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UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 13th July 2017.

UK Column News Live by Skype guest today is our friend from inside the "Belly of the Beast" the Netherlands our Intelligence Specialist, Linguist, Translator Biblical teacher and founder of Eastern Approaches bringing to the UK Columns news table European and current affairs and discusses the Hot Potato Topics aired today such as Patriation of European Laws, EU legislation to be laid down and set into UK's Domestic Law, No more important debates held in parliament, UK's Enabling Act, The Full Deceit of Brexit begins to be unveiled, The deliberate blurring of Common Law, Leaving but opting in - oxymoron, Brexit nonsense, UK's defrocking of democracy, UK's Nuclear deterrent, Energy policy, Fishing - clutching at straws, MEP not listening and running away, Militarization of the Baltic Sea, Germans to get F-35 fighters?, Germans control Dutch Military, UK Government touting privileged intelligence information - foreign powers - Treason?, UK's propagandised Rhetoric after we brought Iraq to ruins, Immigration quotas - trafficking agreements, People exploitation - refugees, Dodgy migration dealings, The face of Evil - Soros - Hungary, Caution Garda at airport, Gardi fabricated evidence and false testimony - Jobstown, New generation electronic monitoring and Remember drink and children don't mix.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: Great Repeal Bill (delaying and subversion tactics of the people's wishes).'
'TWEET INDEPENDENT @independent 12:41 AM 13th July 2017: The government is about to give itself powers to scrap your rights without a vote in parliament (sub text) Labour has vowed to try to wreck the Brexit process by voting against the flagship "Repeal Bill", unless Theresa May makes dramatic changes, Kair Starmer, the party's Brexit spokesman, said... (Labour would attempt to defeat the legislation in just three months’ time – significantly tightening the screw on the Prime Minister. link below) .'
'THE TELEGRAPH NEWS 7th July 2017: Belgians 'can fish British waters for eternity' thanks to 1666 royal decree
Flemish politicians have claimed that Belgian fisherman have “eternal rights” to fish in British waters, even after Brexit, thanks to a 1666 Royal decree.
The ancient charter, issued by King Charles II, could make a mockery of Britain’s efforts to take back control of its seas by pulling out of the London Convention. The 1964 convention allows certain countries, including Belgium, to fish in British waters. (link follows) .'
'REFORMATORISCH DAGBLAD 6th Juli 2017: Privilege uit 1666: Belgen mogen "eeuwig" vissen onder Britse kust (translation follows below)
Privilege from 1666: Belgians may fish forever for British coast
Nog twee jaar en dan weert het Verenigd Koninkrijk alle EU-vissers uit zijn territoriale wateren. Alle EU-vissers? Misschien toch niet. In de archieven van Brugge bevindt zich een oorkonde uit 1666 die vissers uit de Vlaamse stad het ”eeuwige” recht geeft om onder de Engelse kust te vissen. De Vlaamse minister-president Geert Bourgeois haalde het ”Privilegie” woensdagavond op de Belgische tv-zender VRT letterlijk uit zijn broekzak. (below translation)
For another two years, the United Kingdom will return all EU fishermen from its territorial waters. All EU fishermen? Maybe not at all. In the archives of Bruges, there is a record of 1666 that fishermen from the Flemish city give the "eternal" right to fish under the English coast. Flemish Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois literally removed his "Privilege" wednesday evening on the Belgian television channel VRT. (link follows below) .'
'DE REDACTIE.BE 5th Juli 2017: Geeft privilege uit 1666 Brugse vissers vrijgeleide om in Britse wateren te vissen na de brexit?
wo 05/07/2017: Geeft privilege uit 1666 Brugse vissers vrijgeleide om in Britse wateren te vissen na de brexit?
Een Engels privilege uit 1666 geeft 50 Brugse vissers hypothetisch de mogelijkheid om na de brexit in Britse wateren te varen, ook als het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn territoriale wateren fors uitbreidt. Dat insinueerde Vlaams minister-president Geert Bourgeois (N-VA) in "Terzake". (translation below)
Gives privilege from 1666 Brugse fishermen released to fish in British waters after brexit?
An English privilege from 1666 gives 50 Bruges fishermen the ability to sail in British waters after brexit in British waters, even if the United Kingdom extends its territorial waters. That included Flemish Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois (N-VA) in "Terzake".
