Relax, Everyone! Al Qaeda Are the Good Guys Again!

in news •  9 years ago 


Good news, gang! The Al-CIA-duh boogeymen in Syria have changed their name, so they're totally not the bad guys anymore...again.

by James Corbett

CNN aired a 3 minute segment earlier this week that can only be described as jaw-dropping. Watch it for yourself. Go on, watch it.

It's almost too unbelievable to take in what you're watching. CNN is giving air time to an Al Qaeda spokesman to talk about how they've changed their name so it's now perfectly good and logical for the West to be supporting them in Syria now.

Oops, did I say "Al Qaeda spokesman?" Of course I meant a "Jabhat al Nusra spokesman." But I guess that's "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" now. Emphasis on "sham."

No, none of this will be particularly surprising to my regular readers. Remember, after all, that it was only two months ago that the U.S. requested that Russia stop bombing Al Qaeda in Syria. ("Is the war on terror over?" asked Brandon Turbeville at the time. "Can we have our rights back?")

And no, this Qaeda/Nusra/Sham group is certainly not the only terrorist organization the US is openly supporting in Syria. In fact, US State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner was thrown for a loop earlier this week trying to answer precisely what atrocities a Syrian "rebel" group would have to commit in order to be branded a terrorist group. (Answer: Apparently beheading 10-year-old boys and launching chemical weapons attacks are gray areas.)

And yes, at least CNN does give a few seconds of lip service to the plainly obvious truth that this is a PR move by a group that's desperate for Russia to stop bombing it (and killing their spokesmen).

But cast your mind back just ten years. What do you think the average, dumbed-down Joe Sixpack would have said in 2006 if he was told that the US was going to be fighting on the same side as Al Qaeda in a foreign intervention and giving their spokesmen airtime on CNN? Probably the same response they would have given if you had told them that Al-CIA-duh and Osama Bin Laden were the "good guys" in Afghanistan in the 80s: they would have laughed in your face (or maybe punched you in the face). Even though, of course, both statements are true.

Just to put this all in perspective, Jabhat al Nusra was the organization that the neocons were busy saying were more dangerous than I-CIA-SIS earlier this year. And now they're on CNN pleading their case.

If there is anything hopeful to come out of reports like this and the Orwellian doublethink that lay behind them, it is that these terror organizations are being exposed for what they really are: branding.

Mainstream journalist Jason Burke was pointing out the basic truth about the Al Qaeda brand a decade ago. In his 2004 book, Al-Qaeda: The True Story of Radical Islam, he demonstrates how "Al Qaeda" as a terror organization with a traditional structure (including a leader and sworn members) was a convenient legal fiction created by the FBI for the prosecution of USA v. Usama bin Laden. As Burke points out, Al Qaeda's own alleged operatives had never heard of the group called "al-Qaeda." Instead, to them "al-Qaeda was a formula system for what they carried out" (the African embassy bombings of 1998).

In effect, "Al Qaeda" is a brand that was advertised by the US and the Western media after 9/11. And like any successful advertising campaign, it increased the brand's value. Suddenly every would-be terrorist, whether patsy or stooge or double agent or genuine jihadi, was using the "Al Qaeda" name. But, as former French military intelligence agent Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel famously said:

"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida[sic]. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the 'TV watcher' to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money."

But the Qaeda brand lost its luster as the US transitioned attention away from their AfPak front and moved into the Libya and Syria operations. To use the parlance of current day Holy-wood, a "reboot" was needed.

And so they briefly floated the idea of the deadly, fearsome Khorasan Group! (Are you afraid?) The lapdog media was happy to play along, pumping it up with all the appropriate buzzwords ("Worse Than Al-Qaeda!", "Worse Than ISIS!")...but it turns out that a group of 50 fighters wasn't exactly the existential threat they needed to keep people quaking in their boots. Oh, and as it turns out, Khorasan, too, doesn't actually exist.

And so we now have I-CIA-SIS. The latest, greatest terror brand, recognized and feared the world over. Every time a person is stabbed anywhere in the world the entire corporate media kicks into its 24/7 speculation cycle waiting for word that "ISIS has taken credit for the stabbing." In the case of the Orlando nightclub event, all they needed was to claim that the gay Democrat perp called 911 before his rampage to swear allegiance to ISIS, and--hey presto!--we have a terror event that justifies a further crackdown on civil rights at home and a further commitment to death and destruction abroad.

Orwell himself couldn't have devised a better system. And yet...

Doublethink has its limits. Every now and then there's a breaking point where people realize that they are being asked to believe the exact opposite of what they were previously told was unassailable truth. This CNN story may be one of those inflection points.

The real question is whether the average CNN viewer will even notice what is happening or if this will be just another three minute fluff segment to fill the space between commercials. Stay tuned.

This article originally appeared in The Corbett Report subscriber newsletter on August 6, 2016. To sign up for a Corbett Report membership and gain access to the weekly newsletter, please CLICK HERE.

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We've always been at war with East-Asia...

Orwell himself couldn't have devised a better system.

“Full Spectrum Dominance" Engdahl calls it... Talking about William Engdahl, isn't it about time for a new interview with him? I would certainly like to see a talk about China. As you have an episode calling it a part of the NWO, his latest book sees China being under attack by the NWO. Or any other topic, he is so well-read.

I can never remember if our enemy is eurasia or eastasia! Thanks for clarifying. I need to know who to direct my hate toward.

