The Knott’s Peanuts Celebration Well Underway

in news •  7 years ago 

Buena Park, California
February 18, 2018

Knott's Berry Farm, the 160-acre theme park located in the heart of Southern California, has been taken over for the last month by Peanuts characters from Charles M. Schulz's famous comic strip, in what is known as The Knott's Peanuts Celebration.

The Peanuts characters have been running the park on the weekends, treating fans both young and old to new experiences around the historic theme park. New character experiences, fun shows, and wild food treats top the list of changes the Peanuts characters have made while in charge. You can dance with Lucy, go fishing with Charlie Brown or learn how to rope a steer with Linus, among many other different experiences not available during other parts of the year. Every where you turn, a Peanuts character is there, including the newly released character, Pigpen who is thrilling guests in the stables, the dirtiest place in the park of course!

My family and I made sure to make it to one of these take-over weekends, and had a blast with the Peanuts characters, making an always great day, even greater.





One weekend remains for you to take part in The Knott's Peanuts Celebration, and the festivities are included in the price of regular admission to the theme park. If you miss out this year, look for a similar announcement and event to happen at the beginning of 2019.


Note: This article was written for and posted to The author, brian.rrr, waives his rights to the content and original images.

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When I look at that first photo, all I'm reminded of is what a horrible human being Lucy is. Is she still terrible to Charlie Brown in this show? The look on the face of your son in all the photos is all you need to see to know that the day was a success. :)

Ha, yes she is still brutal to Charlie Brown... but that is real life right- some people are harder to love but we make the effort anyway and in the end, they can still be a close friend!

How wonderful to have the opportunity to enjoy your wonderful family experience together! and what good for people and families who can enjoy the theme park! God bless your family

Wow!!! The characters look perfect. Looks like it must have been a super fun day for you guys. Too bad they don’t have anything like that around here in Ottawa. Kinda reminds me of when we took the family to Philadelphia on vacation and visited the Sesame Street Place theme Park. The characters were amazing!!! Beautiful family BTW!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

wow, perfect karekter and happy family, always happy my brother.

Wow how cute u all of u
U really enjoyed alot 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Que bien que hagan cosas asi de salir en familia y poder disfrutar casi la ultima semana de estos grandiosos eventos que son justamente para personas mayores hasta los mas niños como dices @brian.rrr.

These Charlie Brown suits are beautiful, very well made. Your family weekend was fun @brian.rrr

greetings friend @brian.rrr, well undoubtedly you can see that it was a unique experience that you lived there, everything is incredible there is no doubt to go and share with our loved ones, I would like to go there really, yes. Great photos friend I'm glad that the allas passed very well with your beautiful family. Successes and blessings for your children, greetings

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello, what a beautiful family you have, I love Charlie Brown I love seeing his cartoons, on TV now they spend very little sometimes I see them on the internet @brian.rrr

que bonito y divertido se ve, compartir en familia es realmente maravilloso y si de hijos se trata no hay nada mejor que hacerlo con ellos... tienes una hermosa familia! saludos!

Oh I love Charlie Brown is one of my favorite cartoons, it was what I saw in my childhood. I see they had a great time as a family they enjoyed themselves @brian.rrr

it looks really good fun , and great for the family x

Hello friend, what a beautiful family you have, may God keep you and bless you. The park is very beautiful and with those characters we are children again.

Thank you. Very nice. Your article gives me a feel for what I might expect at the park.

Sounds so fun! I would love to have such an experience. Looks like a lovely and comfy atmosphere. Great job! <3

The park looks amazing. And your family looks great too. It seems that you have a lot of fun and enjoyed the day

Thats look a great celebration..

Im so like this post ...
May I resteem in my account ..
This very interest

happy to spend time with family :)