
in news •  7 years ago 

UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 20th July 2017.

UK Column News in studio guest presenter today is from inside the "Belly of the Beast" The Netherlands Intelligence specialist, Christian, interpreter/translator, historian, Biblical Languages teacher, Briton, Scot, Englishman, constitutionalist, and founder of Eastern Approaches Alex Thomson bringing his specialities to bear in the UK Column forum and discusses the hot topics aired today such as Farron still at it, Unaccompanied children missing from UK care, Trafficked unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking children, Heading back to harm, Sex crimes against children with impunity, Grooming with no one talking, Fostering Big Business, Profound conflict of interests, CAFCASS and Family Division Agreement, BBC's outrageous salaries, Mind that gender salaries gap - yes we do mind, The BBC's underbelly, The Action of BBC Media Action, Subversive BBC projects undermining countries Sovereignty, Benjamin Netanyahu thanks Viktor Orban, Power blocks in flux, The Soros threat under the microscope, A shield against Soros, The Franco-German Alliance, The Visegrad member states, Cracking down on Soros, The Merkron plot, A Change of Strategy?, Exploiting the €, Warnings of EU military unification, Queen Lizzy needs protection, War secretary still playing with his toy soldiers in his sandbox and Destroying Britain's Military capabilities.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 210th July 2017: Farron Still At It: Unaccompanied Children.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Brandon Lewis MP (Minister of State for Immigration): "The government is fully committed to helping and supporting the most vulnerable children; we have contributed significantly to hosting, supporting and protecting vulnerable children affected by the migration crisis." (he was the former policing minister and took no heed to police whistleblower john wedger).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Missing Children: "Trafficked and unaccompanied Asylum-seeking children are going missing from UK care at an 'Alarmingly High' rate." (where are these children going?).'
'HEADING BACK TO HARM (missing people) November 2016: A study on trafficked and unaccompanied children going missing from care in the UK
Child survivors are among the most vulnerable victims of modern slavery, and if they are not provided the right care from the moment they are identified through to adulthood, they are at risk of falling back into exploitation or suffering further abuse and harm. Protection of trafficked children, as well as those who are at risk of being trafficked, is a priority that requires a coordinated
and immediate response. (1/124 pdf link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: #Stopchildtrafficking: Tim Farron (liberal democrat leader) Spoof: "But if I do something about it my Parliamentary colleagues - of all parties - would have nothing to play with...'
'BEEFLY NEWS YouTube Published 11th May 2017: Tim Farron in Gloucester talking about Refugees (3min 40sec link follows)
'THE TELEGRAPH 7th June 2014: Why the explosion in child-snatching is big business By Christopher Booker.
When fostering excites venture capitalists, the number of children taken into care rises
A Norfolk reader sends me photographs of an advertisement placed on the back of local buses by Norfolk and Suffolk county councils. “New challenge,” it reads. “Have you thought of fostering? If so you can earn £590 a week.”
Most people have no idea what a big business fostering has become. When one such firm, National Fostering Agency, representing 175 local authorities after being launched by two ex-social workers in 1995, was placed on the market by Rothschilds in 2012, it was sold by its “venture capital” owners Sovereign to a “private equity” firm, Graphite Capital, for a staggering £130 million. (link follows below) .'
'THE TELEGRAPH 18th July 2017: Charlie Gard's parents angry that baby's lawyer is head of charity that backs assisted dying
“The family find it astonishing that the quango (CAFCASS - The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) that appointed the barrister to act in the interests of Charlie Gard is the chairman of Compassion in Dying, the sister body of Dignity in Dying, formerly known as the Voluntary Euthanasia Society. The implication is obvious. It looks like a profound conflict of interest.” (link follows) .'
'NEW JOINT AGREEMENT ISSUED BY CAFCASS AND PRESIDENT OF THE FAMILY DIVISION 30th September 2010: Arrangements to assist CAFCASS pending implementation of the Family Justice Review 1 October 2010: Joint message from Sir Nicholas Wall, President of the Family Division and Anthony Douglas, the Chief Executive of CAFCASS
With this note, you will receive the Agreement which has been reached between us and the relevant government Departments (1/7 pdf link follows below) .'
'PINK TAPE 28th September 2011: Open letter to CAFCASS
“An open letter in respect of my resignation from Cafcass
Posted on 26th September 2011
Dear …………………,
I have long had my doubts as to whether Cafcass as an organisation is fit for purpose. I have been critical of the honesty and integrity of the management of the service, things that continue to concern me. I have to agree with the many individuals and organisations who have concluded that the problems of Cafcass are so manifold and entrenched that any satisfactory solution requires a complete transformation.
