Maxine Waters - The Most Crooked, Corrupt and Racist Democrat in America

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is the face of corruption. This is the face of a racist black woman that threatens the President of the United States of America directly with her childish rants. She is not well liked in her own district, that is poverty stricken and ironically she lives outside of her district in a lavish $4.5M home.

She is beyond corrupt. She is a disgrace to America.

People are now fed up with her lies and how she is padding her own pockets.

The people who see through her corruption and have had enough agree, she should not be representing anyone, anywhere in America. She is nothing but dirty scum. #Impeachmaxinewaters

One fact about the corrupt witch Maxine, in 2012 she was charged with multiple ethics violations related to her meddling in minority-owned OneUnited Bank.. the Bank in with her husband owned stock. Mad Max's office personally intervened and lobbied the Treasury Department in 2008, OneUnited received $12 million in federal TARP bailout money... despite another government agency concluding that the bank operated “without effective underwriting standards” and engaged “in speculative investment practices.” She's been prosecuted 4 times for fraud, yet somehow slithers away unscathed. This was in the Obama era and now her corruption is getting attention. Her time is up and people are speaking out. She blames her demise on a Russian twitter troll, but we all know this trash is going out to the curb.

Time to take out the trash.

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