in news •  6 years ago 

Milton William Cooper as 9/11 happened. 10 hour broadcast as the planes flew into the WTC and Pentagon September 11 2001.

Cooper warns about Alex Jones several times.

Cooper tells many times and compare about the 9/11 attack to the Oklahoma-bombing.

Unbelievable how Mr Cooper analyze what happened on this day that change the world and the history. Sadly Mr Cooper was killed later that year 2001. Probably because he could have made a big change.


00 - Most be sometime after the twin towers fall and Pentagon was hit
05 - Comments on Waco and Oklahoma-bombing and call in phone
13 - Warning of what will happen in the future martial law etc
15 - Confirms that it is not a militia operation
18 - Government know about this attack and should be respons
22 - Call from New York - Like someone knew what happened before it happened
27 - Camp David teori calm down on Palestinians and American militia
33 - Not Osama bin Laden - it's about totalitarian regime
35 - One of the worst days in the history. Just not in the United States. Freedom will disappear
37 - Call in - brief from caller tells what happened inside the the twin towers. Similar to Oklahoma-bombing
40 - Tells about plains could not have done this alone. Explosive most have been used. Compared to Oklahoma
44 -(Laugh) CIA created Osama bin Laden and relations to the Bush family
46 - Call in - Noticed Cooper attacked and moon landing. No attack by Russia or China.
52 - From the Pentagon report C-Span
55 - Makes you to believe what brought down the WTC
56 - Admiral Stansfield Turner interview. Sofiaticsted operation
59 - 1 00 sound black out
1 00 - Freedom attacked - martial law
1 05 - Freedom, predictions
1 08 - Call in. CBS
1 13 - Report. Interview Hussein Ibish. Arabs feel attacked. Oklahoma TWA 800. Conspiracy mention
1 17 - Conspiracy
1 18 - Report ground
1 20 - Cooper. Nobody will gain from this. Predictions. An attack on freedom
1.30 - Report. Hear this all day long. An attack on freedom. An attack on freedom world wide
1 30 - Break
1 54 - Break off
1 55 - Brief
1 59 - Call in. Long Island. Airspace over NYC. Poor Newyorker call in
2 04 - Cooper confirms airplanes did not bring down the towers
2 07 - The American people did not have anything to do with what happens this morning
2 10 - Call in. Pentagon
2 11 - Militia, US patron
2 15 - Attack. Pearl Harbor. New Pearl Harbor. Bombing of Dresden. Nagasaki. Hiroshima. Christianity
2 17 - (Maybe Senator Bill Nelson, Florida) Rockefeller. Increase of defense
2 18 - Break
2 37 - Break off
2 37 - Call in. Plane. Hijack. Phone call. Secondary explosions. Professional job on WTC
2 44 - Call in. Who pick the buildings. Who choice the target. Who benefits
2 49 - Call in. Attack on freedom. Bill of rights and constitution. Can't find Osama bin Laden
2 56 - Call in. Fox. Manhunt on Osama bin Laden.
3 00 - MSM calls
3 00 - Break
3 28 - Reproductions from the communist networks
3 29 - Call in. Allan Weiner WBCQ (SW) technical and Allans experience on 9/11 and WTC
4 00 - Call in finished. Communist China. NWO. Civil war in the US. Airport security.
4 00 - Doyel Shamley takes over. Cooper have a break
4 01 - Introduction - Experience of the day 9/11
4 08 - Cooper is back
4 08 - Call in. Fall of the WTC buildings. Buildings vs Planes
4 13 - NWO
4 14 - Lunch
4 14 - BBC Time Square NYC, Washington, London
4 19 - BBC Yasser Arafat other Arabs leaders
4 21 - BBC Downing Street Tony Blair
4 24 - Call in. New Jersey. Comments on the MSM. Geneva Convention. Cooper get upset
4 30 - Who did 9/11.
4 33 - Call in. How do they know the planes was hijacked. Cell-phones. Caller cut off
4 36 - Call in. Cut
4 37 - Call in. Weapons smuggles to planes.
4 45 - Break
5 09 - Bombing Kabul
5 12 - Call in.
5 15 - Call in. Florida. Militia question. Janet Reno.
5 19 - Report from FBI
5 22 - Call in. Terrorism. Osama bin Laden. How to know? 10 minutes experience
5 36 - Break
6 02 - Call in. Discuss building construction. Controlled demolition.
6 09 - Call in. No way that airplane can bring down that building. Building workers friend.
6 11 - Call in. Ask about the date or next Monday
6 12 - Call in. Fox network. Patriots. Iran. Osama
6 14 - Call in. Construction worker. Technical.
6 21 - Call in. --
6 22 - Call in. Building construction. Comments.
6 24 - Call in. Demolition explosive. Another Oklahoma city
6 26 - Call in. Gravity.
6 28 - Call in.
6 28 - President Bush Speaks
6 30 - Call in. Collapse of buildings
6 31 - Call in. Building should stand a 747
6 33 - Call in. 911 date
6 33 - Call in. Date. Camp David. Lee Robertson. In shock. See below link
6 36 - Call in. Technical radio correction. Lost the feed
6 38 - Call in. Newsmax. Chicago Tribune. Reading Lee Robertson (Leslie Robertson) - See below link
6 43 - Report Tommy Thompson White House
6 44 - Call in. K-mart ammunition
6 48 - Call in. TV stop showing collapse. Comparing Oklahoma. MSM bin Laden. Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer
6 53 - Call in K-mart
6 54 - Call in. Collapse. Jet fuel. WTC7. First time Cooper hear about WTC7. ABC news
7 03 - Call in. TV clip WTC. Pancake effect
7 05 - Call in. 1993 bomb. WTC Marriott building
7 10 - Call in. Joke
7 11 - Call in. Brainwashing campaign. Coopers predictions.
7 16 - Call in. View from the ground og WTC
7 21 - Call in. WTC 7. WTC 1 hit WTC 7. C-SPAN talk
7 25 - Call in. WTC 7. Demolition. 3 buildings on the same day
7 27 - Call in. WTC 7. Planes. Anti-terror propaganda. No clue who did it
7 30 - Call in. Joke guy call in again. TWA 800. Railroad. Joke
7 33 - Call in. Casualty account takes time
7 35 - Call in. Fall of buildings. Hit WTC 7. Airport security. Bin Laden how do they know
7 40 - Call in. Towers should only stand for 100 years. Barbara Olson. Cell phone
7 45 - Call in. Stock market. 4 planes. Operation NORAD
7 48 - Call in. Theory about Pennsylvania plane to New Jersey. Theory II.
7 54 - Call in. Theory about Pennsylvania plane. Washington Monument. Nostradamus. NWO
7 58 - Call in.
7 59 - Call in. Bomb in the lobby. Bush already knew it was a terror-attack. Who did not go to work that day
8 03 - Call in. Japanese red army
8 04 - Broadcast finished












Extended links:



Sep 11, 2001

Doyel Shamley - New World Order

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