RE: LGBTQ Pedo Agenda

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LGBTQ Pedo Agenda

in news •  7 years ago 

i'll look into it. I dont doubt the heinousness of Podesta but I dont see how hes tied to the LGBTQ community.

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John Podesta was advisor to pres. Obama and helped run Hillary's campaign. I can't think of anyone in modern era to embody transgender and gay rights as Obama (although, Trudeau is giving him a run for his money, now). They, the left in general, Hollywood, the corporate media, YouTube, Google all are pushing this stuff as far as the LGBTQ agenda (dilution of normal families and values). Through brainwashing, subliminal imagery and laws they influence our culture. Eric Schmidt the CEO of Google that just stepped down, was a strategist for the Clinton Campaign. Pedophilia is ridden amongst the mainstream elitist (because many Republicans and 'so called' conservatives are pedophiles, ie THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, a DEAR friend of John Podesta), but in America the elite are truly, mostly left, and they push homosexuality and transgenderism as a virtue and the next check box on the list of taboos to be broken is pedophilia. That's why John Podesta is running around free, going on TV, playing Mr. Nice Politican Man, writes a column for the Washington Post and yet we can all listen to him torture a child. He is inexplicably tied to the DNC, Obama, Hillary, MODERN LIBERALS OF AMERICA. Obama is just as guilty with his child like pizza friendship bracelet he shares with Joe Biden and his purchasing of 65,000$ worth of pizza/dogs from Chicago to be flown in for a private party in 2009. He's famous for pushing LGBTQ 'rights'. I'm not equating LGBT to pedophilia or saying most LGBT members are not straight out opposed to pedophilia. LGBT members and supporters are being used for a purpose, though. In my opinion, I do see them accepting pedophilia in the end but who knows when that'll be... Given transgenderism and homosexuality is biological/psychological dysfunction, pedophilia fits right in, in that regard.


Human trafficking, pedophilia and child rape is not a joke. I don't care who it's done by. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Click the link if you want the hard evidence of John Podesta torturing a child. Unless you don't want to believe that politicians like him, his brother, and the Clintons get away with child rape and trafficking whilst parading as champions of the lgbt community. Not a worry, you'll have plenty company.
It's very simple and quick research. The children are the ones who suffer.

Don't judge me, get off your offended high horse you special snowflake.

I'm an actual victim of paedophilia, I was sexual abused on multiple occasions.


Sexual abuse of children is horrifying and leaves deep personal scars, I know this and live with those scars daily.

But I'm sick to death of right wing flakey fuck wits like you using this abuse, to further their own conspiracy theorys, using my pain and suffering, to justify your theories.

Stop using lgbt and transgender people as a scapegoat for your fucking conspiracy theories.

You don't even care about the abuse of these kids, or you would be doing a hell of a lot more then just sprouting your hate speech under the guise of concern for the children.

You make me sick.

all are pushing this stuff as far as the LGBTQ agenda (dilution of normal families and values). Through brainwashing, subliminal imagery and laws they influence our culture.

they push homosexuality and transgenderism as a virtue and the next check box on the list of taboos to be broken is pedophilia.

g LGBTQ 'rights'. I'm not equating LGBT to pedophilia or saying most LGBT members are not straight out opposed to pedophilia. LGBT members and supporters are being used for a purpose,

In my opinion, I do see them accepting pedophilia in the end but who knows when that'll be... Given transgenderism and homosexuality is biological/psychological dysfunction, pedophilia fits right in, in that regard.

Well, I'm sorry you're a victim of pedophilia. That's fine you think what I'm saying is hate speech. The entire concept of hate speech is absurd because I totally oppose government enforcement and regulation of speech. I believe in freedom of speech. I'm not offended in the least, no matter how much you ridicule, insult me or cuss at me. I'm not using LGBT as a scapegoat. I also said "I'm not equating LGBT to pedophilia or saying most LGBT members are not straight out opposed to pedophilia". Pedophilia is riddled in the political establishment. I personally believe both parties are bought and sold. John Podesta, advisor to Democratic leaders Obama and the Clintons, is a pedophile and human trafficker cover-up man. One of his best friends is former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, convicted and confirmed. It's not about party, at least not to me. I'm not using your suffering and pain at all. I'm using links, leaked emails, and audio. You can do the simple research too and wake up. I only brought up the suffering of the children because you wanted to make a joke of it.

