Suspicious 0bservers Daily News for 24 July, 2017

in news •  7 years ago 

CME Tracking, Quake Watch, Cosmic Rays

If you missed yesterday's Suspicious 0bservers daily news, don't worry, the lights will stay on for today.

Earth facing Sun disc is not doing much is happening. Not much in solar flaring or solar wind issues to worry about. A small geomagnetic storm happened and went away.

It looks like Mars might have took two CMEs. One that barely glanced Mars and the big one that was probably an X-Class CME. If it launched towards Earth, today would not be a good day.

  • Central northern states will probably see the big storms in Canada.
  • Southern states should get more rain.
  • Europe looks like it will get possible flash flooding soon in the central area.
  • Down under, nothing to worry about tonight, but there will be incoming rain

In other news information

  • 7-9 month lag between solar activity change and galactic cosmic rays change.
  • Io has a ton of volcanoes and a bunch of nice auroras.

After the Sun fell asleep, it is believed it would take 7-9 months before the cosmic rays start increasing, which would start the increasing of cloud cover, which leads to cooler temperatures and more severe weather. If you are new to the coming Ice Age due to the Grande Solar minimum information, I suggest you go over to Ice Age Farmer and watch this video Grand Solar Minimum: Fake Science? 5min intro to Literature. You will learn that models back in the 1980s correctly predicted the rise in temperatures and the the quiet in 2012 to the cooling we are getting now.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an unusually large release of plasma and magnetic field from the solar corona. They often follow solar flares and are normally present during a solar prominence eruption. The plasma is released into the solar wind, and can be observed in coronagraph imagery.

cosmic rays are a highly energetic atomic nucleus or other particle traveling through space at a speed approaching that of light.

~ Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers ) at
I am not affiliated with Ben Davidson or his work. I am a subscriber to SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel.


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More Power to the Minnows!!

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We will be observing the Solar Eclipse from Oregon this year. I am wondering if it is possible to actually see a CME or solar prominence should one occur during a total eclipse?

Like a aurora, but in the wrong place?
That would be some crazy stuff.

Nice post! For the record, I have that "5 min intro to literature" on DTube as well ;-) ::