Screen Culture - Our Own Complicity

in news •  7 years ago 

While we all know Facebook is satanic and needs to go down, let's look at our own behavior for insight in how they and other satanic forces have acquired our full participation in our own enslavement. Is it time to check ourselves and make changes?

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The Sheeple are being led to slaughter


Sorry but the FAIRY TELLS that facebook was created by this kid called Mark Zuckerberg in his garage is another CIA disinfo story like LEE HARVEY OSWALD killed John F KENNEDY.
SHEEPLE will not look up.jpe


confirms what I have been posting since November


-50,000 Sealed indictments pending..Those that have fled the USA for treason,Pedophiles,Sex Trafficking.
-Department of Justice has to be eliminated and done by THE MILITARY POLICE. COURTS are under ADMIRALTY LAWS which are FREEMASONIC LAWS....COURTS OF THE SEA.
-STOCK MARKET......Adjusting.....The Old CABAL: is being pushed OUT with their FIAT MONEY!!! to a system which is based on Gold ,Silver and Mineral Backed.
-EQUIFAX sold ALL except HIGH ELITES information and blamed it on a hacker.
-DENVER AIRPORT.... 2 portals above and 1 underground. All Portals have been shut down except for Denver Airport

  • Precession of the Equinoxes which is 25,920 years has started. In the Mayan calender this is 2013 and last year was 2012,but since THE CABAL invented the Gregorian
    calender, which is 5 years OFF..they say we are in 2018. We are entering 4D were many nasty Entities live like greys and Tall greys,can be visible now.
    Once we go in higher 4D in a few months then one can be considered for 5D ..which Literally means you become an Angel..Mastering certain things like being able to Manifest,
    Seeing Heaven!! There is No must earn it!!!

This Song Reduces Anxiety By 65 Percent. Hear It Yourself

Technology also contributes to the rise of anxiety. A good number of millennials feel exposed without their smartphones — and are rarely without them. Mobile gadgets tend to be their window to the world and foster a sense of connectedness. But there’s a dark side to feeling the need to keep on top of what everyone is doing on social media — otherwise known as Fomo, or the Fear of Missing Out.
“Fomo is very real and can be a constant addiction that affects anxiety levels and a general sense of wellbeing,” says Kruger.
Social media allows us to compare everything — relationships, diet, figure, beauty, wealth, standard of living — not only with our friends, but with celebrities too. And, as research has shown, time on social media “can cause depression in people who compare themselves with others.” utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ASheepNoMore+%28A+Sheep+No+More+%29