(link follows below) .'
'TWEET GEERT BOURGEOIS‏ @GeertBourgeois Jul 6 2017: Do the Zeebruges fishermen still have a privilege from
King Charles II of 1666 to fish in British waters, @GOVUK? (hashtag)fishing (hashtag)Brexit
ALASDAIR AILIGSHEOIC @Lamh_Dearg 1:28 AM 13th July 2017: Replying to @GeertBourgeois
No, because this treaty was lost for three centuries and hence clearly fell into dejuretude. Besides, Stuart personal rule was ended in 1688 (link follows below) .'
'TWEET ROGER HEIMER @RogerHeimerMEP 11th July 2017: I just attended a lunch briefing on the European Defence Fund & Common Defence Planning. That's the EU Army we were promised wouldn't happen
ALASDAIR AILIGSHEOIC @Lamh_Dearg 11:13 AM 11th July 2017: Replying to @RogerHelmerMEP
You were warned about it by @STRATEGICDEFENC a long time ago and ran away from him. Ditto when @briangukc briefed you on Common Purpose. (link follows below) .'
'GERMAN - FOREIGN - POLICY.COM 3rd July 2017: The Militarization of the Baltic Sea.
BERLIN (Own report) - Since 1990, the German Navy is more than ever focusing its activities on the power struggle with Russia in the Baltic Sea. It is "conceivable" that "the eastern area of the Baltic Sea could become the venue for conflicts of interests and provocations," the head of a department in the German Navy Command wrote in an article published in the current edition of MarineForum. This necessitates preparations for "the regular and permanent presence of operational forces" and a resolute military buildup, and Berlin's announcement to procure five new corvettes is a signal in the right direction. At the same time, large scale maneuvers are regularly being held in the Baltic Sea. The most recent "BALTOPS 2017" exercise was focused around the scenario of naval combat against an enemy advancing "from the North." Strategic B-52 bombers - among others - we e training so close to the Russian border that Moscow saw itself forced to chase them off with fighter jets. B-52s can be equipped with nuclear arms. Moscow has announced Russian-Chinese naval exercises to be held this month - for the first time in the Baltic Sea. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: Germans To Get F35 Fighters? (they have the Dutch fighters?).'
'DEFENSE NEWS 23rd June 2017: German Officers meet with Lockheed to talk F-35 at Paris Air Show.
It is not uncommon for potential customers — including Germany — to engage with the defense industry on a number of platforms or technologies, nor does the meeting indicate a significant step forward in the process of selling the F-35 to Germany, the source said. (embedded video link follows below) .'
'THE HERALD sunday herald 11th July 2017: A RISING number of Russian naval vessels have been detected in UK waters including submarines caught "lurking" near the Faslane nuclear-armed submarine base, a foreign affairs think tank has fund.
The Russian subs are thought to be attempting to identify the "acoustic signature" of Britain's Vanguard submarines...
According to the Henry Jackson Society (a non-story as this has been normal procedure since the second world war - link follows below) .'
'THE HENRY JACKSON SOCIETY: Dr Andrew Foxall Director of the Russian Studies Centre (embedded video link follows below) .'
'THE GCHQ CALL IS OPEN no publish date July 2017: Developing The UK's Cyber Security Ecosystem Through Accelerating Innovative Startups: wayra Telefonica open Future.
The GCHQ Cyber Accelerator is a collaboration between the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Wayra UK, part of Telefónica Open Future_, and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
Part of the Government’s £1.9bn National Cyber Security Programme, it drives innovation in the cyber security sector and helps keep British businesses and consumers safe from online attacks and threats. (link follows) .'
'THE HERALD sunday herald 11th July 2017: Glasgow superhospital fitted with Grenfell insulation panels
COMBUSTIBLE insulation panels found on Grenfell Tower were also installed throughout Scotland's largest hospital, it has emerged.
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (aka the death star) in Glasgow is the latest building to enter the spotlight after an investigation revealed that the same rainscreen boards used to insulate the £842 million facility had also been discovered on the London high-rise where at least 80 residents died in a blaze last month. (link follows below) .'
