Heads Up! - Paul Romano from Pockets of the Future You Tube Channel Is Now On Steemit and Dtube

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Just want to give a heads up to fellow Steemians and truth seekers and let them know that Paul from the Pockets of the Future You Tube channel is now on Steemit and can be followed at the link below. If you enjoy some philosophical and spiritual analysis of world changing events then I recommend his laid back approach to discussing esoteric, symbolic and psychological matters. The You Tube purge has led to him deciding to make the jump to DTube as his main You Tube channel started getting strikes against it. Personally, I'm glad to see one more truth seeker coming onboard Steemit and helping to wake others up to what is really going on and I hope You Tube and its censorship agenda goes the way of the dinosaur over time. Please help give Paul any positive advice that may make his transition to Steemit, and adaptation to the learning curve, easier. Kind regards.


Caveat: I subscribe to no particular political side, nor a particular religion. I simply hope to help bring more and more important voices together, and to the publics attention, so that we can all work together towards making our world a much better place. Any cryptocurrency derived from this post will be transferred by myself to Paul as a welcome aboard gift after completion of the payout cycle in 7 days.

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I'm glad to see more people move from youtube to here.

I had a youtube channel and the coming strikes was a daily matter. So I no longer use Youtube and planning to switch to Dtube. Still thinking about NIche

Haven't heard of Niche. I'll check it out. I just started backing up vids on BitChute and that one looks pretty easy to use also. Here's the link to my latest post there. I'm mainly archiving important geopolitical videos and providing some written analysis in relation to the subject matter.



Niche means the topic on which you want to concentrate your videos on. I would definitely suggest you to focus on a particular or a few topics. Stay blessed.

Ok, sorry I misunderstood. Thought you were talking about a new video service.

I primarily focus on helping to reveal geopolitical false flags and support for nefarious regimes as well as war orchestrations/crimes of the global elite. Lately, I have been putting some attention into US domestic false flag events as that is where the corrupt elite seem to have now decided to focus their energy. Their use of eight year old Syrian girl Bana Alabed at the Oscars shows clearly this is now taking place here in the states.

Now Playing on Dtube: Hollywood Caught Exploiting Eight Year Old Daughter of Terrorist in Syria For Women's Empowerment Movement at Oscars 2018 Ceremony


I'm not familiar with this youtube channel. Will check it out, now he's on dtube. Upvoted & Resteemed. On another note, wanted to ask you if you got any type of response from The Intercept with regards to your statement/comment a few weeks ago?

No response there. They tend to ignore things that hit hard at home from what I have seen in their comments section. They're quite clearly making the transition into a towing the line mainstream rag, especially with Shaun King pumping out that pure divisive, agenda-driven propaganda and hit pieces. Assange seems to have exposed their pathetic expose' right back at them. I think their hit piece backfired on them. It did seem to drag Mindhawk out after me though. :) His attempt to paint me and a number of other posters (who took up for Assange) as disinfo agents went nowhere, and backfired also as he exposed himself as a disruptive shill, in my opinion.

I thought so, but just wanted to confirm. Thanks.