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I find it interesting why so many people care. I actually view what the players do as showing reverence for the flag. They could close their eyes, turn their backs, talk during, moon the flag, or whatever other ridiculous things people end up doing.

Instead, they are kneeling and showing some sort of reverence to the flag of their country.

It blows my mind. People, it is not disprespecting the flag. It is appreciating what it stands for while understanding there are things that need to be fixed. America may be amazing, but we have a lot of horrible bullshit that comes along with that.

To be a true Patriot, you need to understand it all.

I agree. I'm a six year US Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan and them kneeling doesn't make me feel disrespected at all. We didn't fight for a flag or a song. I think most vets would agree with me that they should be allowed to kneel. I think the whole kneeling thing is a little silly and not very pragmatic though. But who am I to judge?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well said.

Most of the so-called major American news channels have turned into flaky gossip talk shows. I'm not sure there are any real news channels left in the USA.

There's no more news, it's just propaganda and biased interpretations made by corporate-sponsored news anchors, many of whom I suspect are also on the payrolls of one or more intelligence agencies and/or government organizations.

Sad state of affairs.

FoxNews: The epitome of trash.

Faux News. For those who overdosed on "redpills" and are on a whole new level of "woke".

Always on top of current affairs. thank you @careywedler and keep up the good work.

Thanks for the kind news...i see police alwyes help to the people...
great thanks to cool news share

How bizarre. I feel for that man he has some real issue he needs to get out more. Maybe it will do him good to have some time away from the TV! 💯🐒

Speechless! Angry at these idiots who are bent out of shape before the event even occurs!cartoon-1300894_1920.jpg

Good nice

since all that show with flag and kneeling started, ive seen reactions like - they are disrespecting flag, they are disrespecting dead soldiers blah blah.. still waiting to see ‚‚they are smashing babies every time they kneel"

you have serious problem with police, and kneeling wont stop it.

its mentality issue. people who didnt care when their beloved troops are raping, killing and destroying the world, also dont care when same shit is happening around their homes and families.

except when it happen to them. then they have to stop ignoring, and they cry loud, but everyone else is still ignoring.