The Memo Is Here......And NO IT IS NOT Hype...

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)


Folks...Fellow Americans... The memo is out and I urge all of you to read it. Familiarize yourself with its content because the Inspector Generals report is near its completion and my source is telling me that the IG report makes this memo look like a write up of an employee who stole from the cash register! The corruption if finally coming out! And for those of us who have been trying to wake the masses for years......LOL....... Man o Man!!!!! #thegreatawakening is upon us!

Sorry for the link but I don't have time to convert to text. Perhaps later this evening....

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thank what ever god you pray to. i am so happy that they are about to pull the curtain back on at least a small portion of the shady shit that has been going on.

Its small for now. The rumor is that they don't want to throw it all on us at once because it would cause chaos..but rest assured before it is all said and done with we will know about the global pedophile network as well as the alien technology that has been kept secret; anti gravity and free energy.