Ya so to you the normal family is what was dubbed the nuclear family way back when. In your view progress of any kind or growth is a plot. Forget the pedo stuff you brought up though to start with you really made it sound like the two are connected. Let's focus on every other wrong thing you put out there. Because I agree, we need to do better at protecting kids, I was a victim of atrocious child molestaion to the point that it took surgery to fix the damage. I'm with you on stopping those people whoever they are. Get em.

However you are asserting that i, a person who raised two children, babysits my 5 nieces and nephews, I am somehow the problem with society. The problem is the cookie cutter. The problem is that the gun of the state is trained on those of us trying to struggle through our already difficult lives and assholes like you are egging it on. Fuck your theory. I have no agenda save that I will make sure my sons do better than me in life and I will one day live without fear of being in public. To you its some distant thing, I'm telling you, I am living it. I am a ltrans women, an ancap and an atheist, your backwards ass arguments hold no salt man, I grew up studying this shit. The LGBT community adds to the richness of the human tapestry everywhere it is allowed to flourish. You like to talk pathology, and its what marks you as uninformed. Homosexuality is not a disease it was removed from the manual. Trans people like me suffer from body dismorphia not transgenderisum that's not a word. Your problem is you let your hate guide your research, your method is flawed from the start all conclusions you have come to are based in faulty logic.

Mind you, I didn't mention a 'nuclear family', or a 'normal family', @steampunk-penny. It's hard to respond because your points are so scattered... I said transgenderism because I respect trans-people and their decision and don't want to make a psychiatric/psychological diagnosis of body dysmorphia because it really is not constructive to a conversation and each case is different. I respect your personal beliefs, struggle and the fact that you're doing your best to raise your children. I commend you for that, but I really think you were unsubstantiated making these accusations:

Your problem is you let your hate guide your research

However you are asserting that i, a person who raised two children, babysits my 5 nieces and nephews, I am somehow the problem with society.

assholes like you are egging it on

Ya so to you the normal family is what was dubbed the nuclear family way back when. In your view progress of any kind or growth is a plot.

I have no agenda save that I will make sure my sons do better than me in life and I will one day live without fear of being in public

I'm not talking about your agenda, I'm talking about the politically charged, zealous transgender activist's agenda. I feel you've misconstrued what I was trying to say so I'll rephrase and say that there is a problem with pedophilia and human trafficking in this country. Up high in congress and in corporations and they hide behind ideas of liberalism, free love, equality, no boundaries, homosexuality and transgenderism. For example these communities will never call out people like Obama, Hillary and John Podesta for their crimes on children, no matter how blatant and how much evidence there is. I am not saying anything about the average LGBT member except for they are being played. I don't have any intrinsic hate for trans or gays. I hate pedophiles, who whether you're hip to it or not, are co-opting the LGBT community... Or is it the LGBTQIAPK... Everyone and their mother is co-opting it, don't be surprised pedophiles will do the same. Behaviors conducive to survival persist, which would exclude homosexuality. So, in a evolutionary/biological context it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that homosexuality is a disease. I believe it's a sin also. But do I believe there should be laws or punishments subjugated to people based on their sexuality? No. I just like to exercise my free speech and express my honest opinion. I really am sorry if you were offended by my beliefs because you wrote me with respect and I want to know, I respect you also.


@newtreehints I have seen this and will reply ive been under the weather all week and in bed, this is my first day back at work, sorry my points have been scattered and unfinished. I will remedy all that after i get home and have some time to rest and give you a propperly thought through respones, thank you for keeping things civil. talk with you soon.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you are so woke, go after them.

Stop going after the soft targets your masters want you to, cause all you have shown me is that you drank the KoolAid and are doing the masters work.

Govts, corporations, the rich, go after them.

Cause blaming marginalised people for the woes of the word, just shows how much of a sheep you are.

PS, I'm not American, so I have no clue about your country's politicians, parties or weather, etc.

PS, I was making a joke out of you, your comments are the joke.

images (6).jpeg

I think you've represented your community quite accurately ;) thanks!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

muwah sweetheart.