'THE GUARDIAN 7th July 2017: Nine ways to save the NHS – by healthcare professionals
Charge for missed appointments, divert funds to social care and fine drunk people – readers weigh in on how to solve problems facing the health service
► 1. Charge drunk people for using services
► 2. Fine people for appointments they miss or cancel at short notice
► 3. Give money to public health and social care instead of the NHS
► 4. Create a competitive market for GPs and community services
► 5. Centralise key services and improve IT
► 6. Introduce an all-party parliamentary committee working with all NHS staff groups
► 7. Bring back training bursaries for nurses and give them a pay rise
► 8. Introduce a nominal charge to access services
► 9. Make doctors surgeries open longer so people avoid A&E (full article link follows)
'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: Incompetent Analysis of the Causes of Failings in the NHS.'
'TWEET PAGE SARAH JOHNSON @sajajohnson Joined September 2011: Journalist @guardian. Writes/commissions #NHS, #ageingpopulation content. Languages nut. London-born, Oman and Yorkshire-bred. Used to work in Vietnam.'
'Book: THE PLOT AGAINST THE NHS Authors Colin Leys & Stewart Player - reviewed by Richard Horton, The Guardian - Revealing the British coalition government's plans, this examination demonstrates how a small "policy community" inside and outside the department of health have schemed for 10 years to replace the National Health Service (NHS) with a U.S.-style health care market without informing parliament or the public. While ex-ministers, officials, and the like profit from lucrative positions in private health companies, the population must cope with the increasing health care costs and the diminishing quality of care. With accounts from NHS patients and doctors, the key strategies of implementation are uncovered and the companies involved--their lobby, their businesses, their fortunes, and, in some cases, their crimes--exposed. (link follows) .'
'Book: AFTER THE N.H.S. Author Arthur Seldon: After the N.H.S. [National Health Service]: Reflections on the Development of Private Health Insurance in Britain in the 1970's (link follows) .'
'Book: PRIVATISING THE WORLD Privatizing the World: A Study of International Privatization in Theory and Practice
Author Oliver Letwin (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN ONLINE (health) 24th May 2013: The NHS Common Purpose: Towards A Million Change Agents
For change to work, the discontent with the present must be greater than the tolerance of it – Robert Rowland Smith, philosopher Isn't this the perception we are being fed about the state of parts of our NHS? Might this not suggest that it is being deliberately sabotaged from within? (link follows below) .'
'TWEET SARAH JOHNSON @sajajohnson 4:05 AM 29th June 2017: Taking a child away from their mother isn't easy – but sometimes it's necessary #BloodSweatTears via @GdnHealthcare (link follows below) .'
'TWEET SARAH JOHNSON @sajajohnson 4:48 AM 9th June 2017: #girlpower: The schoolgirl thrash metal band smashing stereotypes in Indonesia (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN ONLINE (health) 13th July 2017: Sarah Johnson Promotes Slipknot As Role For Young Girls.'
'HORRORPEDIA 13th December 2013: Slipknot - Nu - metal band
Slipknot is an American nu-metal band from Des Moines, Iowa, formed in 1995.
Slipknot is well known for its attention-grabbing image, aggressive music style, and energetic and chaotic live shows. They have specialised in horror-themed imagery, hiding their identities behind masks (although these would be removed in solo and side projects) and having controversial, confrontational and violent lyrics and stage performances, especially in their early days, where performances featured extreme acts such as stage dives from high balconies, projectile vomiting and band members setting each other on fire. (link follows below) .'

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'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: Emergency Aid
UK to send life saving Aid to help rebuild (propagandised rhetoric)
Priti Patel (Secretary of State for International Development): "Mosul's liberation is a great victory for the people of Iraq who have shown extraordinary bravery, and a great stride forward for global security." (so where is Syria's praise and aid - double standards at play here).'
'KRONEN ZEITUNG 3rd July 2017: Flüchtlingsströme (Refugees):
Alarmplan: 750 Soldaten für Grenzsicherung bereit (translation follows - Alarmplan: 750 soldiers ready for border guard)
Nach den alarmierenden Meldungen über die Flüchtlingsbewegungen in Italien gehen die militärischen Nachrichtendienste von einer möglichen Zuspitzung der Lage aus. Verteidigungsminister Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) hat daher am Montag alle Vorbereitungen für die Sicherung der Brenner-Grenze getroffen. (translation - After the alarming reports about the refugee movements in Italy, the military intelligence services are assuming a possible worsening of the situation. Minister of Defense Hanspeter Doskozil (SPÖ) therefore made all preparations for securing the Brenner border on Monday. - link follows) .'
