Articles, Tweets and Links Reveal Public Reaction To US/UK Government Plans To Relocate White Helmet Terrorist Assets Within Borders Of Western Countries

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

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On July 19, 2018 Associated Press reporter Matt Lee posted the following article to his Twitter account which reveals planning by western governments to relocate the White Helmets (who are linked to al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists) to western countries in order to spare them from Syrian and Russian Armed Forces that are capturing territory back from the terrorists operating in Syria, and eliminating the terrorist threat.

The following links, Tweets and articles reveal the current events related to the White Helmets.

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The article can be found at the following link:

Screenshot below from link:

It is noteworthy that AP reporter Matt Lee knows quite well that the White Helmets are considered as terrorists by many investigative geopolitical researchers, and also that there is extensive photo and video evidence supporting such assertions. Matt Lee previously questioned the US State Department (July 2016) on the White Helmets leaders terrorist affiliations and their inability to attain visas to travel to the US due to such ties, thus the headline to his AP article should have, at a minimum, included the terms "Controversial Group". Thus, the headline misleads the general public about the real nature of the nefarious group, and for such Matt Lee should be considered as partially responsible for misreporting the truth about the White Helmets. The public deserves to know the whole truth.

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Included here are reactions to the news of White Helmet terrorists being allowed to enter western countries with the help of western government. Also included are some alternative media articles in relation to such.

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Link to PressTV article:

Screenshot from link:

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Link to article at Vanessa Beeley Patreon page:

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Link to Last American Vagabond article on the subject:

Link to Ron Paul Institute article:

At the following link the ironically named Christian Science Monitor has an article defending the White Helmet terrorists relocation plans. It is sadly ironic that the FSA/White Helmets and their associated terror groups such as al-Nusra Front, Army of Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki and others have killed thousands of innocent Christians in Syria while this online propaganda outlet has reported that they are rescuers of small children.

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CBS originally reported the story on July 15, 2018.

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Link to above image post:

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Link to above image post:

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The above shown Tweets and link can be found at the White Helmets Exposed Twitter page.

For more information on The White Helmet terrorists and Wikipedia's misinformation related to such, I recommend the following post I put together three months ago directly after the Dhouma false flag.

MSM Misinformation: Comparing the Wikipedia Page of the White Helmet Terrorists with the Actual Images From Their Own Facebook Accounts

Additional recent posts featuring reactions from investigative researchers and reporters in regards to the OPCW report released on July 6, 2018 is included here also:

Newly Released OPCW Report Reveals No Trace of Sarin or Nerve Agent in Dhouma Syria Chemical Attack Reported By The White Helmets On April 7th, 2018

Additional Tweets and Articles From Journalists and Investigative Researchers Question Aspects of OPCW Report on Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Dhouma Syria on April 7, 2018 And MSM 'Reporting' Related To Such

Caveat: WhiteHelmetsExp is the official distribution hub for posts that I compile at Clarity of Signal of which I am the official admin. Material I share at White Helmets Exposed is also compiled into posts for sharing at Steemit and other sites.

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