TERRIBLE: Trump Wants to Cut ALL Funding for PBS & NPR [dTube]

in news •  7 years ago 

This is a disaster

President Trump plans to cut all funding for the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR), even though federal spending on these non-profits is negligible

Any why not?

We know that viewers who get news from NPR and PBS are some of the most informed news consumers in the country, and thus...that's not good for Trump

Your thoughts?

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It would be better if Trump cut military expenses instead.

my thoughts exactly, and as mentioned, we ALWAYS have more money for the military.

Capture du 2018-02-18 13-09-30.png

Oui exactement Trop d'armes de Guerre !!! ma Fois il y a Beaucoup de CON sur cette Planète :) :)

I wish this was fake news.

you and me both

It is already obvious that this is a very bad decision.

bad decision for the country, good one for Trump, however, for the reasons outlined in the video

The continuing gutting of funding for public broadcasting has already led to the slow corporate take over of these entities and may be the end goal for those who oppose them. A lot of programs you will hear that it is sponsored by x corporation.

Yes it has, and it's horrible.

Disaster. Closer and closer to authoritarianism and censorship.

Indeed, and too many people aren't realizing it, or paying attention

Lets increase spending by over 300 billion, but hey we are saving 400 million from the CPB!!!

I'm a loyal NPR listener. NPR isn't going to go away if the federal funds are cut off. With all that is going in the world, are NPR and PBS really a spending priority? Nah.

Great News.... Cut ALL Funding for Fake News networks that spread propaganda. Mainstream media is garage. Go President Trump!!!
Make America Great Again. Stop the retardation and brain washing of the masses.

I agree, fake news is all garage.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahahaha... I meant to write garbage


Public radio. We, the public, Should make the decision if we should pay for it, because we are the people who already for it, for us to use, for a reason.

As the author noted, "even though federal spending on these non-profits is negligible"...Trump cutting the "negligible" amount of Federal funding will not hurt either of these networks one bit. In fact, he may have actually helped them by further angering a lot of Trump-bashers who will be dashing for their checkbooks to donate more. I stopped listening to NPR a couple of years ago, but I still like a few shows on PBS, might even donate to them myself.

this is not correct at the macro level as explained in the video.

As Air America demonstrated: let the public economics determine the success or failer
PBS et al (including the followers) hate the concept of paying their own way
The success of conservative media is based on content and advertising support
As should PBS
A solution to their problem: be fair and balanced = represent ALL of the public; not merely liberals/progressives...and survive on ad dollars like the rest...

Well borrowing money from China in order to wage wars is acceptable, but borrowing a fraction to inform the general public ... No, we do not need informed citizens, we need dumb sheep that we can shear, and maybe milk ... and then they still have things to extort, if you get hungry ...

information only from liberal view, censoring conservative views...
is NOT being informed
it is propaganda

and doing only the other way around, and only funding THOSE outlets is NOT propaganda?
By the way, programs that teach about science (I think there are a few on PBS) are informative, and not propaganda. If you think they are, then please throw away your pc's, tablets and mobile phones ...

much is
much is not
the prime problem is
the abject avoidance of conservative viewpoints
married to
the abject persistence of presenting Progressive liberal viewpoints
without ballance
God bless you my friend

Salut , je ne vais pas tous Traduire !!!

Alors je poste ici ,, tu a ou les information sur le MINING ??? - merci


Capture du 2018-02-17 17-54-25.png

Hi, I will not all Translate !!! So I post here, you or the information on the MINING ??? - thank you greeting

Dude @davidpakman. No words. Thanks for sharing. Following.

It's funny how Trump continually makes ham-handed statements on how smart his brain is, and how he has a good education, and how only he can solve our problems.

Then we see this. Trump seems to hate anything to do with education. I mean real education, not his version of it: coming up with a swindle to defraud people of tens of thousands of dollars to obtain a worthless real estate "degree" at Trump University. And why is this a surprise from a guy who hates reading anything more than four pages long? Just give him bullets on half a page ... and pretty pictures ... and headlines flattering him personally. He's not a leader. He's the guy we all laughed at in college because he boasted about himself, yet couldn't handle the homework assignments or exams.

Trump is the sleaziest guy who ever made it to the White House, by such a large measure that future generations will condemn us for it. And as long as there are people propping up that fool, we're stuck with it.

Past due
why should all of America pay for the propaganda & anti-conservative views of less than half of our citizens.
Progressives, liberals, secular humanists etc should learn to finance their own media just as conservatives do.
just a thought

Awesome politics means planning for one's own happiness that is politics.In our society there should be no diplomacy,no politics everyone should be eager how to do good to others.Politics is the art of looking for trouble,finding it everywhere diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies...
stay blessed:):)

What is that....

Very disappointing news to hear, but not surprising.


great work keep it up..politicians do what they need to do to retain power. when you see a monkey throwing pops you go thats what monkey do but what i wish the media would do more frequently is say bad monkey politics have no relation with morals..

stay blessed and keep sharing..

It is the start of controlling the masses and that is frightening