UK Government Appoints "Minister For Loneliness" - #NewWorldNextWeek

in news •  7 years ago 

This week on the New World Next Week: Second false missile alert hits Japan just days after Hawaii; the driverless future advances with GM's new autonomous car; and Britain appoints a Minister For Loneliness.


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Brilliant analysis as ever @corbettreport
Many Americans are completely unaware of the Machiavellian moves the US perpetrated in order to 'acquire' Hawaii.

As for the Minister of Loneliness sighs. As an Englishmen it frustrates me just how moronic our government has become, I'm fully aware that they've been an evil presence around the world for many centuries now however this is just ascenine and just goes to show how insipid political correctness has turned them into an embarrassment.
Thanks as ever for your work mate.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's interesting how you note that the US staged a coup to over throw the monarchy in Hawaii, now we own it. Really makes you think about what we're planning to do in Syria in light of the new policy of staying indefinitely...

@corbettreport Hacks are highly likely regarding the destroyers. Especially considering the wikileaks' ''Vault7'' publication, it's actually proof that a whole arsenal of CIA's hacking tools was leaked so anybody on the dark web could have acquired this data.

Of course they wouldn't let the public know if it was a hack, just like they would never let the public know about how they lost control of their weaponized viruses. Or how the CIA have been flooding the internet with malware.

I have worked from home for over 10 years and have fleeting moments of loneliness. Then my husband comes home and talks about work, or it snows and I immediately feel grateful for my stay at home job. Since I moved to a city I also only gas up every three months! Someday I will most likely have to go out and get a 'real job' so I enjoy every minute of this.

Thanks for reminding me to turn off my 'government alerts.' I've been meaning to do that.

I would totally pitch in for plane tickets to get James to Japan! Great show, as usual. Thanks.

The UK is the most depressing place I have ever visited or seen, and when I say depressing I mean, like something is very wrong with the frequency there, makes you feel unhappy and lost.
even when you are working a full time job, by the end of the day you are thinking what am i supposed to do now except for pubs and drink myself to sleep!!

Did you go anywhere outside London? I don't think there's anything wrong with the frequency in this part of the UK for example (see pic below).
When I'm out walking I always seem to meet friendly people – if I'm not already accompanied by them! There's loads to do even in the foulest weather if you're into indoor climbing for example. Or music. Or... I could name a hundred other low-cost social activities.
Certainly speaking personally the only time I've ever felt lonely in the UK is when I worked in London, as I couldn't afford to go out and meet people and getting out of town was a major hassle - although even then I joined a cycling group, which helped me get out of town occasionally and helped me meet people.
12 Hill vista with Beinn a'Ghlo.JPG

Hello great r a best ....

wall great it like this

First they eliminate the FEELING of loneliness, then all other feelings...oh, and thoughts, they can’t have any of those simmering around. Fortunately they are tackling the latter already with mass immigration from shitholes...

As always James, great job! The UK is definitely a place where I wouldn't like to lie in, fascism takes your guns away first! This is bureaucracy to another level! False flag Hawaii is no surprise Japan also is nothing new... FALSE FLAGS ARE LIKE OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD! Fuck the government! :D

A false alarm of a missile strike has revealed a number of problems. The first and most obvious is the constant confrontation between early warning and accuracy of the alert. The introduction of additional Supervisory-level will have a negative impact on the efficiency of early warning, as everyone will be afraid of the possibility of false alarms. We will remind, in December of 1941, Washington was in no hurry to warn Hawaii of the RAID the Japanese kamikaze, as information about the many aircraft appeared on the radar, just ignored for fear of a false alarm.
Another problem is a complete lack of awareness of the population on the necessary actions in the event of a missile attack. Most of the inhabitants of Hawaii was just shocked on hearing the alarm the real alarm of a missile strike, despite the fact that all were familiar with the system operation principle and its purpose. Almost no one knew where to go and what to do.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the vast majority of cases, ordinary US citizens have no idea about the nature of nuclear explosions and deadly factors that accompany them. For an adequate response to the North Korean threat it is necessary to inform the public about the possible consequences of the strike and the emergency action and use military capabilities for protection and retaliation in case of need.
It may well be that in other States people are so little aware of how and Hawaii. This problem was identified only through a false alarm in Hawaii. Information about what is on the website of the Center for disease control in USA has information related to the effects of a nuclear attack, is not encouraging.
Complete lack of awareness of the population on actions in case of a missile strike can be compared with the failure of intelligence work. To blame every US citizen who has not used God the cognitive and analytical skills to understand the situation and take the right decision.
As an example, it is also possible to bring the attacks of September 11, 2001. Terrorists have used the same techniques that they used well before the events of 2001. Few people paid attention to it, everyone was sure that everything is under control. The current threat is much more serious, but US citizens still do not pay attention to the obvious facts.
On the other hand, Hawaii is well prepared for natural emergency situations. Preparing for a tsunami also includes the early warning system and measures for evacuation. Appropriate signs indicate which areas are likely to be in the flood zone, and what areas are at a sufficient altitude. All the arrangements for evacuation are planned in advance and communicated to the public.
Of course, the early warning system of a missile strike differs from the early warning system for tsunamis, however, many commonalities exist in the process of preparation of the population to natural emergency situations, development of evacuation plans and international cooperation. Hawaiian experience should be used to raise awareness of the population about the risk of missile threats and the measures needed to be taken in the event of a missile strike. If the United States seriously treat the missile threat, the need to "see the truth" and eliminate all bugs.

When you set up a "patsy" you set up the stage and check the script question is who will it be?

Dude. You're my s***. I've been watching you for years. What happened between you and Jan Irvin? The answer to that question is not really as important as this one: Do you speak Japanese? I feel like getting the Japanese perspective is useful for understanding global politics by synthesizing opposing opinions.

I always enjoy seeing New World Next Week in my Youtube queue on Thursday mornings.

Anyone else think GM AV1 when they talked about the Cruise AV? Brings back memories for sure.

Thank you @corbettreport & Media Monarchy for doing what you do.
I'm new to this (but have been following you two on youtube for years), but hey may be mention to James (of Media Monarchy) (again?) about [Steemit]/D-Tube?

Great reporting! History give us a glimps into "their" plans.

Some people don't want freedom they just want more comfortable enslavement. Your life skills can make you free. Give it away to computers technology and other things. Social skills who needs em. The government has a solution to loneliness as well. I don't know how anyone survived in the past without the government handling everything for them... The truth is really stranger then fiction.

Great work and reporting from the both of you as usual, I'm always looking forward to your combined newscast and you never disappoint! Thanks!