The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World

in news •  7 years ago 

Someone deserves some credit for drawing up this graph.

An article written by Ashley Lutz on Business Insider link here

According to Ashley Lutz the graph was found on facebook and should be taken with a grain of salt because of how easy it is to trace an individual to a corporation. The graph also does not specify the influence each member had in the company and it is difficult to follow the lines.

xlarge (2).jpg

A better quality image to zoom in here

Companies That Should Not Be Included

At least one of the companies listed in the graph does not exists any longer. SOHIO, logo as seen in the image below, was bought up by BP and the logo was replaced as far back as 1989.

According to dantiques (link here):

BP replaces the red, white and blue Sohio ovals, once the most recognized logo in the US, with redesigned BP shields 'with an emphasis on the colour green'.BP gets a single Brand Name Wall Street Journal Jan. 6, 1989


If you find more listed in the graph let me know in the comments below.


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Have you herd of the tie between the Bilderberg group and the rise of Blockstream's takeover of Bitcoin? On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group. Ref.

The second half of last year, Blockstream basically sky-rocketed the fees of Bitcoin BTC transactions to push people towards the Lightning Network: Ref. As that began to happen, many of the older developers of the original bitcoin decided to hard fork off into Bitcoin Cash in an attempt to honor the original White Paper of Bitcoin. Roger Ver, the so called "Bitcoin Jesus", became a strong proponent of Bitcoin Cash and has since been attacked by many in the bitcoin community for simply supporting Bitcoin Cash and the original intention of the White Paper to keep the fees low. That has blown me away to see the community get so divided over what to me seemed so logical.

Even though Bitcoin fess have come back down somewhat, they are still the highest Ref.. These facts are why if I ever have to go through bitcoin, it is only temporary. There are so many better second and third generation cryptocurrencies which have real utility compared to bitcoin.

I've been telling people about Blockcstream but fanatics don't realize anything. BTC Core and supporters are acting a lot similar to commies. The tactics are the same. Their behavioral patterns are the same. Take a look at these (especially the comments)

I wonder why @rogerkver isn't switching for a better project like Dash or PIVX. i mean I'm impressed with the recent BCH hard fork. But Dash has been having InstantSend, A treasury, PrivateSend and Governance/masternodes since 2014. Switching looks easier for me.

I completely agree, @vimukthi. I think @rogerkver, being an intelligent guy has his investments spread out into many projects, such as Dash and others. I think because he invested in, he probably feels a certain loyalty to Bitcoin Cash, because it's attempts to honor the original bitcoin White Paper. In fact I recall him mentioning Dash and several others in one of his videos after being asked what others he supports.

In fact I recall him mentioning Dash and several others in one of his videos after being asked what others he supports.

I had this video shared on my 7 months old post:

@rogerkver is one of the best people in the crypto-sphere at the moments. He has a good business mind and a sensible head with right priorities.

I totally agree with you on @rogerkver. He's one of the main ones whose practical common sense communication sold me on bitcoin several years ago.

It is like playing a game with all your friends for to long @vimukthi after a while you feel like you have to stay otherwise you will disappoint everyone.

Thanks for the share man

I respect @rogerkver for standing up for Blockstream and idiot backward devs. But he could have easily earned the same respect from me if he switched and show the world that one needs to embrace change. Evan Duffield made Dash because he was frustrated with getting his ideas implemented on BTC. @dan moved on twice each time adding something new to the world.

I think the best part of @rogerkver's actions is that it's a slap on the BTC dominance. I've been cheering for BCH from Day 1 because it could help people realize the flaws of Blockstream even more.

I really really respect Roger Ver (@rogerkver) for standing up to Blockstream too. It took balls to stand against such ridiculously nonsensical trolling for his stance for as basic of business logic that exists to keep transaction prices low and service utility fast. There's no doubt in my mind that those trolls, many of whom are highly respected in the bitcoin community, were all financed as part of an elaborate scheme to divide and concur the entire explosive growth in blockchain technology to allow the central bankers time to play catch up and develop their own version for a new world currency. Seeing well respected names in the space, such as even Max Keiser, criticize Roger and BCH, is what bothers me the most. I can't help but wonder if he does that because he's been paid off to do so or if he's really that naive to be played like a pawn in this game.

