Florida School Shooting - False Flag Operations - PSY OP - Nikolas Cruz

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

News Alert! Florida School shooting is another premeditated false flag in America. Another great deception.

The primary objective of a false flag is to deceive in such a way that the activities appear as though they are being carried out by another person(s) or group(s), other than those who actually planned and executed it.

The School shooting in Florida was something that could have been avoided. There is proof that the FBI was made aware of Nikolas Cruz and the threat he was, yet failed to take any action. Why? Simple... they knew he was a ticking time bomb and enabled him. This is a big distraction to take focus off the damning FISA Memo that was just released, among many other major scandals weighing heavy on the deep state right now.

An interesting similarity in the Florida shooting is that the School was named after, Marjory Stoneman Douglas. She was known as the "Grande Dame of the Everglades" and she fought hard against the "Draining of the Swamp" in the Florida everglades. On the other hand, Trump's motto "Draining the Swamp" is well known for exposing corrupt individuals in Government and we have seen a remarkable amount of scandals come to light since Trump took Office. Especially with the recent release of the FISA Memo. Are they sending a message? Is this a retaliation for declassifying the Memo and releasing it to the public?

Another interesting fact about the Florida shooting is the Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel is a member of "Hillary for America". This is the same Man that was interviewed for the shooting.

We have already seen a big push from the left calling for swift gun control, just as they planned. Soon they will call for the destruction of the School building, to destroy all evidence.

This reminds us of the Sandy Hook School shooting with all the repeat crisis actors involved.

This was all part of the plan. After the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut passed strict gun laws just as the Democrats wanted.

How about the big one... 9/11? It was instantly deemed a terrorist attack, FBI took total control and America was spoon fed all the details through the main stream media. WTC7 is proof of a controlled demolition and cover up.

How about that chartered train carrying many GOP lawmakers to a Republican retreat and how it struck a garbage truck in West Virginia?

Fluke accident?

This new event in Florida is also an attempt to bury the failed Las Vegas shooting story and the how the "lone shooter" used his bump stock to kill many concert-goers that night. This story totally fell apart almost immediately after it happened. The FBI of course took over and forced the local law enforcement to say/do as they demand and it was clear to see on TV.

Almost all the evidence was also destroyed once the FBI took possession of it, especially of video of the helicopter shooting down on people that night.

The MSM is the the heart of these operations by broadcasting fake news and getting people to believe how and why it all played out. Then they start pushing their solutions and how they think this should effect the future. Well, the media are just puppets. They are not allowed to have personal opinions. The top brass call all the shots. Things are definitely changing though, people are waking up to this manipulation.

How about you trying for yourself... Google search "crisis actors Florida" or " is Uranium One Real?" and "Snopes" will be in the top 5 results stating it's FALSE. This website is complete garbage and Google search results puts them at the top for a reason. This is planned in advance, they know certain words will be searched after an event. So these search engines like Google, will force you to see what they want you to see and bury the facts.

Starting to see how this all works now? False flag event, FBI takes over, main stream media fed the exact fake news to report on, internet search engines manipulated, social media manipulation, spread panic/fear... America brain washed = Psy Op.


  • Remember that a false flag does not imply the event never happened and we definitely are not saying these events didn't ever happen. We are saying it's a whole lot more than meets the eye.


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