This has, inevitably created tensions in my employment, particularly as Cafcass has become increasingly prescriptive in the way in which it requires its advisors to work. The emergence and consolidation within Cafcass of a ‘compliance culture where meeting performance management demands becomes the dominant focus rather than meeting the needs of children and their families’ (Munro Review of Child Protection: Final Report: HMSO May 2011) is something that I, and many of my colleagues have found to be deeply troubling. (link follows below) .'
'COMPASSION IN DYING: Report and financial statement Report of the trustees For the year ended 31 December 2014:
Company number 05856324
Charity number 1120203
The trustees present their report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014.
Reference and administrative information set out on page 1 forms part of this report. The financial statements
comply with current statutory requirements, the memorandum and articles of association and the Statement of Recommended Practice - Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005) (1/19 pdf link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Snakes and Ladders: the BBC's highest paid stars
Chris Evens - £2.2 - 2.5 million......2016/2017
Garry Lineker - £1.75 - 1.79 million...2016/2017
Graham Norton - £0.85 - 0.89 million...2016/2017 .'
'THE TELEGRAPH NEWS 20th July 2017: BBC pay list: the hidden names the corporation does not want you to see
The published table of the BBC star salaries contains 96 names, but the real number is likely to be higher as a technicality allows the true figures to be masked.
The government required the disclosure of “people paid more than £150,000 of licence fee revenue” in the last financial year. (link follows) .'
'BBC NEWS (entertainment & arts) 19th July 2017: Reality Check: The Gender pay gap
BBC director general Lord Hall has said the BBC gender pay gap across the organisation is 10%, compared with an 18% gap across the UK as a whole.
His comments came as the BBC published for the first time the pay of stars earning £150,000 and more.
The figures reveal that about two-thirds of stars earning more than £150,000 are male, compared to one-third female, according to the BBC annual report.
The top seven earners in the list of the BBC's 96 best-paid stars are all male.
What is the gender pay gap? (it's a diversionary tactic to disguise where your licence Fee money is squandered - link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Masterpiece of Fake News
Corporate greed and obscene salaries on the back of public funds extracted from the public by BBC agents CAPITA using bully-boy tactics is spun into a gender pay gap issue...'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: BBC MEDIA ACTION: BBC policy to subvert and help ferment regime change in Syria
Juliette Harkin former BBC Media Action project Manager and an expert on Syria says: "We [BBC Media Action] worked in 2004 with individuals within the ministry who wanted change and tried to get them to be the drivers of that. All media development work that has been done in Syria has, in my opinion, been predicated upon this idea that there can be change from within - you have an authoritarian regime and you find who the reformers are within that (individuals) and you work with them." (£multi-million salaries for BBC 'entertainers' for the public and subversion to ferment war behind the scenes).'
'BBC MEDIA ACTION Transforming Lives Through Media Around The World Annual Report 2011/12
Our work in the Middle East and North Africa was of particular note this year as events of the 'Arab Spring' brought the role of media in all forms - but especially social media - to the fore.
The year marked a significant change in the identity and scale of the BBC's international development charity.
In two separate but parallel developments we changed our name to BBC Media Action and we restructured and scaled up in a response to a significant boost to funding. A 'Global Grant' from UK's Department for International Development (DfID) amounting to £90m will allow us to build and extend existing projects funded by DIFD
Governance And Rights
The largest area of our work remains Governance and Rights. In the Middle East the Former Soviet Union and Europe, our work included sustaining and expanding Radio Al Mirbad's programming in Iraq, where a long running project (2011 - 2013) funded by the US Department of State, extended its reach. The station Helps.
In Afghanistan the process of establishing an independent Afghan organisation staffed by former BBC Media Action employees was completed on 2nd April 2012. making a significant step for both Afghan Education Projects Organisation (AEPO) and BBC Media Action.
Elsewhere in Asia governance-related projects included Loy9 in Cambodia. This multimedia initiative to encourage youth participation in civic life has had significant impact. Around 5,000 people have visited the Loy9 website each week and Loy9 videos were viewed more than 100,000 times in just under 16 million and where less than 7% of young people have access to the internet, this marks huge uptake.
In another youth - focused project, 'Burma Horizon' trained journalists and production staff to help (1/42 pdf link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: BBC Media Action is independent of the BBC except where it feeds off the pension pot

