Earthquake, Magnetosphere, Iceberg
Decline of solar wind, so probably going to see clouds move on.
Significant quakes during the quake watch.
- 6.4 magnitude at Papua New Guinea
- 5.9 magnitude off of North Korea
Watch will pick back up in another day as another coronal hole starts to face earth.
Earth's Magnetosphere vs the rest of the Solar System planets Magnetosphere
Massive/Giant/Gigantic iceberg breaks off news media's hard-on for Global Warming caused incidents. It wasn't caused by climate change, but I know a guy who has an idea and another who can fund that crazy idea.
On a side note, the southern ocean will be a little less salty, which means it will get cooler.
Southeast Asia still getting hit hard by rain. Kashmir, India and Pakistan building collapse.
~ Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers ) at
I am not affiliated with Ben Davidson or his work. I am a subscriber to SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel.
*Space Weather News
*Quake Watch
*Earth Changes - mobile app