Crypto Cannabis, Whole Foods GMO, Digital Plates - New World Next Week

in news •  7 years ago 

This week on the New World Next Week: Weed turns to crypto to relieve the cash crunch; Whole Foods backtracks on GMO labeling; and the police get ALPR help with digital license plates.

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Cannabis, firearms and other legal businesses were all targeted to be denied access to banking services during the Obama era by a program called Operation Choke Point. Whenever I tried to mention that on other forums my comment always disappeared. Thank God for this block chain.

Corbett Report > Mainstream Fake News

Fortunately many people ARE getting to know their local farmers. Even in the red state rural area where I live, GMO is known and "hated". Yeah, there are Roundup Ready corn fields and small grocery stores that don't even have organic foods. But I have seen over the past 10 years more and more people recognizing the state of the US food supply and trying to do something about it. Even Walmart in rural areas is now carrying more and more organic food. Trying to fight the biotechs through politics is useless. Our representatives only listen to their corporate donors. So we ARE taking responsibility by growing it ourselves and/or buying from our local farmers. Protesting does not work. Taking responsibility does.

Great show fellas 👏👍🙏