  1. Pension Costs
    Some UK employees are members of the BBC's pension schemes.
    The BBC group operates both defined benefit contribution schemes for the benefit of the employers.'
    'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Central Europe + Israel: A Shield Against Soros.'
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'ISRAELI PM YouTube published 19th July 2017: Prime Minister Netanyahu's remarks following a meeting with leaders of the Visegrad Group member states
member states: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Czech Republic Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło and Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fitzo (5min 12sec link follows)

'TWEET BENJAMIN NETANYAHU @netanyahu 2:46 AM 18th July 2017: Thank you to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for the warm welcome in the Hungarian parliament. (link below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Israel is Heartily Sick of Reframing from the West.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: 20th July 2017: It's Not Just Macron Worried About The Eurozone.'
'HAARETZ 11th July 2017: With Hungary Cracking Down on Soros, Israeli Lawmaker Pushes His Own 'Soros Law'
Israeli lawmaker from Netanyahu's Likud party vows to push bill day after Israel backtracks criticism of Hungarian PM's campaign against Jewish-American financier George Soros (link follows) .'
'FORTUNE Insiders 30th December 2013: Why 2017 Could See the Collapse of the Euro
Europe has not been doing well. Just this year, GDP per capita for the Eurozone as a whole finally returned to pre-crisis levels. (link follows) .'
'COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (general secretariat) Brussels, 10th July 2017: CM 3616/17: COPS: POLMIL: DISCUSSION POINTS
● 1. CAR
● 2. EU Global Strategy – Implementation year 2
● 3. DPRK
● 4. Draft European Union Programme of Exercises and Exercise-Related Activities under the
CFSP 2017-2021
● 5. Concept Integrating Cyber Security in the Planning and Conduct of civilian CSDP missions
● 6. AOB (1/2 pdf link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Back to the Messerschmitt Drawing Board.'
'EXPRESS 19th July 2017: Franco-German alliance RISING: Merkron plot 'BIGGEST armament plan imaginable' in Europe
THE rebirth of the Franco-German power base has been cemented as it was revealed France and Germany will together build a next generation fighter dubbed “the biggest armament project imaginable in Europe”. (embedded video link follows) .'
'LES ECHOS .fr 19th Juillet 2017: Le général François Lecointre, nouveau « jeune » chef d'état-major des armées (translation -
General François Lecointre, new "young" Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces)