Thanks James, we are so lied to all the time and it's getting so tiresome and obvious. Thanks James! Love the truth coming from @corbettreport!

Good read .. nice, 5 hundie! Way to go .. a related post of mine made exactly 0.00 .. aka NOTHING! :) ..

Those of us who are switched on know how these things operate. This group for whatever reason is now being "normalised" because our great leaders (being sarcstic here) have deemed that they now serve a purpose for them.

As you suggest the Al-Queda boogeyman just wasn't frightening people enough anymore. That's what happens when you reuse a brand too much. There were just too many sequels and people got bored with it.

So now we have the new bad guy "ISIS" - bigger, crazier, more dangerous. People don't even need to join them to join them. They are so scary that even you could be an ISIS terrorist and not even know it (OK so that is an exaggeration but you get the point).

This is terrorism theatre and it is used to keep us in such fear that our corporate and political overlords can keep us distracted enough to keep stealing our money and curbing our freedoms, whilst we cower in fear in our self-created home prisons.

This is nothing new.

Let's just forget that Al-Queda was a creation of the CIA ( - no that is terrorist talk!) I wouldn't be surprised if certain government agencies didn't indirectly support ISIS and help bring it to prominence.

It could be considered an investment for them after all and it is certainly paying off for them now.

Far fetched? Maybe but I don't put anything past the fascist sociopaths who run most of our countries.

good to find you again, cryptofriend.
same gang here that invented 'demon' mary jane.

That's why I don't bother getting my news from the mainstream. The whole world is full of BS.

Yes, endless BS is what the MSM profits from, which is why it should be called the WSM: Waste Stream Media

@corbettreport I always found it odd when there were American made Toyota Trucks in Iraq driven by ISIS. I alway remember always finding it odd when we were "at war" with Iraq, yet there were pics. Of Bush Sr. shaking his hand. And many more other strange "paradoxes."
full $teem ahead!

The US and UK helped to arm Saddam in the first place. Even after he gassed civilians and sanctions were supposed to be imposed the arms dealers used backdoor methods to continue it which is pretty sick. It was only later that he became an official enemy. It is even alleged that he asked the US for permission to invade Kuwait (which was approved). They have a habit of building people when it suits them and then turning them into enemies at a later date. Note I don't for a moment condone any of these guys they are crazy murderous nutcases but we need to hold our governments accountable for their part in these crimes too.

We are like Dr. Frankenstein, we make our own monsters except unlike him, he loved his monster. Swing by My Blog Thanks
full $teem ahead!

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Yup. I have a feeling this bot is going to be on a lot of my posts. My work gets around!

You can get on a white list.

Please contact me on, I am anyx. :)

Just post a link on your blog back to your posts here. That is what I'm doing now and it seems to work.

cheetah bot needs to update its algorithm to detect the authors of the content too... seems to me like the same authors...

How do you propose to verify authorship of text with an algorithm?

Yup. SGT Report mirrored my article, but it is me. Do we need to start flagging cheetah bot in situations like this?

No, don't flag cheetah, she needs the power. Try to talk to her, her master usually will hear. Best idea: ask to get whitelisted.

I reported it again. I'll follow up too.. thanks

Always handling business :D

@sanzu That's why @cheetah has a white list.

There's no other easy way to code that other than a list of trusted authors. Bots aren't perfect yet and they're still far from human when it comes down to any sort of Turing analytics or testing.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

AL Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, AL NUSRA FRONT, FSA, Jaysh Al Islma, blah blah blah... you name it.

Great News, Obama is still the founder, Killary is MVP. I was really getting worried LOL

Has anyone tried to recruit the people onto Steemit?

nice to know that the danger that poses from t***ism is somewhat decreased...

and i wonder why cheetah bot is giving that msg.. the authors are the same...

It's just a bot, but it doesn't seem to work in this situation. Should we flag it?

what danger?

So is the threat from groups focused on spreading Sharia Law legit? Aside from CIA manipulation...

Note: you didn't mention the role Sunni vs Shia plays in the calculations made by the Obama admin. He appears to be full-tilt Sunni, which would be as worrisome if he were full-tilt Shia.

We are nothing but cattle to these globalists.

LOL, almost as in Treasure Island: It was
a master surgeon, him that ampytated me—out of college
and all—Latin by the bucket, and what not; but he was
hanged like a dog, and sun-dried like the rest, at Corso
Castle. That was Roberts’ men, that was, and comed of
changing names to their ships—ROYAL FORTUNE and
so on.

Just wanted to share an article (because I can't find video but I remember) this NUTJOB Foreign Minister John Baird going on the News and spreading the lies that Assad is the one that targeted his people with chemical weapons!

FYI the UN overwhelmingly said it was the "moderate rebels" after investigation!

Now John Baird works at the UN;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnV2cXQwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1471153871/RO=10/

Comparing this situation to Wag The Dog, I can't figure out if life is imitating art or visa-versa - or which is worse...

Nice work.

Good to see more good news on steemit -- it's sorely lacking.

Nice article. All good news is welcome.

I think this chess game is going to end in a all out war. Everybody is rearming/stocking up supplies.
The most likely trigger in my humble opinion will be, Crimea or east Ukraine. President Putin has already shown he's willing to move troops and fight. He's showed the west the power he has In his hands and that he's willing to use to defend his interests.