I feel more or less the same for @dan, as it would appear the same "divide and concur" tactics have been implemented in steemit too, but I do have my reservations as to why @dan has done so many downvotes on people here after making his own stance on the corruption of steemit. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and research that a bit more in detail, as I suppose it could be something similar to the trolling Roger had to endure and/or maybe he just got caught up in some emotions a few times for whatever reason. I'm certainly looking forward to his EOS project and building a better second generation of what he built in steem. With all the issues of steem, it should be easy to learn from the many mistakes and make something far better.

Excellent comment. As for the Bitcoin Core this Reddit confession is a must read:

@dan downvoting Berniesanders accounts was pretty justified. That guy is a complete cancer to the platform with over 50 sock puppet accounts with his POW mined STEEM Power. i'd like to give @dan benefit of the doubt and a person could occasionally make impulsive decisions. As long as the actions do not have a big impact, I'm willing to overlook them.

the only major problem I have with @dan is is commitment to Radical Transparency which I've talked about here:

I also had some good discussions on the comments of this article:

Brilliant info and links to posts. Thanks for sharing this valuable info. On the @dan downvotes I went and found a whole slew of posts others had made about it, but in all honesty, I never went that deep into connecting them. I knew he was the one who nuked berniesanders, as @guiltyparties, who basically runs @steemcleaners told me in one of my posts on the downvote problems of steemit. And while bernie was the first to welcome my first comment on steemit a few months ago, I certainly had seen some of his more wilder posts and comments too. In fact I even posted screenshot of one in I think my last downvote post telling my story of what happened to me. So I have to admit I have a soft spot for the victimization of downvotes, being one myself. But certainly I saw and screenshoted a bernie commented where he stepped way over the line even after he had been nuked down to -16.

But my common sense attitude does give the benefit of the doubt to @dan in hopes he will create a far better version of steemit on the EOS blockchain. And I agree with you 100% on your points on the issue of transparency.

Good point, @dpl. I agree he's being loyal to the original bitcoin vision, which is clearly aimed for in the Bitcoin Cash project. I'll have to come back and give an upvote once my voting power recharges. :)

just accidently bumped into your comment. im glad to see you're still here with us buddy :)
didnt hear from you in a while and i started to worry a little bit


Hugh? I replied to several of your recent comments and your last post 2 days ago, but you haven't replied there yet. I saw you got millions of comments and I figured it must have gotten lost in the mix. It's interesting seeing you post here under this thread. Did you read the above comments? I'm curious what your take is.

i've send you few emails lately and you didnt reply to any. that what made me worry a little bit.

I tested sending memo 5k people with invitation to my latest topic. Results are quite great. Worth trying.

Im trying to reply each one of comments and sometimes i have delays, but I think i hardly miss any. at least i hope I dont.

I dont have really any intake or anything to add to this topic. was just checking dpl recent posts. figured that it's a good piece of work but not much into my current intersts. Wanted to leave upvote as a way to support author and noticed you.

I hope you're receiving my emails. take care buddy

I saw the memo and that's why I went and commented, which I guess you still haven't found yet. I just looked and it seemed you skipped it, but no biggie though. You'll find it sooner or later... :) I haven't seen any emails, though. That's strange. Maybe they got picked up in my spam or filters. I'll try to look into that tomorrow or sometime this week. Take care.

please have a look at it

today I replied to one of older emails. so you should receive 3-4 my messages already by now.

hope you can find them :)

Still not seeing them, Piotr. I know you haven't replied to most of mine the last month or so. Maybe it's tied to the GDPR, which took place last week, but has been messing with everything the last several weeks now. I don't think I've ever seen such confusion and chaos online caused by new mega regulations of the internet since the early 90's when they rolled out domain names. I even lost most of the internet a day or 2 last week too.

@positivesynergy any chance you could write some email to me? or perhaps try to check spam box?

Wow! Thanks for the share @positivesynergy

I try my utmost best to do as much research as possible to be informed on the crypto subject but I just can't get to it all. I really appreciate your comment. Thanks a million!

Thx for another informative post @dpl. Easy to read.

Please continue up with creating interesting content - it may be hard at the beginning to build reach and solid followers base.
Steemits needs solid content builders so just dont ever give up! :)

Already followed and upvoted :) Cheers,

Indeed, and look who it all leads to!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the image @funbobby51

You don't perhaps have a link to this information. I can't seen to be able to zoom in in this one.

here you go
note the guy on the top row left.

I keep on saying that we are living in a movie!