!!! Medical Voluntee Says Joel Osteen Has Armed Guards Refusing Access To Donations !!!

in news •  7 years ago 

To him which is given much, much is demanded! It's sad when servant of God forgets his primary calling and that is to serve! What Joel Osteen did by keeping the doors of the Church closed until social media raised a shit storm against him during the flooding in Houston calls into question whether he serves God or not! God will judge him in the end! I just hope he doesn't hurt the honest Christians that really want to serve God and to help their fellow men and women and children in their time of need!

I would be weary of supporting such a man until he repents!

All those donations and He's not giving access to them by the people who need them the most!

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He's a false teacher. His huge mansion and his private jets show that he doesn't know God.

Riches are not and indication of a false teacher. Abraham, Joseph, Job, all were richly blessed by God. But the bible indicates we will know them by the works! Keeping these donations under armed guard and not accessible to those in need speaks volumes!