!!! SKYNET IS COMING. Researchers Working to Make Sure Artificial Intelligence Is a Force for Good!!!

in news •  6 years ago 

one word "SKYNET", yup, no matter how much we try to do something we MUST fail atleast one time to get it done properly.
in this case we are going to FAIL with the AI and the we will realize that theres not gonna be something like "oh doesnt matter if we have failed, well try again tomorrow", WHY? glad you asked.
if we make... correction, when we make the mistake, its gonna be it, SKYNET is gonna be lauched, and theres not gonna be JOHN CONNOR this time because he aint real, but the IA is. although i am studying to be an programmer i must say i see many things that could go wrong here, but what do i know right??? ONLY that in every interview SOPHIA ROBOT(which i truly love) tells jokes about destroying humanity.
ANWAYS im here today to show you a group of researchers working hard to make sure AI is force for good and the terminator thing stays in the movies heres just a taste of it, go see the full news at the the with the link ill provide:

"AI has plenty of success stories, with positive outcomes in fields from healthcare to education to urban planning. But there have also been unexpected pitfalls. AI software has been abused as part of disinformation campaigns, accused of perpetuating racial and socioeconomic biases, and criticized for overstepping privacy bounds.

To help ensure future AI is developed in humanity’s best interest, AI Now’s researchers have divided the challenges into four categories: rights and liberties; labor and automation; bias and inclusion; and safety and critical infrastructure. Rights and liberties pertains to the potential for AI to infringe on people’s civil liberties, like cases of facial recognition technology in public spaces. Labor and automation encompasses how workers are impacted by automated management and hiring systems. Bias and inclusion has to do with the potential for AI systems to exacerbate historical discrimination against marginalized groups. Finally, safety and critical infrastructure looks at risks posed by incorporating AI into important systems like the energy grid."

smells like TERMINATOR to me.

HERES THE <a href=https://time.com/5659788/ai-good/?mod=djemAIPro>Link

thanks for reading, upvote if you liked, comment and ill answer asap.
upvote or ill ask SOPHIA to track you and TERMINATE YOU HUMAN.
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