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I could list all the things wrong with this stuff going on, but let's just start with a simple one. These people have too damn much time on their hands.

I have also seen children successfully surmounting the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul.

- Mahatma Gandhi

it isn't enough to defend ourselves from these leftist parasites; they have to be driven out of our public institutions, or they'll just do the same thing as soon as we turn our backs again

Therein lies the do we rid ourselves of these malicious twits?

It's too late. Once these 'rights' have been taught, it's a downward spiral. It's already compulsory material for college/university students to study (i.e. agree with) and children are already being indoctrinated with this stuff. The key word here is "already" - there's no way back apart from society learning after-the fact. Only when other cultures rise above Western ones, will society realize the great mistake that has been made.

the tree of liberty

  • Information War
  • Decap strategy - legally applied as morality demands
  • An understanding that most people don't care one way or another, and realistic approaches based on that fact

i like post and keep it up