  • VIDEO. A 55 ans, le chef de cabinet militaire du Premier ministre a gagné en notoriété en s'illustrant lors de la guerre des Balkans. (translation - + VIDEO. At the age of 55, the prime minister's military chief of staff gained notoriety by becoming famous during the Balkan war. - link follows below) .'
    'TWEET ALISDAIR AILIGSHEOIC @Lamh_Dearg 9:30 AM 14th July 2017: Bastille Day interview: Macron tells German journos their country’s competitiveness is partly from exploiting the €. (link follows below) .'
    'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: What Prompted The Elysee's Change of Strategy?.'
    'OUEST FRANCE 13th June 2017: EXCLUSIF. Macron : « Je veux conforter la confiance des Français et des investisseurs »
    (translation - EXCLUSIVE. Macron: "I want to strengthen the confidence of French and investors")
    A la veille du 14-Juillet, où il n’a pas prévu d’interview télévisée, de la réception de Donald Trump et d’un important sommet franco-allemand, le président français, Emmanuel Macron, a accordé un entretien exclusif à Ouest-France et aux douze quotidiens allemands du groupe Funke. Il explique ici une diplomatie tout azimut et un renforcement concret des liens avec Berlin. (translation - On the eve of 14 July, when he did not plan a television interview, the reception of Donald Trump and a major Franco-German summit, French President Emmanuel Macron gave an exclusive interview to West -France and the twelve German daily newspapers of the Funke group. He explains here an all-out diplomacy and a concrete reinforcement of the ties with Berlin. - link follows) .'
    'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: TDs (Irish MPs) Warn of European Military Union.'
    'PEOPLEB4PROFIT 13th July 2017: Richard Boyd Barrett TD
    Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have already brought shame on Ireland and undermined our neutrality by allowing US troops into Shannon Airport. Now, they have passed a motion in the Dáil that would move Ireland's navy into an EU military alliance which would destroy our military neutrality. We have to fight to maintain Ireland's neutrality. (embedded video - broken link follows below)
    https://www. (reclose to use) .'
    'THE EXPRESS 16th July 2017: Navy's new £3.5b aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth needs protecting by FRENCH warships
    BRITAIN’S new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will be forced to rely on French frigates to protect it from attack, the Ministry of Defence confirmed yesterday.
    he £3.5billion carrier , nicknamed Big Lizzie, is also likely to have foreign protection when used in “soft power” operations designed to project Britain’s naval might around the world. (embedded video link follows) .'
    'UK COLUMN NEWS 20th July 2017: Relax! Britain's Defence Is Now On A 'Chip-In' Basis
    Michael Fallon (Defence Secretary & Child Nursery specialist)
    Last night Royal Navy sources confirmed that the supercarrier will avail itself will escort it during both Nato and non-Nato operations, And other nations will also Chip In on a needs basis...
    "Our armed forces face ever-evolving threats so we must invest in cutting-edge technology to ensure they can operate in hostile theatre.. (and he's still playing with his toy soldiers in his sandbox).'
    'UK COLUMN ONLINE (Defence) 14th February 2011: The Franco British Council Plan To Destroy Britain's Military Capability
    We are to be stripped of the military power to act alone, our military command and control structures are to be weakened and confused by French ‘collaboration’ and ‘partnering’, and we are to be stripped of nuclear weapons. The security of Britain is being destroyed under the cloak of Cameron’s Franco British Defence Treaty. (link follows) .'
    'UK COLUMN Newspaper May 2008: Unpublished UK Column Article May 2008: Royal Navy builds for an air threat and misses the 'Enemy Within'
    "We are told that plans for a European crew for these new carriers has been dropped. has it? the usual plan of attack by the EU eu bureaucracy is to mention a subject, then pretend to drop it, and then implement it by the back door. As European Military Unification is formed bit by bit, we can be sure that the same plan exists for both the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy."
    'UK COLUMN Newspaper January /February 2009: EU Control of UK Military "Flash Flash Flash"
    Ater th EU 'locks' Britain into its web of control, British ships are pawned out for European directed operations against 'pirates'...'
    'UK COLUMN ONLINE : EU Military Unification TIME LINE:
    Military Unification has been on the European Union's policy agenda for decades. In the past twelve months, the pressure to complete the task has accelerated the process, particularly since the Bratislava Summit of September 2016.
    There, the 27 leaders of the EU decided to "give a new impetus" to European external security and defence. (time line in following link) .'
    All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Alex Thomson who together are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skullduggery and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
    Do you want to get into the real know? if so then just click below.
    Blackhole Bridger .
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netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted @ 18 Jul 2017 - 09:46 UTC

Thank you to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for the warm welcome in the Hungarian parliament.

Lamh_Dearg Alasdair AiligSheoic tweeted @ 14 Jul 2017 - 16:30 UTC

Bastille Day interview: Macron tells German journos their country’s competitiveness is partly from exploiting the €.…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank you for that excellent summary of what was being discussed on the UKC.