TIANGONG 1 Space Station

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

is crashing to Earth (18090.332: 5 hours 10 min)

WARNING: This object is expected to decay around Sunday

01/04/2018 18:01:00 +/- 6 hours UTC (these predictions are provided by Joseph Remis).


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"... future satellites need to be designed with reentry as a crucial part of the mission. Active and controlled reentry – for example, by using drag sails or thrusters – could reduce uncertainties and ensure that the satellite burns completely in the atmosphere while following a trajectory carefully calculated in advance."

An illustration comparing the Tiangong-1 with a US school bus. Aerospace Corporation

"Satellites should also be designed and tested such that, during reentry, they fragment in a desired way and not cause a threat to Earth. This concept, analogous to controlled deformations in cars to protect the passengers in an accident, is known as “design for demise”. This is not something that is enforced today." - Matteo Ceriotti

@steveuk posted about this a few months ago I see

"When the craft crashes it will release toxic and corrosive materials which are said to cause nerve damage and even liver damage if you exposed to them for a long period of time. The substance that can cause the damage is known as hydrazine which can survive the re-entry to Earth." https://steemit.com/china/@steveuk/chinese-space-craft-heading-to-earth-loaded-with-a-toxic-payload

"Symptoms of acute (short-term) exposure to high levels of hydrazine may include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, dizziness, headache, nausea, pulmonary edema, seizures, coma in humans. Acute exposure can also damage the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. The liquid is corrosive and may produce dermatitis from skin contact in humans and animals. Effects to the lungs, liver, spleen, and thyroid have been reported in animals chronically exposed to hydrazine via inhalation. Increased incidences of lung, nasal cavity, and liver tumors have been observed in rodents exposed to hydrazine." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrazine

Phayzyre105 - 4 months ago (edited)

Hydrazine is HIGHLY dangerous stuff and is so bad that if inhaled if it causes the blood vessels in your lungs to burst causing you to drown in your own blood. The F-16 fighter carries a tank of hydrazine that it uses as a "get out of jail free" card in case the pilot has to leave a dangerous area real fast. When ignited with jet fuel it becomes so oxygenated it virtually triples the power of the afterburner sending the pilot out of harms way in a hurry. Unfortunately it fouls up the engine so much after the pilot lands the engine has to be removed and cleaned before being used again. That's also why every time an F-16 crashes a hazmat crew has to be sent in first do secure the area and make sure no residual hydrazine is left for the crash recovery team to be exposed to.

In the Martian, Matt Daemon tries to use Hydrazine to grow potatoes.


In a written statement, a Cords spokesman said: 'Potentially, there may be a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine on board the spacecraft that could survive re-entry.

'For your safety, do not touch any debris you may find on the ground nor inhale vapors it may emit.'


It is below 180km now.


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Hydrazine is very dangerous materiel for human body. i studied it in Pharmacology very adverse effect on our body system.

A Chinese space station named Tiangong 1 is falling to earth with a highly toxic rocket fuel called Hydrazine on board. Currently it is around 155-170km over Earth and descending.

Oh my God are we in danger??we all will die and earth will crashed??

If hydrazine does not burn up in the atmosphere, I think worrying about one Chinese space station when there are hundreds of American fighter jets using it all over the world, is not going to stop it from still being used. If it does not burn up during re-entry then it is highly unlikely that it burns up when used as afterburner boost. But of course the government will say differently if questioned about it.