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Now if a jail of all places has a higher rate of rape and/or sexual assault than one tenth the average of the general population, something is seriously wrong. I hope i dont have to point out that it is roughly the reverse.
Why even have jails if people commit crimes there anyways?

Good question. I also find it funny (or not) that jails are supposed to the most airtight statist institutions yet drugs make it through and the guards often are involved in crime there (between sexual assault, abusing inmates, and participating in the 'contraband' activities). There is certainly a role for prisons in a free society, namely for violent offenders, but the current system isn't really sustainable.

Yes. While i think we both have no problem with drugs, it does seem strange to take someone to prison with people taking heroin there for 0.48g of weed.

By the way, wouldnt happen in germany, at least we dont charge people for under 6gramm under any circumstance (as long as it is for personal use) in fact at least in rural areas, cops wouldnt go after a growing operation if they got wind of it as long as nobody filed a report which forces them to investigate.
Happened to my dad, appearently the owner of the neighbouring garden is an asshole, even then he wasnt charged for it(under the condition of donating some money to an organisation that helps addicts).

This is definitely not acceptable. the full weight of the law should be brought against that officer. It will serve as a deterrent to other officers in future who would have such perverted thoughts. I feel really sorry for the woman.

Yeah, unfortunately it seems to be a failing at all levels of government (again). I think the grossest part is that, if the claims are true, other officers stood around and did nothing, though the fact that someone can be arrested for what amounts to crumbs of weed is also pretty disturbing...not to mention the rape... yup, all around detestable. :(

Wow a wonderful report. Thanks for sharing. Pleaase keep us updated for more information.

this is a tragic horrible nightmare. arresting officer needs to be terminated. jail needs to be fully investigated and thoroughly reformed in a way such that this cnnot happen again. the particular "jailer" involved in this incident needs to be brought to trial for rape