'TWEET HERBERT SAX @Gkritischergeist 2:52 AM - 30th Juni 2017: Ein seltenes Bild.
Retter fotografieren Flüchtlingsboote immer aus Südrichtung weil man sonst das nahe Land sehen würde. (translation - A rare picture. Rescuers photographed refugee boats always from the south because otherwise one would see the near country - link follows below) .'
'GAIUS OCTAVIUS 10th July 2017: Anti-Soros Ad Campaign In Hungary - Devil eyes and bleeding fanged mouth, (seeing Soros for what he truly is - 3min 21sec - see play 2:20 to 2:34 - link follows)

'THE IRISH TIMES 6th July 2017: Blogger considers legal action over Garda (police) caution at airport
Catherine Kelly stopped by gardaí over social media comments about Regina Doherty.
A New York-based blogger who was stopped and cautioned by gardaí at Dublin Airport about social media posts she made about Minister for Employment Regina Doherty is considering legal action against gardaí. (link follows below) .'
'JOBSTOWN NOT GUILTY No publish date found July 2017: Trial
The first set of adult trials concluded with a Not Guilty verdict.
Fabricated evidence and false testimony by Gardai in the Jobstown Protest trial.
These transcripts, the book of evidence and the video evidence contain the evidence of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice involving a series of Gardai (Irish Police Officers) lying in a coordinated way in their statements and under oath in court. (link follows) .'
'NAO National Audit Office 12th July 2017: Law and the justice system
The new generation electronic monitoring programme
The case for a huge expansion of electronic monitoring using GPS was unproven, but the Ministry of Justice pursued an overly ambitious and high risk strategy anyway. Ultimately it has not delivered.
Amyas Morse, (head of the National Audit Office): "“The case for a huge expansion of electronic monitoring using GPS was unproven, but the Ministry of Justice pursued an overly ambitious and high risk strategy anyway. Ultimately it has not delivered. After abandoning its original plans, the Ministry’s new service will now, ironically, be much closer to its existing one. Even if it launches in 2018, it will still be five years late. The Ministry has learnt costly lessons from its failings but significant risks still remain.”
Contracts, however, were not signed until July 2014 due to the discovery of overbilling by G4S and Serco, followed by two failed procurements for the tags. The Ministry has now appointed G4S as preferred bidder for the tags.
The Ministry has now appointed G4S as preferred bidder for the tags...
Overbilling was just incompetence or possibly fraud of course and either way G4S is therefore considered ideal to pick up more free public money... (our tax money is being squandered - no justice - link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: Ramp Up The Fear - Drink And The State Take Your Children.'
'THE SUN 12th July 2017: KNOW THE LAW Parents warned they could be arrested if they get too drunk while looking after their children this summer
The crime can be punished by a fine or up to a month in prison.
Solicitor advocate Joy Merriam said there was no objective test to see how drunk a parent was, but the key issue is around safeguarding – as child groups remind parents to drink responsibly as they enjoy themselves in the sun this summer .
Joy Merriam says parents enjoying a glass of wine at a family lunch are unlikely to be deemed as breaking the law
She said: “The threshold would be whether the child was compromised. If you’re having lunch with a couple of glasses of wine, you probably wouldn’t be considered drunk in charge of a child.
“If you’re obviously impaired, if it’s a young child who needs you to be alert and capable of safeguarding them, that would be the real test.”
She said parents of young children needed to be fully alert to protect them from physical harm such as running into a road or climbing on things.
Joy said often parents might be arrested on suspicion of the offence, but their case would be passed to social services, and prosecutions were rare.
She said: “It obviously is quite an old law. It tends to be used more these days in child protection and child care law. (link follows) .'
'TWEET PAGE JOY MERRIAM @JoyMerriam Joined September 2009: Law Society Council Member for NE London , Solicitor Advocate of the year Law Society Excellence Awards 2013 and devotee of the Blades (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 13th July 2017: If The Police Come It's OK They Will Just Pass It To Social Services (any excuse to take away your children).'
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