VIDEO: Saudi Spokesman Tells Least Believable Story of All Time

in news •  6 years ago 

VIDEO: Saudi Spokesman Tells Least Believable Story of All Time

--In a totally delusion, out-of-this-world interview on Fox News with Brett Baier, Saudi Arabian Minister of Foreign Affair Adel al-Jubeir tells the least believable story of all time about what happened to Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi

What do you think really happened?

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guy goes into a place where there is reason to believe he wasn't well liked. People with the skills to make someone disappear are also there. He doesn't come out. Motive and method are all there. Their stalling for investigation are pretty obvious. I doubt the US will do jack about it, unless Saudi Arabia announces that it will no longer be trading oil in USD. We are so in their pocket it's comedic.