist supporting country will not bode well).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: "Clown Misha (Saakashvili) Sets About His Third Revolution.'
'THE IRISH TIMES 18th September 2017: Saakashvili sets sights on Kiev after dramatic return to Ukraine
Populist former Georgian leader thrives in role of anti-oligarch crusader
Constantly on the move, closely watched by the police, facing prosecution and bitterly at odds with the country’s leaders – Mikheil Saakashvili is back in his element since his extraordinary return to Ukraine.
The former Georgian president was swept across the border from Poland by supporters last Sunday, and is now visiting provincial towns and cities before setting his sights on Kiev, and a ruling elite that he accuses of betraying the nation. (link follows below) .'
'THE IRISH TIMES 20th September 2017: Ukraine elite must change or prepare to be ousted - Saakashvili
Populist ex-Georgian leader touring Ukraine to rally support for faltering reforms
Former Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili made a typically flamboyant return to Kiev on Tuesday, telling a crowd outside the presidential administration that Ukraine’s political elite must change its ways or prepare to be ousted. (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: NATO's Eastern Relations Further Exacerbated (Only Russian fully explained zapad exercises - get over it).'
'UNIAN 20th September 2017: Polish Def. Minister says Russia may use nuclear weapons in Zapad 2017 drills Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz says the Russian-Belarussian Zapad (West) 2017 war games will stretch beyond September 20, involving the use of nuclear weapons (link follows below) .'
'UNIAN 20th September 2017: Estonia’s defense chief: Russia would intervene militarily in Belarus if needed Russia is prepared to intervene militarily in Belarus, similarly to how it did in Ukraine, should the political situation in the former Soviet Republic head in a direction unwelcome by Russia, Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) Gen. Riho Terras told ERR in an interview. (link follows below) .'
'TWEET ALASDAIR AILIGSHEOICasdair @Lamh_Dearg 10:57 PM 18th September 2017: Alternative für Deutschland pre-election speaker: "Every vote for AfD brings the arrest warrant for Merkel closer" (link follows below) .'
'GERMAN AMBASSADOR YouTube Published 9th September 2017: AfD politician speaks TRUTH TO POWER against the Merkel-regime
"...All we have ended up with is two energy generation that can't work with each other at all..."
Björn Höcke von the AfD (Alternative for Germany party) lays out all the crimes of the Merkel regime and more!
(Björn Uwe Höcke is a German politician for the right-wing populist, eurosceptic party Alternative for Germany - 14min 48sec video in English and German with English subtitles link follows)
'DAGBLADET 15th September 2017: EU ber Norge ta imot flere kvoteflyktninger (translation - The EU asks Norway to receive more quota refugees)
EUs innvandringskommissær Dimitris Avramopoulos har sendt et brev til Sylvi Listhaug der han oppfordrer henne til å være «så ambisiøs som mulig». (translation - EU immigration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos has sent a letter to Sylvi Listhaug where he encourages her to be "as ambitious as possible" - link follows) .'

UK COLUMN Monthly Meeting
The George, Plymouth 7:30 pm 
Wednesday 20th September 2017 

Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM (BST)
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue,
WC2H 8EP London United Kingdom Speakers John Pilger investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire,
Vanessa Beeley Independent Journalist, Peter Ford former UK Ambassador to Syria, Prof Piers Robinson, Prof Tim Hayward & Robert Stuart Journalist Pre ordered tickets £9:00 (link follows)

AV8.1 Sunday 8th October 2017 11 AM to 6 PM
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Information you need - see link below

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Starts 19:30 followed later by FRACKING NIGHTMARE
Starts 21:00 With Ian R Crane.

