To all the flat earthers out there and the people who get itsteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  8 years ago 

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I'm just getting a little pissed off with all those hypnotized fool's who just don't get it. Iv just got into a blazing argument with my family showing absolute proof we are living on a flat plane. And all I got back with scoffs of laughter, NASA has shown us 100s of photos.

I'm only talking to people who know because I really can't be bothered talking about NASA here because it's a joke.

The problem is how hypnotized the general public are and what the hell are we gonna do to put it right.

I mean there's a part of me that says bollox to them leave them to be hypnotized.

But when somebody realizes the truth and it really sinks in they subconsciously operate differently because it raises so many other questions.

Like shit, if it's flat who made it?

So what's our point of being here?

Why are we fighting against each other?

I really do love it when somebody actually gets it in front of me, it is very rare. But then I know it was all worth it.
If I can just wake up just one more person I'll be happy.

Once they are getting dehypnotised you can try and explain the rest of the dream to them.

The dollar is going to crash your in a world of shit very soon. All currencies are gonna crash actually. And then all hell is going to break loose. I'm trying to keep this blog short so I'll leave that subject alone.

I'm not a religious person. Not that I have a problem with it except for the war and suicide bombers part of it.

The Elite don't want you to wake up, don't worry it will all be over very soon one way or another.

Together we are strong we are all One. wake up please love you all peace.

P.S I put a photo of a beautiful woman on the front of the blog because I knew it would get more hits.

Please follow me and I'll follow you back. Upvote if you like then I'll know it was all worth it thanks.

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It amazes me that with so many who see to believe in flat Earth, not one has been able to provide a picture or video over the edge and into space.

The one simple ironclad proof.

Meanwhile many hobbyist, not NASA, have sent up weather balloons that make it pretty clear that the planet is spherical. But after a certain point people become so wrapped in needing conspiracy that they'll believe anything so long as it's anti-mainstream or anti-establishment.

It's tragic.

I thought it was turtles all the way "down" (or "up")?

OK show me the proof of this balloon that proves spherical curve. Because there's a 100 dollar reward on youtube for anybody who can prove the curve. I can prove its flat.

Ok, I'll probably regret this, but show me this absolute truth your family scoffed at.
We could still be living in a simulation. The Hindus believed that all that we see/hear/sense is Maya, illusion and this is an old concept. But an illusion or simulation can be 3D hologram. Why must the earth be flat?
The better question is why are we discussing this? Maybe a diversion for some people so they don't question more pressing problems that affect all of humanity?

Have a little look at this please if you get the time it will blow your mind.

Agreed. Just another way to distract people. Like I've said 1000 times , whether the earth is flat or round doesn't determine your salvation if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. If you are saved it won't matter if the earth is flat or round. It won't determine whether you go to heaven or hell so why should it matter. Just another last days deception by the enemy to keep your mind focused in a different direction instead of on Jesus. I pray that people see that it won't matter.

Have you heard about the so called "Secret Space Program" or SSP? It appears they are holding back technology that would completely change our living standards for the positive. release the tech!!!!! see Corey Goode or David Wilcock.

Thanks for the info I'll look into it. We got to get rid of the dark state. I follow look forward to your posts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi - I saw your name mentioned as someone to hit up for the @upvotegroup.

I also see you mention this:

Please follow me and I'll follow you. Upvote if you like thanks. We are all ONE we are strong. Tell me if you want to add me to your steemvoter rule and I'll add you back 100%

I'm now following you. What's the steeemvoter rule?