FLAT EARTH | Physical Proof of The Firmament "THE SKY STONE" (2017)steemCreated with Sketch.

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Did you miss the solar eclipse today? (I guess so living in the UK) Have you ever used a telescope to look at the moon or other celestial bodies? Think these are all fake/cgi too? We can see the ISS space station very easily on a clear night, without a telescope. How do you explain these simple things? I actually agree with you that NASA is probably hiding lots of stuff, but it's definitely not "flat earth"! Quit drinking the fluoridated water!

They not fake!! The moon is a flat disc of equal size of the sun around 300 miles away. No planets no galaxies no milky ways no nova bullshit all bollox. Just twinkling stars. DEFINITELY NO SPACE STATION THAT'S A JOKE. Why do round earthers get nasty in a debate? We don't have fluoride in our water. But I drink from a spring in the welsh hills. Surely it's healthy to have this debate the lies are so deep it's nearly unbelievable. Thanks for your input.

No space station? No planets? Do you not even know someone who owns a telescope? I'm not being nasty, you are not listening to reason and LOTS of EVIDENCE you can see yourself.
Please explain how the underside of clouds can become illuminated before sunrise or after sunset, if the sun is not actually below the horizon?
Most people are hoping your joking, but sadly it seems your not. :(

But there is no proof of curvature except for NASA and other dodgy organisations providing fake CGI. But there is proof using a high power camera sometimes for 40 miles there is no curvature. Ships go into the horizon and disappear what appears to be under the curve. But when you bring out the high power camera and repoint it at the ship it reappears. We are living on a flat plane.

You've outdone yourself.

Earth is not flat. People believing Earth is flat can't have conversation with arguments. I tried to talk you with Flatearthers, ask them simple question, but coudn't answer one of them. Flatearthers are starting to behave like sect which blindly protect beliefs of sect.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi will love to help you with any questions you need answering? The brain washing is deep so please be open minded. But there is no proof of curvature except for NASA and other dodgy organisations providing fake CGI. But there is proof using a high power camera sometimes for 40 miles there is no curvature. Ships go into the horizon and disappear what appears to be under the curve. But when you bring out the high power camera and repoint it at the ship it reappears. We are living on a flat plane.! But thanks for your reply of course we're entitled to point of view but you cant hide the truth for long.

Flatearthers logic...every video showing curvature is cgi, every video "showing" it is flat is real

ok very interesting but it doesn't change the fact we are living on a flat plane.

Next thing you'll be on about is gravity lol.

You don't understand faults of this video? You can see only top of the buildings, exactly how it is on globe earth. Problem of Flatearthers is they don't try to calculate how much of this buildings you could see from distance of place where photo was taken. You just blindly believe this is proof without investigating.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Very good point except it is over 50 miles away and you shouldn't see ANY of the buildings not alone the top. It doesn't really matter about the dome, the stars, the moon, the sun, the ice wall, none of that really matters. All you have to do to find out the truth is ARE WE LIVING ON A FLAT PLANE?? This has been proven time and time again with lasers, water level, balloons, bridges, teliscopes, eyes, canals the list go's on. But there is absolutletly no proof of curvature or a real photo of the earth. Go on find me some proof? Thanks for the debate I'm enjoying. x

I can go on for hours showing you proof but you wont be able to prove the curve to me because its not possible

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You don't know how to debate because you will not go now online and check could top of buildings in chicago be visible from place of photo in globe model. It is super easy to calculate it :) but you want gonna do that because you are not interested in truth, you are only interested in defending flat earth model.

No my friend you still haven't shown me any proof of the curve, come on you say we're living on a spinning ball it should be easy. And a photo of the world we live on would be nice too.

All FE 'evidence' is debunked long time ago, but you blindly believe in it so you don't see it cleary

There's 200 proofs bro enjoy!

keep searching! do experiments yourself! Don't believe the bullshit! you'll get there! Try using high power laser pens over LEVEL sea no curvature. Or use a high power camera. wait til ship goes out of view bring the camera out again and bosh there's the ship didn't go over the curve. Don't believe the shit online do it yourself. Thanks for your input.