Fox Interrupts Immigrant Bashing to Report Anti-Immigrant Shooting

in news •  5 years ago 

Fox Interrupts Immigrant Bashing to Report Anti-Immigrant Shooting

--Fox News has to interrupt their immigrant bashing to report on an anti-immigrant shooting in El Paso, Texas

Will this shooting cause Fox to change its tune?

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Sounds like someone hates the free press.

There's no reason NOT to be immigrant bashing.

and the more these left-wing politicians Inspire Mass Shooters the more people are going to get hurt

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lol, please leave

Hmmmm 🤔

Nah. Fuck immigrants.

the El Paso shooter directly said that he supported Universal basic income Universal Health Care and supported Elizabeth Warr

Dallas black lives matter sniper was directly inspired by Obama's anti-cop rhetoric. Heflin Alabama flew down to Dallas to go to the officers funeral instead of giving a eulogy Heat continued his anti-cop rhetoric AT THE OFFICERS FUNERAL

and that wasn't the only time Obama Inspire 2 killing. Don't forget that radical black lives matter supporter that drove from Pennsylvania to New York City for the express purpose of shooting random police.

are all of the stores that were looted and burned by black lives matter protesters thanks to Obama's rhetoric

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If we're stretching the definition of what it means to inspire people to commit horrendous acts in the ways that you do, anyone saying anything is inspiring something of some sort at all times, which might even be true, but then we're having a very abstract debate in any case.

In the end, people who conduct acts of that sort are not right in the head, and that' why they're capable of such deeds. The reason they seemingly do it is just something their mental illness latches on to. That goes for Islamic extremists, racist shooters and other kinds of mass assaulters as well.

Chances are good they'd have done something of the sort anyway, even if the particular motivation that supported their deed(s) hadn't been in their life. They'd probably have encountered something else that would have triggered the aspects of their personality that enabled, if not truly drove them to do it.

I'm not a Zeitgeist kinda person, and my stance towards anarcho-syndicalism is a rather careful one, but: The idea of a world that doesn't produce an excess of broken lives isn't all wrong, and nurturing a society where those with an intrinsic propensity towards violence are met and supported early in their struggles would certainly go a long way.

I mean if I agree. If we're stretching the definition of inciting violence to Simply pushing for a policy that the majority of Americans support and yes saying anything could be inciting violence. Realistically though inciting violence would be things like Maxine Waters telling her supporters to assault Trump

For the constant demonization I'm certain demographics by the left wing

Or when Hillary said that her supporters should not be civil. Or when Loretta Lynch told people to have violence in streets or when Eric Holder told people to commit violence. Is actually entire YouTube compilations of it.

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No, we don't hate the free press. However, we condemn propaganda outlets with a clear bias against certain demographics. Being supportive of the free press doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything and anything that's being produced within the framework of what constitutes the free press.

And, yes, there are all the reasons NOT to be immigrant bashing: They are a very vulnerable demographic, of which many have either little or nothing materially speaking, and are disadvantaged as far as rights are concerned as well. These are people like you and me, just in a precarious situation, a large demographic of people whose sole common trait is that they're migrating from one country to another. Apart from that, they're individuals with all sorts of backgrounds, values and personalities.

The only reason to be bashing immigrants in their capacity as such is bigotry, as there's nothing that connects these people except their situation. Unless, of course, your reasons have something to do with the distribution of points of origin of the immigrant demographic you're considering, in which case the same logic applies: Vastly different people, only connected by point of origin, which means, again, there's only one possible reason for bashing them: Bigotry.

well first off yes you do hate the press. And you seek Asylum some shutdown any free press Outlets that would dare criticize your party. From Fox News to Breitbart to Infowars to oan to GT GP to the nypost and all the other hundreds of outlets that you have tried to silence

say yes. You do hate the Free Press. You only support a handful of democrat Outlets that all coincidentally Raclette colluding with Hillary

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well first off yes you do hate the press. And you seek Asylum some shutdown any free press Outlets that would dare criticize your party. From Fox News to Breitbart to Infowars to oan to GT GP to the nypost and all the other hundreds of outlets that you have tried to silence

say yes. You do hate the Free Press. You only support a handful of democrat Outlets that all coincidentally Raclette colluding with Hillary

But I agree with condemning propaganda Outlets that has clear bias against certain demographics.

Such as the propaganda Outlet known as CNN. Richard going to fact Checker is hardly ever tells the truth. And it's clear bias against whitee people

now on the right you won't really find any even the slightest strain of racism. They believe all races are equal and we don't support racism against anybody. But on the left you'll find that they routinely support racism

For example the image uploaded

or when CNN's Don Lemon said that all whitee people were terrorists

Or the racist dog whistles calling the president Orange"

For the other countless examples of blatant racism Democrat propaganda Outlets like CNN The Washington Post and New York Times Huffington Post sync progress the root theintercept

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