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in news •  7 years ago 

Michael Savage
Michael Alan Weiner, better known by his professional name Michael Savage, is an American radio host, author, activist, nutritionist, and conservative political commentator. He is the host of The Savage Nation, a nationally syndicated talk show that aired on Talk Radio Network across the United States until 2012, and in 2009 was the second most listened-to radio talk show in the country with an audience of over 20 million listeners on 400 stations across the United States

A few years ago Michael Savage said on a radio program something to the effect of 'Not everyone that has been diagnosed with autisim needs to be on medication.' I think that I understood what the man was trying to say, unfortunately people tried to skin him alive for the comment. I do not think that he was claiming that people exist that have autisim and thoes people should not be on medication. Instead I think that Michael was pointing to an issue that the medical community often times wants to sweep under the rug. I think that the question can be phrased -why is the rise in these dreadful diseases directly ratio-ed with the rise in modern medicine?-

I am not saying that heart disease did not exist 150 years ago, and there was proably diabetics back then...but if modern medicine is so good why is the number of diabetics that have heart disease increasing? (feel free to chime in the comments section) but in my mind at least part of the debate is simple to understand. We inject the cows with the boviline growth hormone so the cow will get nice and big, then people eat the cow and they get nice and big. Society has been telling people that they can live like there is no god...but there is a GOD and HE has established an instruction manual.

Back to what Michael Savage said, now do you think that it is possible we are stifling some geniuses? If Albert Einstein was growing up today he would proably be 'marked' as having autisim. I very much believe that some people that are seen as crazy they are possessed by a demon. And you are not going to fix demon possession with any amount of pills, in fact medication might make the situation worse.

The Florida school shooting was committed by an individual that grew up in a school system that did not want to admit that anything was black and white. The ten commandments are off of the wall, now kids are free to learn in an environment free of all moral convictions.

Communism is also free of all moral convictions, of course communism was started by a satanist.


But I dont think that people should find this information to shocking, places where communism is the law...the highest office is the state, so the state is declared god. Oddly enough Americas founding fathers fled from a king that thought that his dominion was almost as equal as the ruler-ship of CHRIST.

Modern medicine and politics both point to the fact that mankind is inherently evil

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Turn to JESUS CHRIST and live your life according to the way that HE wants you to live. Only JESUS has the answer to this life, and its obvious that mankind does not.

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