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"In War, There are no unwounded Soldiers."
"Copious amounts of civilian Murders."
'NATIONAL DATA GUARDIAN for health and care: Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-outs
Foreword by Dame Fiona Caldicott  (1/60 pdf link follows below)  .'
'NHS DIGITAL No publish date found September 2017: National Data Opt-out Programme
We are developing the system now. Patients will be able to use the system to state their national data opt-out preferences by March 2018. All health and care organisations will uphold these preferences by March 2020.
When does the the national data Opt-out apply?
Link No 2 Proposed Solutions (nhs digital link follows below)  .'
'SMILECARE DENTAL No publish date found September 2017: Meet Our Team - You’re in the best hands.
ADDRESS 144 Goodwood RD Goodwood Adelaide 5034 (link follows)  .'
'NHS NETWORKS Centre for Patient Leadership No publish date found September 2017: Centre for Patient Leadership
Membership 115,024 
Two experts in working with people with health problems have formed the Centre for Patient Leadership to help patients, service users and carers to become ***leaders and effective agents of change***. Mark Doughty and David Gilbert, who became involved in health issues as a result of health problems of their own, have decades of experience in patient and public engagement, leadership and organisational development.
The link address is: (Patient Change Agents - link follows)  .'
'TOPRA London Annual Symposium 2017: Collaborations| Strategies| Solutions| Global regulatory approaches to improve healthcare
In partnership with MHRA (link follows below)  .'
'GOV.UK 18th September 2017: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA): MHRA 11 links (link follows below)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: Local Enterprise Partnership  That Created Itself. (business enterprise model?).'
'HEART OF THE SOUTH WEST local enterprise partnership 4th June 2014: New Chief Executive appointed: The Heart of the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has named Chris Garcia as its newly appointed Chief Executive (link follows)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th September 2017: Voting Soon To Be A Soviet - Style Political Privilege?.'
'THE GUARDIAN (electoral reform) 18th September 2017: Ban social media trolls from voting, election watchdog suggests
Electoral Commission says bans could be considered in attempt to reduce amount of abuse faced by politicians
Banning social media trolls from voting could help reduce the amount of abuse faced by politicians, the election watchdog has said.
The Electoral Commission says legislation around elections should be reviewed and new offences could be introduced.
“In some instances electoral law does specify offences in respect of behaviour that could also amount to an offence under the general, criminal law. It may be that similar special electoral consequences could act as a deterrent to abusive behaviour in relation to candidates and campaigners,” it states. (link follows)  .'
'THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION : Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) review of Intimidation of Parliamentary candidates: Call for Evidence Electoral Commission response September 2017
21. In some instances, electoral law does specify offences in respect of behaviour that could also amount to an offence under the ***general criminal law. ➢*** This is often because electoral offences have special consequences, in that their commission could invalidate the election result and result in the person convicted losing their elected office and/or being subject to a period of disqualification from being registered as an elector, ***voting in an election*** and standing for election (section 173 RPA 1983). It may be that similar special electoral consequences could act as a ➢***deterrent to abusive behaviour*** in relation to candidates and campaigners.
22. A further current offence under electoral law which it may be useful to consider is that of ➢***making false statements of fact about the personal character or conduct*** of a candidate (section 106 RPA 1983). As the Law Commissions’ noted in their 2014 electoral law reform consultation paper, ➢***“Any person can commit this offence***, but it is plainly targeted at rival candidates and those affiliated to their campaign”. The Law
Commissions also noted that Section 106(3) expressly provides that a person making or publishing any false statement of fact may be restrained by interim or perpetual injunction.
23. One specific reform that the Electoral Commission has recommended since 2003 – and which the Law Commissions have also proposed – is to update the law so that it takes appropriate account of online material, including social media. There is currently a requirement to include an ‘imprint’ on printed ‘election material’ (defined as material intended to promote or procure the election of a candidate) (section 110
RPA 1983). This is important to ensure campaigners are accountable for spending on regulated campaign material, but it also allows members of the public to identify who is responsible for the material. The Electoral Commission and the Law Commissions have recommended that ➢***the imprint requirement should be extended to online material.*** (link follows below)  .'
'THE CAMPAIGNER UNBOUND Last revised 31st May 2012: (1984 Reality On The Move):
"Under this lies a fact never mentioned aloud, but tacitly understood and acted upon: namely, that the conditions of life in all three super-states are very much the same.  In Oceania the prevailing philosophy is called Ingsoc, in Eurasia it is called Neo-Bolshevism, and in Eastasia it is called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-Worship, but perhaps better rendered as Obliteration of the Self."  George Orwell, 1984 (link follows below)  .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with guests Patrick Henningsen and Gearoid O Colmain who altogether are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Sex abuse,  Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skulduggery  and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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Blackhole Bridger.
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Lamh_Dearg Alasdair AiligSheoic tweeted @ 19 Sep 2017 - 05:57 UTC

Alternative für Deutschland pre-election speaker: "Every vote for AfD brings the arrest warrant for Merkel closer"…

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